Sunday, November 30, 2008

Metta Meditation

Mettā meditation: the practice of loving-kindness
Mettā signifies friendship and non-violence as well as "a strong wish for the happiness of others", but also less obvious or direct qualities such as showing patience, receptivity, and appreciation. Though it refers to many seemingly disparate ideas, Mettā is in fact a very specific form of love – a caring for another independent of all self-interest – and thus is likened to one's love for one's child or parent. Understandably, this energy is often difficult to describe in words; however, in the practice of Mettā meditation, one recites specific words and phrases in order to evoke this "boundless warm-hearted feeling." The strength of this feeling is not limited to or by family, religion, or social class. Indeed, Mettā is a tool that permits one's generosity and kindness to be applied to all beings and, as a consequence, one finds true happiness in another person's happiness, no matter who the individual is.


Dancing With Life

What makes it so wonderful to float peacefully on a calm sea under the warm sun? Why does the beauty of a distant mountain peak touch your heart so profoundly? There is a reason why you have opinions about a wide range of matters large, small and in between. There is a guiding purpose at the heart of each sincere choice you make.

As you dance with life each day, your steps follow a rhythm that stays true to the genuine person inside, no matter what else may or may not happen. Though you interact intimately with all that is around you, something within you is apart from it all, relishing the experience.
Breathe deeply the sweet, fresh air of being. And keep dancing, as each unfolding moment brings a brand new verse of the song you've always known.

-- Ralph Marston

Peaceful and safe holiday season

Have peaceful season
Take some time to find joy this season
The stress of getting gifts,food,etc not worth taking from the joy of the season.
Gifts will be forgotten,but the time with loved ones won't
Love you all,

Good Luck on your finals

Good Luck on finals


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving my Lovely Sweet Potatoes
Be Grateful and Have Hope. Things are getting better.
Happy Thanksgiving Rose :)

I'm meeting up with a girlfriend in San Francisco on the 13th and then meeting another girlfriend in Vegas on the 17th. I'll celebrate my 26th Birthday out there :) Speaking of birthdays....can I book my usual birthday reading with you? I'm back on the 21st.

I'm going for an energy/chakra balancing session on Saturday. I don't really know what to expect, just going with an open mind. Have you ever had a session?

You told me a couple years ago that I would have a career where I motivate others. I just facilitated my first workshop last week and got glowing reviews! It feels like I'm on the right path...I loved every minute of it! I was completely in the moment and all of me was in the room (which never happens!!)'s safe to say that you're right about everything. Tomorrow is American Thanksgiving..I'm here! I'm here!...where is he?? ;)

Love Mel
MJS Dec 20.82

The Prayer of St. Francis

"O Lord, make me an instrument of Thy Peace!
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is discord, harmony;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light, and Where there is sorrow, joy.
Oh Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life."

Happy Thanksgiving!

Aloha my Darling Boardies,
Some of our American Boardies are in a time zone that makes Thanksgiving today. Even in difficult times there is so very much to be greatful for. I am grateful to know all of you for so long and to be of service to you. Thank you for being here with me! I cherish each and every single one of you. Your prayers are my prayers. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! If you are in Hawaii and need a place to celebrate please email me.
I love you a LOT ~R p.s. please pass the sweet potatoes :)

Your Blog Hostess

The Phi Theta Kappa has been accomplished. The mortar board is still a dream, a while away.
love you ~R

Decide and Commit

Be truly decisive by acting on your decisions. Decide what you will do and then get started on it right away. The sooner you take action the more you'll accomplish. Once you decide to do it, begin immediately.
Commitment is more than just a mental exercise. It's not a commitment until you back it up with action. Once you have invested some effort, the goal is no longer a vague, far-away concept. You have begun to make it real.
When you start by immediately taking action, you're naturally going to continue taking action. Put momentum on your side right away, and you immediately have a powerful ally.
Make your decisions real and present in your life, and give them the energy they deserve. Act on them right away, and truly make them happen.
-- Ralph Marston

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving Joke

A young man named John received a parrot as an early Christmas gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary. Every word out of the bird's mouth was rude, obnoxious and laced with profanity. John tried and tried to change the bird's attitude by consistently saying only polite words, playing soft music and anything else he could think of to 'clean up the bird's vocabulary. Finally, John was fed up and he yelled at the parrot. The parrot yelled back. John shook the parrot and the parrot got angrier and even ruder. John, in desperation, threw up his hands, grabbed the bird and shoved him in the freezer. For a few minutes the parrot squawked and kicked and screamed. Then suddenly there was total quiet. Not a peep was heard for over a minute. Fearing that he'd hurt the parrot, John quickly opened the door to the freezer. The parrot calmly stepped out onto John's outstretched arms and said 'Ibelieve I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I'm sincerely remorseful for my inappropriate transgressions and I fully intend to do everything I can to correct my rude and unforgivablebehavior'. John was stunned at the change in the bird's attitude. As he was about to ask the parrot what had made such a dramatic change in his behavior, the bird continued.... ........'May I enquire as to what the turkey did?' Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thanksgiving is Coming

Aloha my little sweet potatoes

I am so excited about Thanksgiving coming up, it's my favorite holiday. Most of our country thinks of this day as a day of gratitude and blessings. Common agreement creates physical reality.

