Saturday, January 24, 2009


"When we learn that real wisdom comes directly from our Higher Power, we no longer seek knowledge through the senses to discriminate between illusions; nor do we depend on experience for instruction. Real wisdom does not come from the experience; experience can only tell us how it feels to live in illusions and overcome illusions; but it tells us nothing about how it feels to live in the real and ascend into the greater and the greater of the life real."
~Christian D. Larsen
I open my mind and receive the wisdom.
Dear God,Sometimes I feel stuck in a loop of analyzing my life and experiences.If I could figure things out on my own, I would have done so already.Lift me above this trap of the past.I open my mind and heart to Your spirit now.Reveal Your wisdom in me that I might live the life You intend me to live.Establish a path before me that I can understand and follow.I follow as You lead.And so it is.Amen

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