Tuesday, November 03, 2009


Aloha Rose,
I hope everyone is fine. Hard to believe the holidays are upon us again! I've found a new job outside of retail finally.

My question is about manifestation. What is it? And is it "circular"? Like if I wanted to manifest something or someone and that something or someone wanted something else manifested. How does that affect my manifestation?

Hope I made sense!

Love and light-
klp 4.8.62

1 comment:

Rose said...

Aloha Kat, great to hear from you and this is a very interesting question, thank you.

Manifestation is the coming to be of a "thing" or "situation. When something manifests, most typically, it becomes apparent to us through our senses and physical experience. Some philosophers say it's circular, others see it as an endless line moving in both directions. To me it seems to move horizontally along with my path. Manifestation is co-created by our minds and spirit, with the Higher Mind contributing intention which brings about momentum and the manifestation itself. Your manifestations are uneffected by another persons for two reasons, and there's probably more. One is that if you're on the same wavelength and want the same thing the energy is in the same direction. If you want different things then you are not on the same wavelength so your manifestation is uneffected because it's a different pathway.
I hope this helps your understanding.
Thank you for making me think...I love that feeling!
Much love and light,