Friday, August 31, 2007

Today's Meditation

“May every soul be made one; as You, God, are in me, and I am in You.“
~John 17:21
I discover my real self in God.

Dear God, Sometimes, I feel like I don’t know exactly who I am. Reveal to me Your hidden potential and promise that is within me. Show me Your presence unfolding as my real and true self. Let me find my center in You. I wait silently upon Your spirit. Wake me up!
Thank YOU!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Long Time,No Hear

Hi Rose,

I've been going through some transitions in the past year. Most for the better. My little drama queen has graduated high school and I'm so done with that. My big drama king has moved out and I've never felt better in my life. I'm moving on with my life and things are coming together for me. What do you see for me in the next upcoming months with finance, job, divorce, children, love life, and education. I have very good opportunities with my new job. (dlc 4-22-66)? I, also, have this gentleman who claims that he's prepared amended tax returns since May and has yet to produce them. Will I have to take him to court for my refund?

Missed you very much, thought about you often and when I'm better on my feet, I have something for you that I've promised myself I will do for you! I love you and may you be blessed abundantly!

Love you more,


“It’s possible to mend our world only by finding the courage to mend ourselves.”

~Dr. Sonya Friedman

New Begginings

Aloha Rose,

I am very excited to see your TV show. I know, from the other one I watched, this will be truly exciting.

I had my depositions last week. You were right about him hiding money. Rose, he practically took every little bit of money that was half mine right out of the 401K. I am so sad about that mainly for the people I need to desperately pay back for funding my divorce. It was interesting at depositions, after I named all the women he slept with and the PI I hired, they called me 15 minutes after I left to settle. My attorney said she would draw up settlement papers and run them bye me first for them to see. If its not fair then I will see him in court. I truly believe in my heart and what is all good and fair, the Judge will see what a shyster my soon to be Ex is.

Do you still have the same feelings that I will come out of this ahead and the judge may award me at least half of what my ex took? I hope so. I would like to buy a new car and put money in an account for the boys and college. That's very important to me.

The boys are doing great and healthy! Brandon always catches something from the daycare...I want his immune system to get stronger though. I am really enforcing the vitamins and wholesome foods.

So any news on my sole mate? LOL Its almost been a year from when i emailed you the first time. 1-3-68 JMZ (married) JMD Maiden

Just curious..... Although I am very happy with whom I am seeing now.

Have a great day!


Wednesday, August 29, 2007


“Refine your senses a little more each day; stretch them…your awareness will pierce deeply into your body and into the world.” ~Dan Millman

Hi Rose

I see you are back in school. Good luck with your studies! I start school on Tuesday. I finally got my license just in time. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I am having a tough time right now but trying to stay positive. I was on birth control but stopped it because it was making me incredibly tired and suicidal. I haven't been off it long enough for the suicidial thoughts to complete go away but feeling somewhat better. I decided to naturally avoid pregnancy which is just as effective. My mother doesn't trust me though LOL. A friend died on Aug. 24th and I am having a hard time dealing with that. He was in a car accident, because the driver was drinking and driving. I had a dream the day after it happened and all the puzzle pieces are fitting together. As I get more info the dream is turning out to be extremely accurate. The only thing I have not found out for sure yet is whether or not my friend tried to change the gears in the car to get it to stop. In my dream he kept saying that he wanted the car to slow down, that he wanted it to stop. Then I kept getting, changing of the gears but nothing was working, the car was out of control. I found out that the driver was indeed going that fast, 170 mph :shock: . I am trying to forgive the driver but it is hard not to be angry. He was charged with manslaughter and felony DWI. I know it was his time to go but I still can not accept it. He was so young, only 26 years old. I dont understand why he wanted me to know what happened but I am glad that I do. I feel his presence sometimes and weird things happen, like a light that is turned off flickers on and off, and this does give me some comfort. Anything you can tell me as far as the gears of the car or anything would probably be comforting. His initals are JN and his birthday is May 12, 1981.

