Friday, December 30, 2005

Happy New Year!

"Kindness is the light that dissolves all
walls between souls, families,
and nations."

- Paramahansa Yogananda

Aloha Rose-
What a busy holiday season! I hope that everyone is having a wonderful time celebrating.

My big thing for the New Year is to take better care of my body. I am addicted to fast food.

Best wishes to everyone.

Be safe and be happy-

Thursday, December 29, 2005


Hi Rose,
I am thinking of taking a Reiki massage class.
Do you think I should?

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Happy Chanukah

Happy Chanukah Rose!!

I wasn't sure what a knadle was, so I looked it up and it's a matzo ball. So I'm a matzo ball!! Life could worse, huh? Thank you for the good news about my son. I am so proud of him and my heart misses him mucho. He calls me when things in his life touch him in a deep way, for instance when it snowed in Seattle for the first time this winter.

Now me, my work and money and schooling. I am at a loss for what steps to take next for schooling if any. Any ideas come to your mind? None come to mine. I exhausted my ideas for the meantime. I mayl take a course this summer from one of my mentors that will last a few years to be certified in the approach I use when I tutor in reading. I received the first level called Associate. Quite honestly, it's a great skill to have, I offer a wonderful service, but it's very intense and need something more playful to fill in the hours when I don't have students to tutor and to bring in income. I will perservere until I solve this ongoing mystery (financial and vocation) set before me. More specific insight will be greatly appreciated. Also, I need more students.

May this year bring you, Rose, closer to enlightenment, and may it be filled with infinite bliss, bountiful health, wealth and wisdom.

MA 050549

Monday, December 26, 2005

Holiday Greetings!

Aloha and Happy New Year Ladies

Computer problems have kept me from logging on. Today (wishful thinking) I booted up and mentally overoad any mis-circuitry and it booted up! woah! I laid hands on my computer and prayed along with the mental intention. Coincidence? LOL probably.
Thank you all for you good wishes and ecards, same back atcha my loves.

This year I want you to pick one thing, one defect, bad habit or fault and want you to overcome that problem. I am quitting smoking again (75th attempt no kidding) and I will renew a promise to myself to have more self-discipline and self compassion.

Plans for the Blog this year? Another round of Abundance Statements, more quotes from spiritual people, work and emphasis on compassion for ourselves, and the e-enegry of love in every post.

I love you and I support you in all the good you do. Onward and upward my Precious, Precious Ones.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Happy Hanukkah

A Christmas Prayer

Christmas Prayer
Loving Father,Help us remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and worship of the wise men. Close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clear hearts. May the Christmas morning make us happy to be Thy children, and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sake. Amen.
- Robert Louis Stevenson

Friday, December 23, 2005


Hi Rose,
I have been having issues with technology this past month. 2 portable cd players(3rd one is having issues) and 1 portable cassettee player,my computer is tempermental, stereo does not work for me. What is going on?
I wrote DF(4/4/68) an email,telling her I did not like her not calling or emailing after her return from Iraq,I also thanked her for things she taught me,since every relationship is learning experience,she has not responded,I felt better after writing that.

Love ya,t

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Finding a Ring

Dear Rose,

Happy Holidays to you. Thanks for helping us on the other question.

I started doing Quantum Energy work I feel like I've gone to a different level in a way. It has opened up an amazing field for me. It would be great if I could do this a support myself. Ended up helping a client with anxiety attacks which made me really thankful that I could help her. I tried to use it to find the ring that ST 11/13/60 gave me. Still cannot find it. It doesn't seem to work all the time. Is it for health issues only? It concerns me that the ring still has not turned up. I don't rememberr having locked it up in a metal box. Maybe ST has it? Thought that I could return it to him.

Thank you for your insight. I guess I will have to be for now.

Aloha and big huggggggssss :)
sw 6/19/63

Metaphysical Consultant

Hi Ms. Rose;
Happy Holidays and Happy Hanukkah to the you. Rainy Mist wanted me to asked... We are losing a team member at the end of this month, we have done what ever we could to find someone to replace this person (Ad in the newspaper, word of mouth) We have even called a temp service for early part of January to fill the position temporaily. It is not something we would like to do or can afford long term. Unfortunately no one has called from the ad. What is your take on finding someone soon?

