Monday, June 30, 2008



Welcome to my Blog/Board.

How can I help you? Please post your initials and date of birth with a question.

Looking forward to being of service.


Kaye! How do I spell love?

k-n-i-s-h-e-s !!!!!!!!!

I LOVE YOU! They are so beautiful! The chef is amazing, they are gorgeous flowers of aromatic ecstacy!

Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank YOU!

Leave it to a shiksa genius to find a knish in Honolulu.....

Oh my God! I am thrilled. I swear I have chills and feel like crying.

You are wonderful for thinking of me.

love, Rose

Keeping On

"So, keep on keeping on living the life which your inner voice directs, kindly, lovingly: giving help wherever you can, giving love and sustenance to this great work of illuminating all life. Your life is like a pebble dropped into a pool of water, creating ripples endlessly. You do not know the end of a word, a thought, an action." ~White Eagle

I do what I am guided to do and leave the rest to God.

Dear God, Thank You for poems, quotations, songs, emails, feelings and whispers that remind me to stay steady and centered. There is joy and sadness, peace and conflict, tragedy and triumph all around in our world. Sometimes, I am too drawn to the negative side of life. I get frustrated with myself, thinking that I should be doing more to make a difference. I cannot see the effects that unfold from my activities and thoughts. As I focus on who You would have me be, I trust that all things are in divine order. May love be evident in my smile, talk and walk. Amen

Sunday, June 29, 2008

To Anonymous

Let it go with love.


Living the Great Commission

“Go and make followers of all the nations…Teach them to do all the things I have told you.”~Matthew 28:19-20

There is a middle ground where we can model our spirituality without seeking to convert others. While pursuing this approach, you can still reach out, assisting others to experience, if they choose, what has positively influenced your life.~Ron Scott
I am willing to assist others to find a spiritual path that works for them.

As part of my spiritual practice, I seek a blessing for each person, that they might find a connection with the Spirit of All Life. I know that I have been placed in a particular place in this world to have a positive impact on those around me. As a result, I not only demonstrate kindness, respect and compassion to those whose presence I share, I also pray for guidance to share, in discerning ways,ways that the people around me might be led to a better life. Guide me, Loving Spirit, to represent You wisely and caringly always. Amen

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Open Invitation

"You need not look for God either here or there. He is no farther away than the door of your heart: there He stands waiting till He finds you ready to open the door and let Him enter. There is only one thing you must do: open and enter."
~Meister Eckhart Quote is from Two Suns Rising: A Collection of Sacred Writings

My heart and mind are open to God.

Dear God, There was a time when I was afraid to surrender myself to You, concerned that Your view of my life might be boring or odd in some way. I realize that the highest and deepest longings of my heart and soul are Your calling me to come up higher. Your vision for me is more vast than I ever imagined. Today, I open my heart and mind to You and to Your people. If there are ways that I am not available to You, reveal them to me. I invite You to transform every aspect of my being. Help me move beyond self. Establish Your love in and through me.
And so it is. Amen

Thank you for this beautiful prayer

"Dear God,You not only created me, You placed Yourself within me, as Your seed-thought that just keeps on growing into You, each day. I can feel that potential and power inside me, bursting forth into expression. Today, I commit to calling forth that God-seed within me in all I think, say and do. Thank you God!Amen"

I have not been on your site for a few weeks. And somehow, the above prayer reached right into my soul, just what I needed. By the way Rose, my job situation is looking very good, already had one interview that I thought went well, then on Wednesday I have another interview, I also had a contact from Fla. (I'm in Pa.). Altho I am super qualified for the Wed. job, somewhow my demeanor or appearance does not convey a very "aggressive" type individual. The job requires confrontation when necessary, and I truly have had combative (drill sargeant jobs). People looking at me think I'm a cream puff. Well, Rose, you're prayer somehow reached the drill sargeant part of me and that's what I'm praying for, that the Creator will let me display the ability to be a drill sargent in the interview, of course, in a civilized manner (hahahah). Life is funnier than fiction!!!! Really, really it is!

