Saturday, November 28, 2009

Great Quote

"We must all learn to live together as brothers (and sisters) or we are going to persih together as fools."
Dr. Martin Luther King


I am a unifying force in the world.

See God in everyone then lock your car. ~R

Friday, November 27, 2009


In 2010 I see many powerful changes:

I see a flood of massive proportion that takes out half a city. This is an indutrialized city, not a rural area.
I see the economy getting stronger, I see a rise in steel production.
I see wonderful advances in medicine, something about diabetes care.
I see a record number of babies being born.
I see a kinder more compassionate world coming...
I see all the states having a better fiscal year.

I'm seeing a LOT of births...
It will be a better year than 2009 was....

Happy Birthday Jimi Hendrix

A young brilliant musican taken from us by the disease of addiction. Praying that no addict seeking recovery need ever die.

Your music breathes Jimi...thank you!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Hi Rose,
2009 sem to be year of endings i.e. physical lives of Lecia's and my mom,many other's.economy not doing well.
what does 2010 bring?
year of tiger my and rs's nickname for daughter is tiger crossing my fingers she is coming.

Gratitude Dance

One Planet One Human Race....

I love you all....

If this link doesn't work go to search Gratitude Dance Very High Quality.

You will be happy you did.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Aloha my Boardies

I wish you a very grateful day, lots of food to eat and hearts filled with love. To the loved ones not with us...We Love You!

Monday, November 23, 2009

My Email Address


I have received several requests for my contact information. If you would like to meet with me please email me for information and an appointment.



Prayer Request

Aloha Boardies

Let's join in praying for Trevina and Lecia, both have recently lost thier mother. The holiday season is particularly difficult for those with recent losses.

Lecia and Trevina, I lift you up through this holiday season, know that you are loved and protected.

Much love,

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Robert Frost

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference."

I follow the path of intuition and Spirit.

Wherever we are God is.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

noises and smells

hi Rose,
even though my apartment does not have wind chimes,I hear it usually after I meditate.
Lately,I have been smelling Vick's vapor rub not sure who it is?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thanksgiving message

Buddhist Wisdom

O let us live joy, although having nothing! In joy let us live like Spirits of Light!


Sunday, November 15, 2009


Hi Rose,
A quick overview perhaps on how to meditate? Meditation 101, if you will...

:) Thank you.

Kat 4.8.62

Saturday, November 14, 2009

New job...

Aloha Rose,
I finally got myself out of retail and am now working in the sales department of one our local alternative newsweeklies. Wow, what a huge change. New skills to learn and also learning to navigate my way as the new kid on the block. Working in retail for over a decade has definitely stagnated my mind. I am enjoying the change though it is quite scary for this INFP.

I know it's just jitters but do you see me staying here at this job for a while? I'm hoping I can fit in school along with learning a new job. I've also lost another battle at keeping a relationship going. I really wanted this one to work(JGH 5.2.60). :( And am having a super hard time coping with the breakup. It took me six years to find him. It's been a rough job starts and my relationship ends.

I'm feeling pretty empty right now...

Hope you are well. And that you and your loved ones are doing well. And that your computer issues have been solved.

Love and light,

Thursday, November 12, 2009


hi Rose,
I have been doing affirmations to bring prosperity. My sister meditating been getting stuff . lol last time I did it mom got stuff. I have been calmer and more secure in knowledge I will be okay.Tonight, I mediated kept hearing you are worthy. It was beautiful. my mom told me months before she died, my grandmother told her, I was special... She would ever say that to me directly.

Last night and tonight, while mediatating, I felt arms hugging me. not sure who it is. It felt great. very loving.
Interesting, is that lately I have been getting answers to questions I had for a long time.
Love ya,

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day

Veteran’s Day
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”~John Fitzgerald Kennedy
I choose to act in loving service to humanity.
Dear God,Thank You, God, for the power of choice. As I honor the sacrifices made by so many veterans, I reflect on my own inner commitment to make a difference in the lives of those around me. A look, a touch, a word, a deed, can mean so much to another soul. Although I may not be in a position to make a dramatic stand for my inner values, it is the aggregate of my small choices that can make such a difference in the lives of those around me. I am grateful that I can make this commitment.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Hola Rose,

Yes, breathe on the PC vibe ... remember man made these things lol

Hope all is very much going ok with you ... and yours are in my prayers always. :-)

Wondering what's your take on the whole 2012 vibe? The movie I want to see (just for the terror factor) ... you know i'm a fan of sci-fi, horror, mysteries kind of thing ;-). Reality speaking is this just a lot of hype or do you think it will be the end? I'm thinking more changes not sure if good, bad or what. Just changes.

