Friday, September 30, 2005

Statement of Principle # 3

I am conscious of the Inner Presence as my lavish Abundance. I am conscious of the constant activity of this Mind of Infinite Prosperity. Therefore, my consciousness is filled with the Light of Truth.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Statement of Principle #2

I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand, and to know that the Divine Presence I AM is the Source and Substance of all my good.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Tonight's Protector

A loving supportive Universe that wants only the best for me!

The reality of me...

God is in me. I need not look outward for supply. All that is needed will come from within. Like a magnet, the reality of me, which is the all providing source, attracts to it what it reflects. The reflection is of love and abundance.


Aloha my dear

I don't know about these cards but I DO know that, intuitively this is a wonderful opportunity and a great relationship.
You make his knees weak and that's a good start. Keep it close to the chest and let him to the chasing.

Good Luck and love

Mel, Trevina, Kat and lovely others

I had a feeling that if we all post the principles of abundance that we're working attached to the same post it would build amazing energy.
I mean, you don't have to it was just a thought.

From "The Abundance Book" - Day 1

This day September 28,2005, I cease believing in visible money as my supply and my support, and I view the material world such as it truly is ...simply a representation of my old beliefs. I believed in the power of money and therefore surrendered my God given power and authority to a material belief. I believed in the possibility of lack, thus causing a separation in my conscience of the Source of my Abundance. I believed in the mortality of man and his carnal conditions; and through this faith gave man and human conditions power over me. I believed in the mortal illusion created by the collective consciousness of error thoughts and in doing so, I have limited the Unlimited. No more of that! This day I renounce my so called human condition and proclaim my Divine inheritance as a Being of God. This day I recognize God and only GOD as my substance, my supply and my support.

1. God is lavish, unfailing Abundance, the rich omnipresent substance of the Universe. This all-providing Source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me - the reality of me.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Tonight's Protector


Abundance Principles

Aloha Bloggies

Trevina has been kind and sent me the Abundance Principles. I will be starting them here tomorrow (Wednesday) with the opening statement and Principle #1.
I hope you will join me as our group energy has proven to be very powerful.

I love you all and bid you goodnight and most pleasant dreams.


Trevina and Bloggies (LOL)

Aloha my dear Trevina

Would you please EMAIL me the Abundance stuff agin, the opening statement and the Principles?
I need to work them again, maybe we'll all do them together?

looking for bucks from the Universe,
Thank You!

Space to Live

When you proclaim and promote your own bitterness, you do far
more harm to yourself than anyone else could ever do to you.
When you blame others for all your troubles, you give them
control of your life.

When you expect and demand to be taken care of, you give up
the freedom and responsibility that account for so much
meaning in life. When you become obsessed with revenge and
retribution for an injury you have suffered, you prolong and
expand that injury far beyond its original scope.

By contrast, the more of your life you accept responsibility
for, the more power you have to control your own destiny.
The more quickly and completely you can forgive, the sooner
you can get back up and get moving forward again.

Do you truly want to live a life of meaning, fulfillment and
joy? Then you must set out each day to create that meaning,
to build that fulfillment, and to live that joy through the
vehicle of your own life.

No other person can provide you with what really matters,
and no one can take it away. Because what really matters is
what you choose to freely and lovingly give to life.

Bitterness, anger, blame and retribution will bring nothing
of value into your life. Let go of their false promises, and
give yourself space to truly and magnificently live.

Ralph Marston


Hi Rose,
Thanks for getting back to me so soon. I just arrived in Dublin on Saturday. My roommates seem nice and talkative. I'm living with one girl and three guys, all masters students and all irish. My first class is on thursday. I'm a little nervous. The program has 19 students (22-50+), and guess who's the 22 yr old?! I hope I get taken seriously. I didn't cry when I first got here like I did last year when I moved away from home, a lot easier the second time. It's still a new city and I don't have any friends yet...but I'm staying calm. It's very hard not to reply to AM 07.22.81 now that we're in the same city, but after SM 06.27.84 this summer, I learnt that there's more out there. Can't let my lonely thoughts control my actions right? Can't settle. There is more than one man in Dublin. I'm going to start looking for a part-time job here too, the canadian dollar doesn't go very far over here!
Love Mel
MJS 12.20.82

Monday, September 26, 2005

I found you

Hi Rose,

It's me Rainy Mist. I saw hangelgirl on the computer and kicked her off LOL. :P I wanted to ask you a question. BTW I really miss you and I am glad that you are on again altho I am not so sure how to use this Blog. Anyway, I went to the doctor and he said that I have a cyst on my right ovary. Is it going to get worse like cancer? Will I need surgery? And....why are most of the ailments on the right side?