No More Guessing


Frst i would like to thank you for your invitation.

I have been with my ex for 7 years. His initials are J-P,B,T and his birthday is 5/6/77. I don't want to wonder anymore about this situation, because i am half moved on and half hoping.

I also have met two people and wonder if you can tell me anything about them

1. Initials: DA Birthday: 3/16/78
2. Initials: AD Birthday: 9/16/83

I believe that waht God has in store for us no one can change but i am looking for some guidance. I am very lost and confused.

Thank you!

Friday, June 27, 2008

God's Love

"The most important lesson that man can learn from his life is not that there is pain in this world, but that it depends upon him to turn it into good account, that it is possible for him to transmute it into joy.”
~Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)

I am an instrument of God’s love.

Dear God, Whenever I am tempted to view situations and circumstances as “doing it to me,” I stop to ask “What’s in this for me?” Perhaps my role in this is to be an instrument of the love of God and to transmute and transform old negative energy into positive radiant light. I am a seeker of the light and we are one! Thank You God! Amen


Aloha Rose,

I pray all is well as for me, I'm continuously blessed. Your easement worked wonders for me and my mental state, so thank you, especially for telling me to simply listen to God because he's speaking to me. It's absolutely amazing to me and I receive it no matter what he's telling me.

God revealed to me to be cautious in that LC 9-16-61 was planning on keeping our children when they went down there to visit. I informed him that the children are not going to visit this summer because we don't have a visitation agreement and my belief of what he was plotting.. We were supposed to have our final divorce hearing; however, LC requested a continuance to obtain counsel. He has since contacted me about the children coming to visit for the summer. I informed him again that because he requested a continuance and we have not solidified an agreement, the children are still not coming to visit.

So, I would like to know will he still come up here to cause drama in front of the children and will he obtain counsel so that we can still go to court this summer in order for him to be able to visit with the children? You know so much has been going on with this situation and through it all, one thing I can truly say, my faith has grown so much stronger because of my trial and tribulations. I honestly, wouldn't change my life.

Mahalo and Namaste,
Mobet 4-22-66

Thursday, June 26, 2008

God's Presence

“There is deep wisdom within our very flesh, if we can only come to our senses and feel it.

~Elizabeth A. Behnke

As God’s creation, I can discover God’s presence within me.

Dear God,
You not only created me, You placed Yourself within me, as Your seed-thought that just keeps on growing into You, each day. I can feel that potential and power inside me, bursting forth into expression. Today, I commit to calling forth that God-seed within me in all I think, say and do. Thank you God!


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Beyond the Ordinary

"Life does not consist mainly, or even largely, of facts and happenings. It consists mainly of the storm of thoughts that is forever blowing through one's head."
~Mark Twain

I am willing to live life in a brand new way.

Dear God,
Thank You for the experiences and people that wake me up. Beyond the hyper-organized, categorized and colorized is a new way of seeing and being. I release any tendency to simply rearrange the same old facts into a new pattern. During meditation, new energy and new insight enters my world. Thank You for the continuing process of creation.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

friend question

HI Rose,
a frined of mine MF(3/3/82) is planning on moving her and her daughters in jacksonville ,florida this year, She wanted me to ask if her move witll go smoothly? Her daughter AF 11/04/98 and TF 10/30/02.


How many times have we waited for Spirit to move for us when, in fact, Spirit is patiently waiting to work with us?”
~Sarah Ban Breathnach

I take action from a place of peace.

Dear God,
Sometimes my fears keep me from taking necessary action. In the peaceful place within me, I gain access to Your clear guidance, and I move forward as I have been directed.