Monday, August 27, 2007


“When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.”~Psalm 94:19
I am comforted by God’s guidance and His divine presence in every aspect of my life.

Dear Heavenly Mother-Father God,
The understanding of Your complete presence in my life allows my heart, my soul, and my mind to be at peace. It is You, my God, that brings comfort and strength in meeting every circumstance that comes before me this day. Assist me in receiving the gift of Your divine presence. May Your light continue to shine brightly in me and be reflected through me leaving no doubt as to my love for You and my gratitude for all You do to bring comfort to my soul. Thank-You God.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Today's Meditation

The Buddah was visiting New York City doing some sightseeing. He got hungry and approached a hot dog vendor. He purchased a hot dog and gave the vendor a 20 dollar bill. After a long pause the Buddah finally said "Where's my change?" To this the hot dog vedor replied, "You of all people should know Sir, change comes within."

Friday, August 24, 2007

Today's Meditation

Aloha my dear Boardies,
Today's meditation is a beautiful piece written by Marianne Williamson. Many of you may have already read it but it's a wonderful reminder of our greatness. ~R

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most firghtens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Today's Meditation

Dear God,

Thank You for the wonderously diverse people who share this planet. Thank You for different ways to think about You that are expressed in our religions. Thank You for the range of shapes, sizes and colors we come in. Thank You for the variety of families that exist. Thank You for the many choices people make about whom to love. Thank You for the differing languages and customs we share with one another. Thank You for Your spirit which makes us one in spite of our apparent differences. May our hearts be open and available to Your presence in each person.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Today's Meditation


Do not say: "Tomorrow I will meditate longer." You will suddenly find that a year has passed without fulfillment of your good intention. Instead, say: "This can wait and that can wait, but my search for God cannot wait."
Paramahansa Yogananda

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

To my Precious Boardies

Aloha Boardies

Click this link to see the promo for my new t.v. episode!
So exciting! Be prepared to see me "fly".

loving you as always,

Today's Meditation

"... Do not be discouraged because the "means whereby" to bring about the accomplishment of your dreams may not be apparent. In other words, you do not have to know how this will happen. You only have to know that it will happen."~Jack Boland
I am absolutely convinced all that is required is supplied to me now.

Dear Master Mind, You have impressed upon my mind many dreams and desires. You have called me into greatness and into Your presence. I know that You are working through me on my behalf. I trust that everything I need to create the life You have in mind is mine, right now. I surrender my self limiting thinking. Thank You for lifting me above my doubts and fears. Thank You for establishing in me a new mind and a new heart. I commit my life to be of maximum service to You and the people around me. And that's the way it really is!

Monday, August 20, 2007

To my Precious Boardies

Good Morning Darlings

Thank you all for the good wishes on my school thing. I am very excited and happy.
Everything I do is to be a better servant of God and to improve my ability to help all that need my help.

loving you

Today's Meditation

"Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen carefully."
~ Littlefoot's mother from the movie "Land Before Time"

Affirmation: I am attuned to the vibration of Love in my heart.

Mother/Father God, It is sometimes hard to hear You in the midst of the noise of our lives and our world, perhaps we simply are not paying attention. In this moment, we focus on our awareness of Your presence. Love may not be the loudest voice, but it can be the strongest voice we hear. Thank You for the joy that resonates sweetly between our hearts.Thank You for the whispers which call us home to You.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Today's Meditation

Aloha Boardies

Tomorrow I start a new semester of college. I am feeling happy, grateful, excited and scared. Going through all my meditation books this morning I found this:

"Have no fear of moving into the unknown. Simply step out fearlessly knowing that I am with you, therefore no harm can befall you; all is very very well.
Do this with complete faith and confidence."
Eileen Caddy
Footprints on the Path

