Saturday, January 31, 2009

Spiritual Purpose

“We live in a world of breathtaking material plenty. That has freed hundreds of millions of people from the day-to-day struggles, and liberated us to pursue more significant desires: purpose, transcendence, and spiritual fulfillment.” ~Daniel H. Pink
My life is filled with spiritual purpose and fulfillment.

Dear God, I am so blessed and cared for by Your infinite supply in my life. I am grateful for the ease with which my basic needs are fulfilled. I have more time and energy to give to my spiritual unfoldment. Thank You, God, that I can make my priorities forgiveness, meditation and service to others. And, thank You, God, for the opportunity to live for spiritual purpose. Amen

Friday, January 30, 2009

Choose Love

"If we truly believed that love is eternal, we would heal our relationships rather than kill the perceived enemy. We would eliminate the desire to attack ourselves or anyone else when difficult issues surface. We would understand that unless we heal through love, the same problems will keep reemerging." ~Aeeshah Ababio-Clottey & Kokomon Clottey
I choose to live the path of love.
Dear God, I believe that love can right every wrong and transform every hurt. I believe that I am capable of loving everyone around me. I believe that we can have a real and lasting peace on this planet. I believe that I can express more of You than I have been. I believe that You are love, continuously seeking to express in our lives. I believe that it is possible for humanity to move beyond our fears. I believe that change starts with me. Help me live what I believe, today. And so it is. Amen

Buddhist Wisdom

The dharma is such that it cannot be attained by groping or searching about. In the realm of seeing, knowledge perishes. At the moment of attaining, mind is surpassed.

-Dogen, "Moon in a Dewdrop"

Monday, January 26, 2009

Power Of Choice

"It is not God's function to create, or uncreate, the circumstances or conditions of your life. God created you, in the image and likeness of God. You have created the rest, through the power God has given you. God created the process of life and life itself as you know it. Yet God gave you free choice, to do with life as you will."~Neale Donald Walsch

Guided by Spirit, I chose my thoughts and words carefully.

Dear God,Thank You for the power to choose again. My intention is to express love in every way that I can. Guide the choices I make today. In the quiet of meditation, I rest in and through You. May Your essence permeate my thoughts, actions and words. I know that You are with me always. I accept the gift of this new day with gratitude and joy. And so it is. Amen

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Buddhist Wisdom

This mind is an uncertain thing. This body is uncertain. Together they are impermanent. Together they are a source of suffering. Together they are devoid of self. These, the Buddha pointed out, are neither being, nor a person, nor a self, nor a soul, nor us, nor they. They are merely elements: earth, water, fire and wind. Elements only!

-Ajahn Chah, "Bodhinyana"

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Urgent Prayer request


Hold Kaye and Taylor in our arms and send them love and comfort.

A New Semester

Aloha my precious Boardies

A new semester has begun and I am very busy. It is difficult for me to get to the board everyday. Please bear with me, I will get to all of you as soon as I can.

By May I will be a certified counselor, I need to take a state board exam and them I'm good to go . I will then focus on completeing my associates degree. Nothing we want is impossible to attain.

I appreciate you all deeply and as always, am honored by your repsect and trust.

Much aloha,


"When we learn that real wisdom comes directly from our Higher Power, we no longer seek knowledge through the senses to discriminate between illusions; nor do we depend on experience for instruction. Real wisdom does not come from the experience; experience can only tell us how it feels to live in illusions and overcome illusions; but it tells us nothing about how it feels to live in the real and ascend into the greater and the greater of the life real."
~Christian D. Larsen
I open my mind and receive the wisdom.
Dear God,Sometimes I feel stuck in a loop of analyzing my life and experiences.If I could figure things out on my own, I would have done so already.Lift me above this trap of the past.I open my mind and heart to Your spirit now.Reveal Your wisdom in me that I might live the life You intend me to live.Establish a path before me that I can understand and follow.I follow as You lead.And so it is.Amen

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Divine Assignment

"Each one of you has been called. Every individual soul has work to do. None can do the work of another. Each must do his or her own work. Therefore, we say, accept it, my child: accept the task laid before you and pray to the Great Spirit that you may not fail."
~White Eagle

I have a divine assignment.