Thank You, God, for guiding my every step. Amen


Hey Rose,

Ok, my auntie has her Mordern Languages School (Spanish French & Foreign Exchange/Home Stay Programme) ... and then my uncle had wanted me to work for him in his company (he repairs gas station pumps, internal stuff etc.) but I think he found someone.... as much as I really want to work in Radio ... it ain't happening and I want to quit.

Any vibes on these two options if I should go try one them?

Monday, June 23, 2008


Alice came to a fork in the road."Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."~Lewis Carroll

LOVE is the direction I am heading in.

Dear God,

What direction should I head in now?I seek the gentle flow of Your guidance. In the stillness in this momentI surrender to Love. I surrender the what and when, and whining.
Thank You for lighting the Way.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Turn it Around

“Nothing is impossible, everything is available, if you will just open up your heart and lift up your spirit! Get into the flow of the energy that surrounds you. Tap deeply into the surge of power within you. With God, all things are possible. Turn it around!”~Greg Barrette

With God, all things are possible for me.

Dear God,
I rise out of the realm of impossibility into the heights of all possibility. Around me, I can see the availability of unlimited options. There is a way, when I have not previously seen one. In fact, there are unlimited opportunities opening to me! My heart unfolds with energy and life. I can actually feel Your presence pouring forth from within me. Thank You, dear God, for Your help! Thank You, dear God, for this new beginning.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Haven't heard from you or your sister for a while. How's your mother doing?

Hoping you are well and happy and have a job you love.



Hey Kat

My friend Tara, around your age, really cool woman, is looking for a knitting circle. She went to one and the peeps were unfriendly, unwelcoming and "old"; whatever that is.

So I thought of you and was wondering if you are still knitting and if you can hook my friend up.

Let me know....

Love you and praying you are well and happy. PS How's the blood pressure?


Bravo Battery

It worked

Bravo Battery is staying together.

I pray for all of those deployed and those preparing for deployment. May every single one of our Warriors return home quickly and unharmed in any way.

Boardies you are amazing!


New Day

“All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind is part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter into another.”

~Anatole France

I let go of the past and embrace my new future.

Dear God,
This is a new day for me, full of possibility and hope. But in embracing it, I must never forget that with every moving forward is a letting go, with every future step is a past release. I now fully choose to let go of my old self and move fully into my new one. I let myself feel any feelings of sadness that accompany this letting go. With Your help, I close the door of the past behind me and move ahead with faith and assurance. Thank You God.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Dear God,

The relationship we have brings peace and happiness. I no longer chase happiness around like a scared rabbit. Happiness is the byproduct of living well. In each moment that I am mindful of Your presence, I am filled with peace and joy. May all my days be collections of connected moments with You. Help me be awake and available to You. And so it is.



"When you say, ’I enjoy doing this or that’, it is really a misperception. It makes it appear that the joy comes from what you do, but that is not the case. Joy does not come from what you do, it flows into what you do and thus into this world from deep within you."~ Eckhart Tolle quote is from A New Earth.


Monday, June 16, 2008

Pray for What?

Hi Boardies,

A very close friend of mine questioned the specifity of what I was praying for, referring to Steve's transfer. She asked me if I was doing God's job, was I the director now? How do I know staying in Bravo was a good idea? She was right and I was humbled.

Only God knows what's going on, who should be with who, and who belongs where and doing what. Pray for God's protection for Steve, she suggested. And let God decide where he goes.
She is right. She sent me the following:

"As we go through the day we pause, when agitated or doubtful, and ask for the right thought or action. We constantly remind ourselves we are no longer running the show, humbly saying to ourselves many times each day "Thy will be done.""

So now I pray only for the knowlege of God's will and the strength and power to carry that out.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Boardies - How are you doing?

Aloha my Goddesses of Strength

These are troubled times. Please tell me what I should pray for. Make it personal to your current struggle.

I love you

Need to Relax?

I found this on youtube while searching for some sounds of serenity. It's the Tibetan chant Om Mani Padme Hum with some lovely music and vocals.