In other news, we're dealin' with my mom's death as best ... you know. I'm having mixed feelings with how it happened as something seems off to me, but I have decided to let it go. It won't bring her back. Anyhoo, my dad says he may decide to go back to the island he was born on for a short while ... i guess take a breather ... and i'm working on trying to complete my mission of running my own business. :-)

Monday, November 09, 2009

Computer on the Fritz

Hey my Peeps

Computer back in shop hence the lack of pretty pictures. This time it's covered by warantee because I JUST GOT IT.....ahem-breathe ....out of the shop 2 weeks ago.

I am so grateful for my friend's laptop...thank you Carolyn!



It will bring you serenity while you're sitting

and gifts into your world.

Use some self-discipline, like you would with your body.

The more you meditate the better it gets.

much love

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Keep Your Head Where Your Feet Are

It's easy to get sucked into the distractions of the world. We are constantly pulled to look externally for answers and fulfillment. It's not there, nothing is there outside of us.

Focus on your breathing. Sit and watch the breath. Close your eyes. Breathe.

You may think, "I'm breathing in. I am breathing out." Focusing on the breath puts One in the now. It puts in in rhythm with all life. Can you feel the sensation of spaciousness? That is all there is, within you is within everything.

Keep your head where your feet are. Rest here.

Much aloha,


HI Rose,
this morning,I went for a walk and I saw in the window or restaurant that my neighbor owns pictures RS had taken I put in frame. While cleaning house after mom died, i think they were accidentally thrown away. RS had copyrighted the pictures. Since he own a photography business. I spoke to my neighbor while RS was on the phone,so he could take to them. He called the business they swore at him. I took pictures of the pictures being in the display window, the owners denied it being there. I went later the pictures were removed but not returned to me.
Will Rs (9/1/64) get his pictures back?
Also Friday and Saturday nights, I had dreams I was laid off, moved to Hilo. Is this going to occur ?

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Dear God,
I know that each day presents new opportunities to be and to believe.
I eagerly move forward, trusting that everything I require is mine.
Divine ideas flow into my mind as I open myself to You.
Divine order is established in all of my affairs.
As I relax into Your presence, peace is established in my heart.
I gratefully share all that I have, knowing that You are the One source.
Your plan for me is perfection.
May it be for me according to Your will.
And so it is....

Buddhist Wisdom

Ajita asked: "What is it that smothers the world and makes it so hard to see? What is it that pollutes the world and seems to threaten it?"

The Buddha answered: "It is ignorance that smothers, and it is carelessness and greed that make it invisible. The hunger of craving pollutes the world, and the pain of suffering causes the greatest fear."

- Sutta Nipata

To: Colin Ross

Hi Colin, Thank you for your kind words and for watching my show, I'm happy you enjoyed it. I will go to your facebook page re: Madeline McCann. I haven't looked into her case...yet.


Hi Rose Are you on Facebook/Myspace?I recently seen you on the 'Psychic Investigators' tv show you did some amazing work on there! I am fascinated with RV, one of the reason I got into it was the act of finding missing people, with the main interest in seeing if any one in the RV community had any insight into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann who was abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal on Thursday 3rd May 2007, my FB/MS id's are would love to hear your insight into it, thank you very much for your time and attentionCheersColin


hi Rose,
while meditating,I smell roses,very sweet scent,. Also meditating,I saw things images moving left to right. I felt something moving from left to right opening. Almost window washers on a car.
what is going on?

Friday, November 06, 2009

Look Inside

Love is in you
Abundance is in you
Security is in you
Highest Good

all are within you now.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009


Choosing a Path of Abundance

“Good things tend to happen for people who place themselves in the flow of Divine Energy. When we understand that God’s abundance is all around us awaiting our willingness to trigger its energy, we’re opened to new dimensions of opportunity.”
~Ron Scott

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


Aloha Rose,
I hope everyone is fine. Hard to believe the holidays are upon us again! I've found a new job outside of retail finally.

My question is about manifestation. What is it? And is it "circular"? Like if I wanted to manifest something or someone and that something or someone wanted something else manifested. How does that affect my manifestation?

Hope I made sense!

Love and light-
klp 4.8.62

Divine Law is Operating in Your Life

"Know beyond all doubt that God is love, and that all things work together for good for those who love God. See divine law operating in your own life and in the life of the whole of humanity. Look always for the good, look for God, and you will find that God's great love is working out a wise and beautiful purpose through human evolution."

~White Eagle

Future Issues

Aloha Rose,

All is well with me than they have been for some time. I have developed such amazing strength that I thought was lost. But with all that I have been through, God has shown me that he still has my back and is able.

I wanted to know if you would tell me if lc 9-16-61 will be utilizing his visitation with our children for Thanksgiving and if he will pursue his quest with any legal actions for custody again. I also wanted to know if you could tell me if our son lcj 5-31-93 will soon come out of his nasty attitude due to the negative things his father puts in his head.

Mahalo and Namaste,