SW 6/19/63

Metaphysical Consultant: September 2005

I figured out how to post...LOL... I don't know if I'll be able to do it again so easily. I'm so glad your back...Can I let rainy mist know where to find you??? We were talking about you and your new site.. How do we invite people in or is it something that you do?? This is where you belong...
Love ya lots

Ajapa Yoga

Ajapa, a very ancient form of yoga, is a breathing/meditation technique that was taught thousands of years ago by the Rishis, or wise men, of India. Though it is virtually unknown in modern times, the method of Ajapa Yoga has been carefully guarded through the ages at Siddhashram, a hidden monastery in Tibet.

In the 1860s, Swami Purnananda Paramahansa (1834-1928) made the perilous journey to Siddhashram. There he learned the ancient technique of Ajapa Yoga. After five years at Siddhashram, Swami Purnananda was ordered by the masters to return to India, to begin the mission of teaching the technique to others.

After the death of Swami Purnananda, the teaching was maintained unaltered by his disciple, Swami Bhumananda Paramahansa (1873-1958), a renowned scholar throughout India. When Swami Bhumananda died, Guru Janardan Paramahansa (1888-1980) continued the work of teaching Ajapa Yoga, and undertook to spread the knowledge of Ajapa around the world. In 1970 he was invited to visit the Academy of Science in Prague, Czechoslovakia. He was then invited to Germany, Canada and the United States, where he delivered lectures and taught the Ajapa technique.( Rose met Guru Janardan in NYC in 1971 where she learned Ajapa and Guru Janardan saved her life)

In 1966, Guru Janardan found and adopted a baby boy, Guru Prasad, whom he prepared to carry on the teaching of Ajapa. Shortly before his death, Guru Janardan named the boy his successor. Then only fourteen years old, Swami Guru Prasad Paramahansa took up the responsibility of maintaining the ashrams and guiding the practitioners of Ajapa Yoga. Today he maintains five ashrams and several Ajapa Centers around the world.

Judgement and Understanding

Judgment and understanding

On occasion, it is useful and necessary to make judgments
about what other people do and say. Much of the time,
though, it can be a waste of your time and energy.

In fact, one of the biggest obstacles to effective listening
is the habit of continually and immediately making judgments
about what is being said. When the mind is so preoccupied
with judging and criticizing, it has no space left for
learning and understanding.

Different people have different approaches to life and
different opinions. In that diversity there is much value.

Yet when you are too quick to pass judgment, you can miss
much of that value. When you become too focused on showing
how clever you are or proving your point, you can pass up
the opportunity to gain real wisdom.

Certainly it is appropriate and wise that you exercise
judgment to prevent others from harming you or taking
advantage of you. Remember, though, to balance that judgment
with understanding and acceptance.

Relax your judgment and you'll increase your awareness. The
more often you practice acceptance, the more wisdom and
understanding you'll gain.

Ralph Marston


I'm trying to post another photo of one of my Guru's. I follow the direction but only get sometype of java script code instead of a photo. Do you know why?


aloha my dear

I am thrilled and amazed that the shamanic healing worked! I am nothing compared to the woman who taught me this. When I was doing "it" it was so much work I had a knowing that I remembered the technique.

About K, yes it has to do with emotional healing, for him.


Seeing how it works

Hi Rose, just checking...Sandy

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Team members...

Once someone is invited by you and joins, they can submit their own posts with a question for you. That would allow them to be at the top of the blog page as you see it. They will become a "team member" but not necessarily be able to conduct administrative activies on your blog, such as deleting unwanted posts. You would want to make sure that you are the only one allowed to do such things or designate someone as you have with Trevina when needed.