I forgive myself and all others. I completely surrender myself to God’s Divine Love.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Inner Strength

“When we realize that the strength of the Infinite is our strength and that the strength of the Infinite is limitless, we must come to the conclusion that we are capable of doing anything that the living of a great life may demand.”
~Christian D. Larson

I am strong and powerful.

Dear God, How wonderful it is to realize that Your strength is my strength. I never have to go it alone or make it on my own. In any moment and in every situation, I can call upon Infinite strength and power. As I rely on You, I am able to do everything I need to do today. You are the source of my inner strength. Thank You.


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Finding God

"We need to find God, and He cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is a friend of silence. The more we engage in silent prayer, the more we can give in our active life. The essential thing is not what we say but what God says to us and what He says through us.”~Mother Theresa

I find God when I relax into silence and listen.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

First Things First

"You have to learn to seek first the kingdom of heaven, the place of stillness and quiet at the highest level of which you are capable, and then the heavenly influences can pour into you, recreate you and use you for the salvation of all human kind."

~White Eagle

In the stillness of meditation, I am renewed

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Conscious Contact Through Meditation

"The practice of meditation takes us on a fabulous journey into the gap between our thoughts, where all the advantages of a peaceful, stress-free, healthier, fatigue-free life are available, but are simply side benefits. The paramount reason for doing this soul-nourishing meditation practice is to get in the gap between our thoughts and make conscious contact with the creative energy of life itself."

~Dr. Wayne Dyer

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Prayer Chain - Immediate

Aloha Boardies

My companion, Steve, is in the Hawaii Army National Gurard. He has been scheduled for deployment to Kuwait with Bravo Battery.

He came home from weekend drill with the news he may be transferred to Alpha Battery and go to Iraq.

PLEASE pray for Steve to stay in Alpha Battery and go to Kuwait. He leaves on June 14th for training here, August 18th to train in Texas, then on to KUWAIT.

Thanks, I love you.

You Have No Limits

“There is nothing restricting you except for the bounds of your mind. Your conditioned mind is the only thing that is limiting you at any time. Let go of the thoughts that you have been holding about the size of your soul--your soul’s capability, your capacity for joy, your ability to live in peace—and expand into the greatness that is your true nature. You have no limits!”
~Greg Barrette

I am expanding into my true self.

Dear God, I now let go of all of my self-imposed restrictions. I am now expanding into my true beingness, for I have no limits! Remove the fetters from my mind, the heaviness from my emotions, the addictive patterns of my behavior. Help me to set myself free! And so it is.


Saturday, June 07, 2008


“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am safely resting in the arms of Love.

Dear God,
There are days when the world seems to make perfect sense and trusting life is easy. Other times, doubts knock on the doorway of my mind. Gratefully, I have learned not to automatically answer the door. Knowing that I can trust life is rooted in my connection to You. Thank You for Your companionship on this journey. I realize that the life I have been wanting and waiting for is happening right now. I move into this day, trusting that all things are working in perfect harmony on behalf of my soul's journey. I trust You with my whole life!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Simply BE

"When you pray, just say in the simplest way, "Lord, I love You so much. I love Your presence, Your power in me." Then you will know that everything you do will be in divine order, because the Spirit of the living God is moving through you, speaking through you, guiding you in all things."
~Barbara L. King

Goddess is expressing in me, through me and as me.

Dear God,
Help me break through the complex and complicated views I have created of the world and my life. Show me Your simple way. My ego tries sometimes to keep me too busy to notice Your presence. However, You are bigger than my ego.Thank You, God.


Aloha Rose-

I have finally managed to finish your post on meditation. I've been wanting to find the space to start daily meditation but it's been very difficult to concentrate. It took 3-4 attempts to get through your post and I still was not able fully grasp it all.

It's sort of been that way with my life in general the past six months. I've had to close up my business temporarily because I haven't been able to focus long enough to create, let alone take care of the business side of things. I'm beginning to think that I've developed ADD. It's very frustrating. My "mad monkey" has turned into King Kong!