Great Spirit, I have heard Your call and I am willing to respond. I appreciate the gifts You have given me and I place them at Your command. Use me God. Let my purpose be Your purpose. Fill my life with courage and strength and fill my heart with love. By Your hand, I am able to do what is mine to do. And so it is. Amen

Monday, January 19, 2009

Re: Decisions

Um..minor detail ;)

This is GMR (circa Oct'07-Aug'08). He's doing a please take me back, I was an idiot, I know what I want now- it's you.

He's doing a good job (remorseful words, looks of adoration, tears), that's why I'm bringing you in... I'm trying to decide if he's worth the energy.


"All this is simply to say that all life is interrelated. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality; tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. As long as there is poverty in this world, no man can be totally rich even if he has a billion dollars. As long as diseases are rampant and millions of people cannot expect to live more than twenty or thirty years, no man can be totally healthy, even if he just got a clean bill of health from the finest clinic in America. Strangely enough, I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. You can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be. This is the way the world is made."
~Martin Luther King, Jr.

From his commencement speech "The American Dream" delivered at Lincoln University on June 6, 1961 and reprinted in: A Testament of Hope

Buddhist Wisdom

Subhuti said: "If I understand correctly, one who wishes to reach perfect wisdom should study the way things are in the world and should practice the perfections fully and in depth but should not believe them to be ultimately real, nor should he make concepts and doctrines out of them."The Buddha replied: "Just so, Subhuti. The one who contemplates existence in this way knows the nature of the conditioned and of the unconditioned and makes himself an expert in pointing out the truth to others, both with words and without words."Subhuti asked: "But is this just for the wise and the intelligent?""No, indeed," replied the Buddha. "This is open to all, even to the dull witted and to those who can't pay attention. The door is open to anyone who wants to tread this path--but not to the person who is lazy and indifferent."



Aloha Rose,

My boss just got back from Kona Hawaii and I have some of their delicious coffee! Its like a fine wine.

I am curious about something. My sons father gave up his weekend with his son saying he was on business travel. I happen to think he is vacationing in Aruba. 5-3-59 SYZ do you think I am right?

Love ,


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Buddhist Wisdom

This itself is the whole of the journey, opening your heart to that which is lovely.
Because of their feeling for the lovely, beings who are afraid of birth and death, aging and decaying, are freed from their fear.
This is the way you must train yourself: I will become your friend and an intimate of the lovely.
To do this I must closely observe and embrace all states of mind that are good

.-Samyutta Nikaya

Thoughts Manifest

Thoughts are things” according to Charles Fillmore. Is it our ability to think and to reach beyond the human form that determines the quality of our lives? Thoughts are things. Thoughts create things. Thoughts shape things. Thoughts become ultimately, tangibly real.~Sir John Templeton

My mind is perfectly aligned and attuned with God within me.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Group Meditation Sunday!

Aloha my Wonder Women (and any Super Men out there in silence)

Please join me in our monthly meditation meeting tomorrow 1/18 at 5pm Hawaii Time.

The mutual intention the elevation of our consciousness for the benefit of the entire Universe.

See you on the signal line


In the Depths of Winter

"In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer."~Albert Camus

The Spirit of God within me is mighty and strong.

Dear God,

Although it is cold and stormy in the outer world, Your presence within is peaceful and warm. In silence, we are renewed by the power of Your love. You are the core and center of our lives. Thank You for the gentle strength that fills us as we turn to You. Amen

Friday, January 16, 2009

Please Wake - Up

“Each day is a special gift from God, and while life may not always be fair, you must never allow the pains, hurdles, and handicaps of the moment to poison your attitude and plans for yourself and your future. You can never win when you wear the ugly cloak of self-pity, and the sour sound of whining will certainly frighten away any opportunity for success. Never again. There is a better way."

”Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage, and confidence.”

Og Mandino

"Flowers Fall"

To study the Buddha is to study oneself. To study oneself is to forget oneself. To forget oneself is

to be enlightened by the myriad dharmas. The be enlightened by the myriad dharmas is to bring

about the dropping away of body and mind of both oneself and others. The traces of

enlightenment come to an end, and this traceless enlightenment is continued endlessly.

-Dôgen, "Flowers Fall"

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Buddhist Wisdom

Now, there are many, many people in the world, but relatively few with whom we interact,

and even fewer who cause us problems. So, when you come across such a chance for practicing

patience and tolerance, you should treat it with gratitude. It is rare. Just as having unexpectedly

found a treasure in your own house, you should be happy and grateful to your enemy for

providing that precious opportunity.

-His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Buddhist Wisdom

Hands restrained, feet restrained speech restrained, supremely restrained--delighting in what is inward, content, centered, alone: she's what they calla monk.

A monk restrained in his speaking, giving counsel unruffled, declaring the message and meaning: sweet is his speech.

-Dhammapada, 25, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.

Prayer Circle for Kaye and Taylor

Please continue to keep my son, and our family, in your thoughts.

Prayers for as long as you need them Kaye and Taylor

Monday, January 12, 2009

A Message from Guruji

Look, whatever things you do, do it in a positive way, in a happy mood, You have to create positive vibrations. Don't be always so tense. Just try to be more relaxed when you (meditate). Pray to Guru (Your Higher Power) for that. (Your Higher Power) is always with you. In every moment (Your Higher) is giving you life. Whenever you take in a breath, that (Higher Power) is within you.

Group Meditation

Aloha Boardies

Trevina has reminded me about the Boardie Meditation. Okay next week Sunday, January 18th at 5 pm. I will meet you in space.

Our intention: May we be relaxed and positive through out our lives.

"See" you there and then.


Buddhist Wisdom

Drinking the Dhamma, refreshed by the Dhamma, one sleeps at ease with clear awareness & calm. In the Dhamma revealedby the noble ones, the wise person always delights.-

Dhammapada, 6, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Group mediatation

Next week Saturday is the third saturday of the month.
What are we focusing on?
same time?

Unity Reawakening: The Promise! - Abundance

Charles Fillmore says “Do not say that money is scarce; the very statement will scare money away from you. Note that the only difference between the words scare and scarce is the one letter, “c.” Do not say that times are hard with you. The very words themselves will tighten the purse strings until Omnipotence Itself cannot slip a dime into it. Do not allow one empty thought to exist in your mind but fill every nook and corner of it with the word “plenty, plenty, plenty.”
~Norman Vincent Peale

Affirmation: I am in the flow of God-life and I prosper with ease.

Higher Power,Your presence in me is an unlimited fountain of Divine energy, out from which streams all of the abundance, all of the rich goodness that I deserve as Your creation. I am at one with my infinite source. You are that infinite source. And I am plentifully blessed! Amen

Go With The Flow

Let go of fear and your need to control. Relinquish anxiety. Let it slip away, as you dive into the river of the present moment, the river of your life, your place in the universe.
Stop trying to force the direction. Try not to swim against the current, unless it is necessary for your survival. If you've been clinging to a branch at the riverside, let go.
Let yourself move forward. Let yourself be moved forward.
Avoid the rapids when possible. If you can't, stay relaxed. Staying relaxed can take you safely through fierce currents. If you go under for a moment, allow yourself to surface naturally. You will.
Appreciate the beauty of the scenery as it is. See things with freshness, with newness. You shall never pass by today's scenery again! Don't think too hard about things. The flow is meant to be experienced. Within it, care for yourself. You are part of the flow, an important part. Work with the flow. Work within the flow. Thrashing about isn't necessary. Let the flow help you care for yourself. Let it help you set boundaries, make decisions, and get you where you need to be when it is time. You can trust the flow, and your part in it. I will go with the flow. - Melanie Beattie

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Friday, January 09, 2009


"Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself, and know that everything in life has purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from."

~Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Affirmation: I am in the perfect place at the precise time.

Holy One, In the silence, You speak loudly and clearly. Thank You for Your peaceful presence. Please speak to us, we are listening.

Buddhist Wisdom

Fields are spoiled by weeds; people, by passion. So what's given to those free of passion bears
great fruit. Fields are spoiled by weeds; people, by aversion. So what's given to those free of aversion bears great fruit.
-Dhammapada, 24, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Buddhist Wisdom

He who has nothing--in front, behind, in between--the one with nothing
who clings to no thing:

he's what I call a brahmin.

-Dhammapada 421-2, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu


"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how." ~Friedrich Nietzsche

Affirmation: I accept my divine assignment to be everything God intends me to be.

Higher Power, In this moment, we are aware of our oneness. We share one life and one love, with and in You. We know in our hearts that we have a purpose in Your unfolding pattern, though our intellect may not yet detect or comprehend Your plans. It is for this very moment that we have traveled the path of our past. We join in wrapping a blanket of light around everyone and everything. You are the love and the energy we call life, expressing Itself everywhere. We feel Your presence and power moving in us, as the beating of our hearts and the gentle rhythms of breathing. We move forward confidently, trusting that all is in perfect order. Infuse our consciousness with passion and compassion for our purpose. Thank You for this divine assignment. So mote it be!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


"If we could all hear one another's prayers, God might be relieved of some of his burdens." ~Ashleigh Brilliant

Affirmation: Guided by Spirit and centered in charity, I act with love.


Dear God,
Help us to act upon what we believe. All over the world, people are praying: for peace; enough food to eat and clean water to drink; increased love in their lives; cures for diseases of every kind; an end to loneliness and despair; and joy to fill our hearts. Help us awaken to the truth that You work through us and in us. Teach us that love is a verb. Amen

What do You see?

See everyone as Buddha. This purifies the mind of ignorance and arrogance.

-Master Baek, "Polishing The Diamond"

See God in everyone but lock your car.

-Rose Kopp " A Little Humor Never Hurts"

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Buddhist Wisdom

"I, without grasping, will pass beyond sorrow,
And I will attain nirvana," one says.
Whoever grasps like this Has great grasping.

-Nagarjuna; Mulamadhyamaka-Karika

I just love this stuff! ~R


"Things are only impossible until they're not." ~Jean-Luc Picard

Affirmation: My mind and world are constantly expanding at the urging of Spirit.


Great Spirit, We know that there is so much more to Your creation than we have seen. The more our knowledge expands, the more clearly we see Your handiwork. We invite our collective imagination to soar on wings of Love, lifting our thinking to higher realms. Help us look both heavenward and inward with eyes of wonder. Help us grow into Your highest idea of humanity. Everyday of our lives brings new possibilities and experiences. Thank You for making life so very interesting. Amen

New Relationship


I am so looking forward to my NEW me in the NEW year with the overflow of blessings to come. I pray that all is well with you and yours and that your friend overseas is well, too.

ly 8-24-66, how far will he and I get in our relationship? We are really enjoying each other but I know that he wants to move desperately from NY to GA to help out his family. I just want to know where I stand in his life.

Mahalo and Namaste,
dlc 4-22-66

Monday, January 05, 2009


"Be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet. Make all your friends feel there is something in them. Look at the sunny side of everything. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Be as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your won.

Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
Give everyone a smile.

Spend so much time improving yourself that you have no time left to criticize others.

Be too big for worry and too noble for anger."

~Christian D. Larson

Buddhist Wisdom

Actions motivated by attachment, aversion, or ignorance, regardless of any external appearances, are simply not Buddhist practices.