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Today's Meditation

"Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day. It is a choice based on the knowledge that we belong to God and have found in God our refuge and our safety and that nothing, not even death, can take God away from us. Joy is the experience of knowing that you are unconditionally loved and that nothing--sickness, failure, emotional distress, oppression, war, or even death--can take that love away."
~Henri Nouwen
I am a beloved, joyful child of God.
Meditation: Sweet Spirit, You are my choice.In You and through You I am filled with joy, peace, patience and love. You are the light at the center of my life. You are my source and destination.You are the journey and pathway I follow.You are the joy I feel and the love I express. Thank You for always being with me.Thank You for this wondrous, constant connection. Thank You, God. Amen

Thursday, August 16, 2007

World Prayer - After watching the news

Beloved God, Great Spirit, to all the Gods and Goddesses

Please bless our fragile planet.
Please provide protection for Earth's children.
Bless us to withstand the fires, floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes.
Please bring a peaceful end to the wars.
Please help us stop killing each other!
We thank You for every drop of drinking water, for every morsel of food.
We thank You for our homes and clothes.
We thank You for friends, family, the healers and helpers.
We thank You for the challenges which will make us stronger.
We thank You for loving us.
And so it is

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Today's Meditation

“The voice in your head is like a wild horse taking you wherever it wants to go…When the voice in your head finally stops talking, you experience inner peace.”
~Don Miguel Ruiz

I listen to the voice of God.

Dear God,
There is nothing to be gained in thinking my way through life. I ask You to provide my thoughts and I let my heart lead the way. My heart knows what to do, which is mostly to just wait upon Your spirit. Then, any action I will take will be inner-directed, by You. In You, I find my all-sufficiency in all things. My every need is met. And I am at peace.

New Begginings

Hello Rose,

She has again gone to the police and renewed her protective order. However, after the first one ran out the judge she saw this time didn't think she had much to be afraid of but he granted her two weeks. She has now gone to an attorney and the domestic violence advocate at the states attorney office. Her attorney told the domestic violence lady that this is a serious issue and she believes my sisters life is in danger.

Is this man driving to Maryland at this moment? We are all thinking this because the sick web site he has hasn't been changed in days and it was changed at least every few hours everyday. So his behavior has changed.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Today's Meditation

"Keep your eyes open and your ears tuned for evidence of God's will working on your behalf. Especially in a moment of indecision, when someone unexpectedly or unknowingly pierces your consciousness with a bit of advice that rings true, recognize that God is speaking by proxy. If you are discerning, miracles can happen."

~Albert Clayton Gaulden

New Begginings

Good Day Rose.... Yes, I saw that storm coming at you.It appears to be moving away however, it looks like the Big Island will get some of the storm. I will pray for you!

Brandon my 4yr old has been doing OK with the potty! Thank you dear lord! I am not going to press him I will let him complete it in his own way. It seems to be working better.

My sister is having some trouble. She has a stalker I believe. When she was 18 she eloped (mistake) and had it annulled. Anyway, this cracker jack is saying that he is reclaiming his wife after 15 years or so. He is very scary. His initials are DCR ( David C. Richards) Date of Birth November 17, 1962. Is my sister in any danger? Her initials are SCZ (Z is her married last name D is her maiden) Date of Birth January 22, 1972. I feel very unsettled about him. I believe he is driving from Arizona to Maryland to do her or her family some harm. He seems to have it out for everyone related to her.

Have a great day!


Monday, August 13, 2007

Hurricane Flossie

My dearest Boardies
Okay, no doubt she's headed here. I hope all my Hawaii Boardies have stocked up on water, flashlights and candles, and other supplies. As we Islanders know, when the wind gets tough we lose our has happened so many times!
Prayers toward Hilo that appears will receive the hardest hit.

So..mainland and Boardies from around the world, if the blog is not attended to for a day or two it's because we're out of power.
Pray for us please.

Surf's Up!

A Round of Applause for Kat!

Aloha Boardies

Let's give a round of cyber applause to Kathi for helping me fix the blog and getting rid of the "broken" poll. Thank You Kat for helping me/us.


Hurricane Flossie

Aloha Rose,

I finished the abundance program a week ago and feel that it made a difference. How often would you recommend going through the program?