Any words of advice on how to tame this thing?

Thank you!

(klp 4/8/62)

ps-the photo is of my mother's very cute garden.

Thursday, June 05, 2008


"When you feel inspired, more than ordinary thinking is involved. There is a sense of being uplifted, of suddenly breaking through. Old boundaries fall away, and one feels, if only for a moment, a rush of liberation."
~Deepak Chopra

God's will for me I accomplish things far beyond what my mind can comprehend.

Dear God, With You I am an uncontested winner.I am in partnership with You and my starting place is a place of self liberation. I am inspired by the Your Light in me. Nothing can take away what you have given me to complete. Dissolving old limiting ideas I willingly and lovingly accept my assignments. I thank you, God, as I step into the greatest performance of my life, proceeding with You as my Master Guide and Life. Amen

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


"All we see of someone at any moment is a snapshot of their life; they’re in riches or poverty, in joy or despair. Snapshots don't show the million decisions that led to that moment."
~Richard Bach

I accept the guidance of Love in every decision I make.

Dear God, You know me intimately. You know the hopes and dreams that I hold close and the talents I possess. You also know my flaws and errors – the places where I have stumbled. Light my way with truth and infuse my understanding with wisdom. I seek and accept Your guidance with all decisions. In the silence, I listen and You direct. With gratitude, I let it be. Amen

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Be Kinder Than Necessary

One of my favorite "online friends" (another certifiably crazy cat lady :)), uses this phrase for her signature line:
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
This says a lot about my friend, and it's a philosophy that I definitely need to more fully embrace myself.
Just wanted to share .....
Peace & Love --


“Two roads diverged in a the woods, and I took the one less traveled by.And that has made all the difference.”

~Robert Frost

I am committed to the journey that is mine.

Dear God, There are many crossroads in our lives; some jump out and make much noise and some are barely noticeable. Help us remain true to that path, which is our own. Increase our awareness of the choices we make. All things work together for good as we trust in Your presence as our only guide. We let it be according to Your will. Amen

Be Patient With Everyone

Be Patient with Everyone
--from writings by St. Francis de Sales

Be patient with everyone, but above all with yourself . . . do not be disappointed by your imperfections, but always rise up with fresh courage. How are you to be patient in dealing with your neighbor's faults if you are impatient in dealing with your own? They who are worried by their own shortcomings will not correct them. All positive progress comes from a calm and peaceful mind.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Children of Light

“For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us.Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you: here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere...”
~ Master Yoda - Star Wars, Episode V

I am a unique expression of that which we call God.

Nameless One, I feel Your power and presence within me; within my friends and family, in every experience of this journey, within all beings and all things, when I open myself and notice. I hear Your voice: on the wind through the trees, in the words to a song, as birds singing and children laughing, when I listen with my heart. Thank You for continuously calling me: to come up higher, to go deeper, and to be all that You created me to be.

Lift Yourself Up

“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up somebody else.”~Booker T. Washington

There is another level of being within you. Lift yourself up there! ~Greg Barrette

I am lifted into new heights of consciousness.

Dear God,
I am moving up to another level of awareness within me. As I feel myself rising, I am struck by how much lighter it is up there, how much easier and free! There is no resistance, no pressure, none of the heaviness that I have used to keep myself down. In this spaciousness, I now reach outside of myself and lift everyone else up with me. In this, together, we are united in oneness and we are set free.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

What is Meditation?