-Lorne Ladner, "Wheel Of Great Compassion"

New Begginings

Hi Everyone! Sorry I am late... Happy New Year! Go Capricorns...I just turned 41 Jan 3rd. I pray that this will be a good year.


Sunday, January 04, 2009

Prayer Chain - Immediate

Aloha Boardies

Please pray for Kaye's son who has disappeared voluntarily. Pray that he contacts a friend or family member asap or what ever your heart guides you to pray for.


Positive Affirmation Video

Hi kids,

I found this on youtube this morning and wanted to share it with you. I love the music.


Thoughts Manifest

Happiness and suffering come from your own mind, not from outside. Your own mind is the cause of happiness; your own mind is the cause of suffering. To obtain happiness and pacify suffering, you have to work within your own mind.
-Lama Zopa Rinpoche, "The Door To Satisfaction"

Begin Anew

It’s a new year – and with it, new opportunities. But for most people, it will not be a new year at all, but rather a time much like the past. Because, if you want a new year, you must develop a new you, a spiritual you. This means giving birth to the spiritual self of you. This requires placing yourself in alignment with the your Higest Power– so that you can take direction from a “Higher Source.” As you do, so, you discover that you can rely on inner-dependence, and your life begins a process of transformation.~Ron Scott

Affirmation: I make a conscious decision to live from the Perfect Self that lives within me.

We all have an Inner Voice. In order to hear the directions from There we need to be relaxed enough to listen. One of my resolutions is to relax when a situation arises and tell myself "You know it's going to be okay" and then listen to what I'm being told. ~R

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Thank You Higher Power

"If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, 'thank you,' that would suffice."
~Meister Eckhart

Affirmation: I am filled with gratitude and thank You


Dearest Mother/Father/God,
We come to You with grateful hearts for the many ways we have been blessed. We raise our thoughts and give You praise not because You need it, but because we want to. For each experience of life, for all our joys and sorrows, for our successes and seeming failures, we say, "Thank You, God." And we let it be. Amen

Friday, January 02, 2009

No news on my son ...

Aloha, Rose ~~~

Still no news on my son, but my sister will be driving to his house this weekend and looking through his room/belongings, trying to find whatever information she can.

I'm doing my best to send out positive energy, hoping that he'll find peace and comfort and -- if possible -- quickly return to us.

Please continue to hold us in your thoughts and prayers.



"Invite me to prosper you. It is my pleasure. I am an expansive energy. Allow me to expand through you, invite me to become more large. I am the great giver. Allow me to gift you."

~Julie Cameron

God is the limitless source of my good.

Dear God,We open our hearts and minds to You in invitation and worship; Come, fill us with Your presence.Your lights dispels the shadows of self-doubt and worry. Your love is a salve for our wounded places.I n You there is plenty for everyone. Through Your example we learn to receive and to give. So it is. Amen

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Buddhist Wisdom

Most people fail to see this reality, for they are attached to what they cling to, to pleasures and delights. Since all the world is so attached to material things, it's very difficult for people to grasp how everything originates in conditions and causes. It's a hard job for them to see the meaning of the fact that everything, including ourselves, depends on everything else and has no permanent self-existence.

-Majjhima Nikaya

From "Buddha Speaks," edited by Anne Bancroft, 2000. Reprinted by arrangement with Shambhala Publications, Boston,

New Year's Day

"We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day."

~Edith Lovejoy Pierce

Guided by Spirit and encouraged by Love, I am writing a brand new story.

Dear God, I invite You to move in me today, shining a bright light in all of the corners of my mind and heart. It is my intention to be as awake to and aware of Your presence of as I am capable of being. This New Year seems filled with a renewed sense of possibility and hope for I surrender my life to You, God. In this moment, I am filled with an awesome awareness of Your life expressing as me. I know that together, we are creating a brand new story centered in joy and based on Love. Write Your truth in my heart and illumine my steps that I might walk in Your ways. Have Your way in me. Amen