Thanks for the reading on my dogs...they do seem a bit monk-like. Hmm, wonder if I am a fellow monk as well?!

For those of us in Hawaii, please send good thoughts and energy to ensure that Hurricane Flossie passes the islands without harm to personnel or property.

Much LLL...

What can you tell me?

What can you tell me about Kelvin's girlfriend Erica R. 9/2/1983. Is she a good person, does she have good intentions, or is she just using my brother?
I don't know about this relationship, as time goes by things just keep moving way too fast and I feel like MY head is spining. They have only been dating a month, but yet she already thinks she is pregnant because a condom broke :shock: . But, she refuses to take a home pregnancy test and says she will go to the dr to find out next week. That really does not make much sense to me. I'd rather take one at home than at the dr's office. She also told him if she is pregnant she will get an abortion but last night her daughter was talking about "when she moves". So, I am starting to get the feeling that this girl is hoping she is pregnant so she can move in with Kelvin. I hope she doesn't think she can move in with me :mad: .
I don't even know if she is over her daughter's father and if the relationship is really even over. She claims that someone keeps calling her and I guess hanging up. My mother said something about that he told her that he still loves her or cares about her or something to that effect.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Dear God,
Right now, I touch inward and I embrace the light of my soul. I do this by meditating on Your presence and power deep within me. In that unique light, everything I am is illuminated from within, everything I do is supercharged with inspiration and energy, every problem is now solved, every difficulty is supplanted.
Thank You God for Your healing awareness inside me.
I claim this and know that it is the truth of my being.
And so it is...

Friday, August 10, 2007

Today's Meditation

"Love, as a word, is memorialized in countless books, movies, poems, and musical compositions. While there are many definitions of love, its essence, when used as a verb, can be captured in a few phrases: to care for, to cherish, to respect, to honor, to show an interest in, to value, or to treat with kindness."~Francine Ward

Affirmation: I care deeply about my fellow beings, myself and our world.
Dear God,
Open my heart to allow Your love to flow through my every activity. I pray that I am open to loving thoughts, words, and deeds - in unison. Love is easy to say or write about and is a challenge sometimes to live. It is easy to say I love You, God. Help me love Your people and myself to the greatest extent of which I am capable. May love always be a verb in the vocabulary of my life. And so it is.

OMG - - - This has got to be a sign

Please, please tell me that is a sign, it was in today's classified ads in our local paper.

I wanna sign up but lord dunno if it's real or a rip off lol

Shoots i trying to decipher someplace in the website, if I know the person doing it lol Eh, spelling mistakes aside on the webpage, it could be legitimate. lol

Thursday, August 09, 2007

The Big Apple

Hi Rose!

I hope this post finds you in good spirits! It's been a long time visiting your site!

Could you please grace me with your talent and tell me if my daughter will have a safe journey for the next 2 weeks before moving into her dorm? Her LSAT prep course finishes at 10 pm weekdays in Manhattan and she will have to travel by subway and bus to her temporary home in New Jersey, which is of course a bit of concern for me.

Do you also see her doing well this semester? Her initials are TPK and her birthday is 9-29-1985.

Mahalo for your gift! I can only hope to develop mine close to your level!

Love and Namaste!

Today's Meditation

"... I have called you by your name, you are mine. Should you pass through the sea, I will be with you; or through the rivers, they will not swallow you up. Should you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched and the flames will not burn you. ..." excerpted from Issiah

Affirmation: I belong to God.
Dear God, You have called me by my name: the very essence of who I am. For the essence of me is love. Your love manifest in, through and as my life. You call out from me the very best of which I am capable. You call forth gifts I had not yet realized were within me. You call me to rise up to a new place in my thinking and being. I have heard Your calling to me: in the quiet of meditation, and through the noise of my life. Softly sometimes, as a whisper through the trees, and then again, in the clamor of a city. In this very moment, I respond to Your call. My response is to let love flow freely through me, without restraint or holding back, without fear. I choose to share all that You have given me and all that I am. Today, I will be as a shining light unto the world.Joyfully! and so it is ...