Boardies, this is rather lengthy but I wanted to share it with you. luv Luv ~R

One of the fundamental teachings of most spiritual practices is to experience the Infinite within oneself. We give expression to the unique Dharma (spiritual nature) of human life by focusing our awareness on the inner self - on the reflection of the Supreme. This process is the practice of meditation.Many people think that meditation is like some instant product, just addwater (or just sit down) and the process works magically, dropping themeditator into a thoughtless world of pure bliss, stillness and shininglights. Not only do people think this, but they suppose they are doing something wrong or that their mantra is defective when the instant stillness doesn't happen in the first week, and consequently many people discontinue the practice simply because they do not know what to expect.So what does happen in the first weeks of meditation? In some respects itdepends on each person's mental characteristics that have been built up inthe past. But, "The mind is like a mad monkey stung by a scorpion", saidthe great yogi Ramakrishna, and all of us who start meditation and tryconcentrating on a mantra know there is some difficulty when commencing.Especially in the beginning, the mind is unruly. As you sit down so manythoughts arise in your mind. You get your mantra going and then you driftoff thinking of something else. Sounds and noise from without may sidetrackyour internal concentration, your body won't stay still, and you finallyget up thinking that nothing has happened.But it has. By constantly bringing your mind back to the mantra you arebuilding your capacity to hold your mind steady in the future. Much as anathlete in training, the body acquires great physical strength and stamina,so too, the struggling meditator is developing mental strength and thecapacity to concentrate. It is concentration which we are practicing in the beginning stages and it is only after a time that one will come to the stage when you can truly fix your mind on the object of concentration, and holdit there ... then a person will be performing meditation with clarity.Another puzzling experience for the new meditator is that the mind mayappear even unsteadier after commencing meditation. More thoughts thanusual may come to the mind. And this is often taken to mean that theprocess is not being done correctly. Here, just the opposite is true. Thefunction of the mantra is to internally work upon our minds by clearing out all the distortions and impressions which our past actions (karma) andthoughts have registered upon our subconscious. Thus, the repetition of the mantra acts to revive memories and thoughts of what has come before. It'slike cleaning house; in the middle of the process the house arrangement may look odd - different to when you started, but by persevering, and notquitting in the middle, we are better off. Cleanliness and clarity is gained.
The same is true for the mind; as we continue to meditate, our mind will get clearer and clearer.Meditation is the effort to control and develop the mind; to realize one'strue nature. It is the means by which we can realize our full potential onall levels of existence, physical, mental and spiritual.The tool we use to control and elevate the mind is called 'mantra'. Mantrais a Sanskrit word, which literally means, "that which liberates the mind"; it is the means by which one's personal or individual vibration is broughtinto harmonious resonance with the Cosmic vibration. Yes, it does involvesuch a lofty and inspiring outlook! Were it not so, the goal would be more limited. But the goal of meditation is the Unlimited. It is one's trueSelf. The most significant difference between a Mantra and an ordinary word or sound is that a Mantra has been injected with spiritual force, and it is this force, which gives it its elevating power. All this has to do with the subtle science of inner acoustics and various aspects of mind and theresonating and uplifting influence of sound and ideation. You learn itthrough experience by practicing meditation - it is not mere intellectualknowledge learnt from books.
Such a mantra comes from a fully realised spiritual preceptor - a Guru - who knows this intuitional science. As we are all different individuals, so too the technique is different - hence mantras will differ from person toperson. Ananda Marga teachers’ known as Acaryas ("one who teaches byexample") give personal instruction in the science of meditation andmantra, but to begin with, a person can meditate with a general mantra.Meditation is a very direct means of understanding and realizing oneself -the inner self, where that essence of Humanity must lie. It can't bedetermined by intellectual capacities alone, for here too there is muchscope for conflict and argument. In order to be truly mentally free, allthese bondages will have to be shed. Through meditation, the layers ofinsecurities, weaknesses and ignorance are peeled away, revealing theunadulterated, clear thinking and peaceful self.The deeper the meditation, the more real is the awareness that the humanmind is in fact not bound by narrowness and selfishness. It is this expanded mentality, which inspires the inner courage necessary to oppose negativityfrom within and also from the environment. One's search for inner peace and fulfillment goes hand in hand with a dynamic and meaningful commitment tolife.