Intuition tells me that we will be ok. however it just doesn't come fast enough...LOL I know in God's time and not mine.

Love to you and the boardies,

sw 6/19/63 LM 12/30/67

True Story

Aloha, Rose ~~~

I thought you might enjoy hearing about something that occurred a little while ago. Perhaps you've had a similar experience :

I was on the phone, calling to verify a dental appointment. Seeing that I was on hold, my B&W girl, Chelsea, decided that it was just the right time to start a conversation with me.

"Mreow! Mreow! Mreow!" said Chelsea.

"Shhhh!" said I.

"Mreow! Mreow! Mreow!" said Chelsea.

"Hush!!!" said I.

"Yes, ma'am." says the dental receptionist, who had just come on the line.


Hanging head in shame, I explained that I was talking to my cat, not to her.

Fortunately, she laughed, but I was SO embarrassed .....

Sunday, December 18, 2005

job possibilities


HI!! Wondering what is in store for my son regarding staying in Seattle and job possibilities for him. He moved 5 months ago with his girl friend and has applied for several different positions, but hasn't received any invitations for interviews. Do you have a sense what his future holds? Will he remain in Seattle. I encouraged him move there because leaving Hawaii was the next step for him and Seattle was a good start. NA 093080.

How about me? I have been doing my tutoring. I feel it's right, but looking for way to expand what I do. Any ideas? I have been looking into going back to college, but hasn't worked out. ma050549

Happy Holidays!!


And a question for you .....

Do you have a PayPal account ??? Enquiring minds want to know .....

P&L ~~

Kaye ; )

Update on the job situation

Aloha, Rose ~~~

Previously, I mentioned how I felt as though my Principal has it "in" for me and that I was concerned about being fired at the end of the school year. I also said that on the day of my formal observation (a couple of weeks ago), three different crises occurred in the classroom and it was just a SLIGHTLY stressful day .....

Anyhoo -- Principal called me in on Wednesday to discuss the observation and (you'll appreciate this, Rose) you were right in your asssessment. She apparently does NOT plan to fire me. She was very nice and very complimentary, despite having been snippy and snooty the entire year until now. She had favorable comments on just about everything regarding the class and my staff, and said we were doing an excellent job. (I was stunned -- LOL.)

Regardless, much as I love teaching and working with kids, this is NOT the job I want in the long run. I still have some unresolved licensure "issues" that may prevent my finding another job until the end of the 2007 school year, but I'm going to keep looking anyway. I've also submitted an application to a program called New York City Teaching Fellows, which is designed for career changers and provides a subsidized education (lack of complete and appropriate education is my main licensure "issue"). However, given that the program receives upwards of 60,000 applications each year and hires only 1/8's of the applicants, I'm not holding my breath.

So, that's the scoop for now. Thanks for the words of encouragement, Rose. Sending lots of wonderful holiday wishes your way.

Peace, Love, Headbutts and Whisker Tickles ~~~

Kaye ; )

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Hi Rose,

Switzerland was breathtaking! We went up to the alps on a clear sunny day, I'll never forget the view. I'm flying home for the holidays on Monday. How did that happen? Feels like I just got here! My birthday is on tuesday, 23 should be a wonderful year, I can feel it :) Do you think I could have a birthday reading? What will 23 be like?

Love Mel
MJS 12.20.82

With Dignity

Handle your holidays with dignity, leave the material stress aside and focus on acknowledging the ones you love by listening to them.


The Reason

"When it seems too frustrating, tedious, difficult or
uncomfortable, stop for a moment and give yourself time to
remember. Stop for a moment and remember why you're doing it
in the first place.

When there's a meaningful reason behind what you're doing,
then you'll be able to find the motivation and the energy to
get it done. Connect yourself with that reason, and allow it
to push you forward.