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Today's Meditation

With God, For God, From God, To God

with every encounter, in everyone you meet, with everything you do.

I love you

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Today's Meditation

Whatever we focus on expands so focus on your goals and optimistic thoughts.

It is my intention to stay in tune with Love

Meditation: I take a break from my noisy mind to become quiet and still.
I know that LOVE is with me now. I invite this awareness to expand by focusing my attention on Love. I feel God's presence with me and within me now. I sit in the sweetness of the presence of Love, I relax and I let myself float into God. Right now, I know that all of my needs are met. I feel God's hands upon my shoulders. I realize that Love = Light = God. I accept the peace, love, joy and abundance which my Mother/Father/Everything God has already given to me. I bless all of us. I determine that I shall not be moved from this place of connection. I will not be afraid, instead I choose to stand in Love.Thank You, God.

Being Grateful

Aloha Boardies, Goddesses,

It's easy to be grateful when everything is running smoothly. If we get a raise, we're grateful. If we get married, we're grateful. If someone surprises us with a present or favor, we're grateful. But if things aren't going our way, we get fired, divorced or disappointed our gratitude flies out the window.
This is when we can use a gratitude list. Sit down with a pen and paper and list everything you have to be grateful for. You may be surprised to have literally hundreds of things in your life that inspire gratitude. If your material world, such as an illness or loss of money, is causing you suffering, you may find blessings of a spiritual nature for which to be grateful.
Whether we can feel it or not, God loves us all the time.

Have an extraordinary day!
love, Rose

Monday, August 06, 2007

Today's Meditation

"We are not valuable because we are a member of a certain group or because we call God by a certain name. We are not valuable because we follow a guru or observe a certain diet. We are valuable because we are a spark of the divine. And the only thing Gurus, priests, rabbis and elders can do for us is point us back in the direction of home, and home is, of course, within."~Darren John Main
I am an emanation of God.
Dear God,
Thank You for the teachers who have pointed the way for me. I bless them and everyone who makes a stand for love. My prayer today is that my life might inspire someone to seek You, not because of what I say but rather, because of how I live.
Thank You for Your gentle way. And so it is.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Today's Meditation

My Beloved Higher Power,

There is a well, deep within me, of limitless spiritual energy and power so vast and great that I need to stretch to imagine it.
I now focus on this inner source Your presence, as it renews me, Your energy is filling me, infusing into me. Your divine light restores me.

I am refreshed, invigorated and healed!

Thank You God!

Your Spiritual Battery

“Are you doing something each day to restore and renew your spiritual energy so you can take that light with you into your world? It can make a huge difference when you energize your life by means of the spiritual practices you do…and most significantly, the useless activities you DON”T do!”

~Greg Barrette

Saturday, August 04, 2007


Bobby keeps telling me that he is not going to live past 30 or 40 because of the abuse he has done to his body (alcohol and drugs). At one point he did coke but that was a long time before I met him. Amazingly he quit it cold turkey on his own. He is trying to quit drinking but is having a hard time. He has gone from everyday to 3x a week though. Part of me thinks he is crazy about this prediction and the other part of me is scared. What do you think - his birthday is November 30, 1976 and initals are BP.

The kids are okay. Somehow they picked up summer colds. So far Isabella is fine but I am sure she is next.
I've given up on Mystery Shopping because it takes too long to get paid and was looking into working at home with Ameriplan and another company but looks like it is not in God's plan. I've also been hoping to get a dog but nothing is working out so I think I will give up on that for awhile too.
I am looking forward to nursing school. Unfournately, I still do not have my license and need to by school. I failed the road test twice for stupid reasons (1st time stopped just past the line at the stop sign, and the second time when I parall parked my butt was out a bit) and have another test a few days before school starts. I better pass!

Polls Page Elements Posting Phooey!