This link from Blogger will answer any questions you all have about posting.

I hope this answers your question. This post is exactly what would occur if a member logged in and posted. If this isn't what you meant, please let me know. You can delete this post from the Dashboard area if needed.

Goodnight to all-

One can also go back and add within a post, as I have done here. But I believe that only the person who wrote the post and the administrator can do this, as I was only able to edit this post and not the ones written by Rose.

Aloha knitkat, yes I can edit. Thank you so much for your expertise here! much love, Rose

Good Night

Tonight's Protector

Guru Purnanada


Aloha T

NAW, it feels like an ovary, possibly a cyst (like last time). Is she in her "cycle"? Not cancer or deadly but she needs to see doctor.

Do you know what city is TTL in? I don't feel like he will find his biological mother
the way he is going about it at this time.


Kat - how do members post to top of thread?

Since you are familiar blogs can you teach us how someone can post a question at the top of the thread? Is that possible without attaching their question as a comment?

mahalo for your kokua knitnut



Hey Rose!
This blog is so new and different! I kinda got lost!

So here's his dad's name and BD: James Johnson, bd 3/27/19.
Please help me figure out why I was so obsessed for a time. Like I know him or I need to know something he's trying to tell me.
Or I feel I need to do something that he's asking? This is sounding more and more bizarre...


Aloha Gigi, No worries, I'm still lost, trying to figure it all out. Your intuition is correct, you need to do something for him. Find out what it is and if it's not too bizarre see if you can do it. Has the feeling of completeing some karma for both of you.
Do you know how to post a question to the top of the thread? I sure don't (yet).
I'm honored by your trust and hope your leg is healing well.

Creating Member List

Aloha Sunday Evening my Boardies

I am in the process of creating a member list that will allow you to post individual questions in unattached form. I need to create the list first then we'll see where we go from there.
Working on it :)
In the meantime, u can post a question to the top thread, I'll read it from there and respond in a new post to you personally.

peace and love
have a wonderful week!


aloha Rosie~

okay... here's the situation... l will be moving out and j.l. will be moving in... do you see me getting a new job at as a receptionist in a dentist's office??? please help. his wife is trying to help me out in getting it but it's been sooo delayed... her initial's are a.y.

love you,

5:12 PM

Aloha **C** - The moving situation has green lights all around. I don't sense the dentist office job will happen, it feels really "iffy". A recptionist job does feel good, just not at the dentist's office.
love, ~R

Sacred Photo

This is Guru Prasad Master of Ajapa Yoga

Good Morning!

My lovely Boardies,

Welcome back! You rock.

I am ready to assist you with any questions. It would be fun if you could post pictures too, thanks Kat!. This technology is so new to me I'm just learning how to operate the blog. I am relieved to find the delete button so easily, you know how loving and spiritual I want this sacred place to be. Looking forward to teaching myself to upload sacred photos.
I am here to serve you to the best of my ability.
Love always,

My Precious Boardies

My webmaster has created this new method of communication for us. It is wonderful to be able to "be" with you again. I am very grateful for this opportunity to continue to serve you on my personal website free of charge.

Much love,

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Rose Kopp

I began my study of Palmistry in the jungle of India in the presence of the self-realized Bengali Guru Janardan Paramhansa. My Guru, because of the language barrier, transferred His teachings to me paranormally. He was the Master of Ajapa Yoga, the sole focus of his life was to disseminate this high method of self-knowledge. People came from all over the world to hear His discourses. When someone would show their hand to Him for a reading, I, along with others by His side assimilated His teachings.

I have been a meditator since 1971 and have been fervently praying to see God since childhood. Through this process I have become clairsentient (clear sensing). Through the study of several metaphysical disciplines I have also become clairvoyent (clear seeing), clairaudient (clear hearing), telepathic, and have become extremely accurate in my work.

I am grateful to my Guru, God, and the Ultimate Wisdom of the Universe for the gifts I have received. Please allow me to share these gifts with you. Working together we can find order in your chaos, unravel your mysteries, and bring peace to your heart.