Because you have a reason, you have a very real stake in the
outcome of your own efforts. Be sure to keep yourself
connected to whatever that reason may be.

The discipline, persistence, commitment and effectiveness
necessary to get the job done need substance to support and
maintain them. They require a real and meaningful reason, a
driving purpose, in order to thrive.

Whenever something starts to get you down, challenge
yourself to remember why you're doing it. Remember why, and
move ahead with a fresh, powerful, renewed sense of purpose.

Remember why, and you'll have what it takes to get it done."

Ralph Marston

interesting month

Hi Rose,
Sorry about your computer issues,I computer gave me issues as well.So far this month my mom's forner foster child (TL 11/14/88)got in touch with us,he is in the Big Island,withhis pregnant girlfriend,and wants to move to th Honolulu. He will stay with Tasha(3/25/72) for awhile.
Then DF(4/468) got back from Iraq went straight to Samoa without calling. I have not heard from her since. She pushed for relationship,nolw no word or anything.
This month has had its up and downs. I am sure 2006 will be much of the same.
Good news Tasha is selling AVON up a storm and Goji juice as well. I am so glad she found her niche is selling.
I went to meeting of getting my MSW, and decided it was not for me.Happy holidays!

Thought for the Day

Life is too short to be small.

Benjamin Disraeli

Computer Problems

Aloha Bloggies

I am sorry but my computer is on the fritz again. Hopefully I can get to your questions before it dies out again!

Happy Holidays my loves!


Monday, December 12, 2005

May Our World Be Blessed....

Enjoyment and accomplishment

Certainly it is possible to get things done without enjoying
yourself. It is also possible enjoy yourself without getting
anything done.

However, the best approach is to get things done while also
enjoying yourself. That's the way to reach long-term success
and to build one accomplishment on top of another.

If you aim to simply enjoy yourself without getting anything
done, then the result is that you don't get anything done.
You may be very positive and cheerful, at least for the
moment, but after a while it will seem quite empty.

On the other hand, if you're driven to achieve, without any
consideration for the quality of your life along the way,
that can be empty, too. Sure, you may get what you want, but
you're also likely to become burned out and resentful.

Instead, seek to combine enjoyment and accomplishment.
There's no need to struggle against your own desire to enjoy
life, and there's no need to let that desire prevent you
from achieving what you intend to achieve.

Your best choice is to make the effort, move toward your
goals, and delight in the moments along the way. When you
enjoy the journey there's never any reason to stop.

Ralph Marston

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Feeling like Christmas

Even the Smallest Step

A tiny little improvement is infinitely better than doing
nothing. For those tiny little improvements add up.

A small word of encouragement is far better than no
encouragement at all. Just imagine what it might mean to

Today you have the opportunity to make the world a better
place. Much more likely than not, that opportunity will come
in the form of something seemingly insignificant.

Yet though it may seem unimportant at the time, though no
one may notice, a small positive act can have a big positive
impact. Because it can create a positive momentum.

Even the small achievements are achievements. Even the
smallest step in the direction of your goal will bring you
closer to that goal, much closer than if you had done

When you're able to take giant strides, by all means do so.
When you're not, then take whatever step you can, make
whatever improvement you can, offer whatever kindness you

The positive momentum you establish and maintain will make
more of a difference than you might imagine. Even the
smallest step counts in a big way.

Ralph Marsten

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Hi Ms. Rose...
Long time no see... I have been preoccupied with a new Beau in my life... He's been shipped away for 6 months... guess I need to get refocused here...

Went on my first date in 10 years and it lasted 1 week...LOL ...It was just amazing how I could talk to him and we could tell each other things without any fear of judgement of my/our past.

He feels very familiar, like we were together in a past life... he doesnt believe just seem like I have done this before and with him... his initials are BJK 9/25/66...Any info on him???

Huggs and kisses

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Friday, December 02, 2005

Aloha Bloggies

My Goddesses

I'll be off line for 4 days starting Saturday. Be back for you on Wednesday.
Take care my lovelies.

Be compassionate toward yourself.