Good morning Boardies

Yeah yeah I know I should be meditating. Okay, so there is a blogger glitch in the publishing of polls at the moment. I am far from being computer akamai (savvy) so I had to revert back to the orginal format to get the "stuck" new poll off the board. I have been looking for the tabs, links etc for almost 45 minutes, to try again, but cannot find it.

Now that I have HAD it, I'm going to calm down and get off the computer.
:) practice what I am preaching...Give it to God!

Back later, have a wonderous Saturday

Today's Meditation

Dear God,

I gladly place my life and my future in Your hands.
I seek Your guidance and direction for every decision I make.
For many long years, I clawed and scratched to hold onto an illusion. I was trained to believe that If I made a plan and worked hard that everything would magically fall into place.
The truth is that I do not really know what is best for me.
Many of the plans I made on my own led me to despair and sorrow.
So dear God, You direct and I follow.
I trust that Your plan is for the highest and best of everyone.
I am at peace.
and so it is...

Friday, August 03, 2007

The Mental Equivalent # 2

Here's more from Emmet Fox my Boardies

"...if you want to change your life, if you want to be healthier, happier, younger, more prosperous, and above all, if you want to get nearer to God - and I know that you do - you must change your thought and keep it changed....If you want to change some condition in your life, you must change your mind about it and keep it changed. Then the condition will change accordingly. All that anyone else can do for you is help you change your thought. This is what a metaphysician can do for you, but you must keep it changed. No one else can think for you."

Keep thinking positive thoughts and keep them changed!
This is possible with practice. You may find yourself sliding back to negative thoughts, as soon as you notice it change it. love, Rose

Today's Meditation

Dear God,
Help us understand that we are all connected, beyond our nations and nationalities; beyond our religions and beliefs; beyond our apparent differences of race, gender and sexuality.
Lift us above the illusions of separation we have created. May we all see life as You envision it. May peace, joy and love be our reality.
And so it is.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Today's Meditation

"Stop trying to be ordinary. There is nothing special or desirable about being ordinary. In fact, it is totally unacceptable. You are an extra-ordinary being who must go into motion, into movement so that you will draw to yourself the equivalent of yourself. You have become an energy field that magnetically draws you to that which you are."
~Jack Boland
Affirmation:I am filled with an extraordinary, God given capacity to transform the circumstances of my life. Nothing about me is ordinary!
Dear God, You have poured dreams and ideas into me for a long time. Dreams of who I really am, dreams of what life can be like, dreams that stretch me and urge me to a new level of expression. Now, it is time to make the dreams real. I know that You have been waiting for me to move beyond mere dreaming. You have been calling me to move into action. Today, right now, I step out boldly in faith. I am determined to move through my fears. Now is the time and I am ready! Your light within me is steady and bright. Your strength is my strength. With a joyful heart, I move forward into my good.And so it is! Amen

Prayers for Minneapolis/St Paul

Please join me in sending out prayers to the bridge collapse victims and their families in Minneapolis/St. Paul.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Mental Equivalent

Aloha Boardies o' mine

Rummaging through my bookshelf I came across this little 40 page booklet by Emmet Fox. Very powerful stuff.
He speaks of the manifestation of Trinity, beyond religion. He speaks of thought + feeling = manifestation.
"If you start this very day and refuse to think of your mistakes...and instead hold the right concepts...cease to think of fear and instead think divine love, cease to think lack and instead think prosperity and the presence of God's abundance..."
"Change your thought and keep it changed, not for 10 seconds or even 10 days, but steadily and permanently. Then you will build a new mental equivalent, and a mental equivalent is always demonstrated."
Without telling anyone, select one problem. Change your mind concerning this problem. Keep it changed for 1 month..the results will astonish you.
Let's Do it! Now :)

Today's Meditation

God is my home.


Dear God, You are home and hearth to us. We take a moment to become still and focus our awareness on the peace that is Your presence. This place of connection is home, for truly, home is where the heart is and our hearts belong to You.
So be it.

Thought for the Day

"The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity."

-Leo Tolstoy