What a tough Thanksgiving this is for so many! Families separated by war, distance, and sickness. But think about it. In spite of our material losses we have so much to be grateful for. Did we wake up sheltered? Do we have clean water to drink? Can you See? Hear? Love?

Reach out and touch someone this Thanksgiving season. We, as the human race, all need each other. A random act of kindness effects the entire Universe in a positive way. Go out of your way to do something kind today.

I love you all



Alone in his darkened cave the aesthetic lies,
Curled warm by the heat of the mountain,
Asleep but aware he floats in his daily dream,
Awaiting nothing in particular.
Just going with the flow bro.
He hears the sounds of the ocean,
They feel so near to him,
He floats in the Om.
Slowly stretching one leg, he pushes
Against the air and hears the mountain breathe.
Resting in the comfort of some kinda knowing,
Needs met by something he cannot define.
Hearing the voices of Gods and Angels
Whispering into his ears, telling stories
Of all he will become.
Secure in the Protection he grows.
Suddenly one day, the mountain began to shake
It’s sides peeling and collapsing around him
Forcing the aesthetic thru a narrowed tunnel.
Squeezed, pushed painfully toward an opening,
Violently expelled into the light and noise, he cried silently,“Oh man! Not again!” then the amnesia set in.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New Beginnings

Good Morning

I would like to ask all of you to please pray for my mom. He cancer is back, but it is very very small. I want to send her hope and good reasons to fight this.

Thanks for your support.

Monday, November 17, 2008


I, too, agree that it was a wonderful meditation. Just as powerful as the last.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Great Meditation!

It was uplifting and it felt so good afterwards. Thanks for the great idea, looking forward to the next one. I got a vision of a mailbox beckoning me. Looks like a message is forthcoming.



It felt great.
Awesome experience

Group Meditation - Today! - a reminder

Hi Beautiful Goddess trudging through the world...

In about one hour we will be sitting together. Ten minutes or longer if you like.

I am meditating on the feeling of security for all of us.

I love you, see you soon.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

New Begginings


Believe me I do send positive messages. I try to help her from actually thinking about the nasty "C" word.



Friday, November 14, 2008

Congratulations to Me!

Hey Guess What?

I made Phi Theta Kappa!!!!! National Honors Society!!!

God I wish my parents had lived to see this.

I am so grateful to my Guru, to God, Great Spirits, the Goddesses and the Universe for giving me this gift.

It is a transforming accomplishment.

I'm honored by your love and trust Boardies. Thank you for helping my becoming.

Love, ~R

Group Meditation Sunday!

Hiya Super Stars

This Sunday is our group meditation. What time did I say it would be? Will someone in Hawaii please let me know, don't feel like scrolling board.

School and Practicum and Billy are keeping me so busy! I apologize if you are waiting long for answers and longer for inspiration from me.

I love you a LOT


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Begginings

Opps, I meant she had cancer in 2006.

New Begginings

Aloha Rose,

My mom who did well with her ovarian cancer in 2009, has seemed to have come back in a blood test called CA-125. The readings are small now but climbing. Do you think she has cancer again? KJM (maiden) KJK (married) 3-12-46

I am really worried about her.


Sunday, November 09, 2008

Group Meditation -November 16th

Good Morning my Loves

I got school work up to here! The next group meditation will be November 16th.

The time in Hawaii doesn't change so it will be 5pm Hawaii time, 7pm Pacific, and 10pm Eastern.

Is this okay with everyone? Let me know.

What shall our intention be this time?

I love you a LOT----Blessings all around us!


dream of cleansing

Hi Rose,
Last night, I dreamt I was cleansing a house: I saged it,put hawaiian salt in doorways,window toilets,sinks,tubs and showers,and I placed crystals in the yard and over the doorways I put amulet.
When I woke up I could not remember which crystals was placed in the yard or what the amulet looked like.
Can you please tell me which crystals protect against evil in house and what amulet looked like it?
Love,TAW 5/17/67

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Group Meditation

Aloha my Cherished Boardies

Mobet has suggested that we meditate the 3rd Saturday of every month for consistency and so every just knows when it's going to occur.

I really like this idea, it has great potential.

What do you think my lovelies? feedback please...


Compassion Meditation

Compassion Meditation

Sshh, quiet, there is a Meditator sitting here.
See? Back straight, legs folded into a lotus,
Hands in a mudra of compassion, she’s weeping.

Eyes open looking around she sees
People in the classroom meditating with the teacher,
Each form vibrating against a background which
Vibrates against a background forever into forever,

Can you hear that? Moans of mothers merge,
With crying babies, dried up breasts, hungry bellies
tied in gurgling knots,
while their men kill each other and in turn themselves.
The Meditator cleanses the earth with her tears.

In her head there’s a whisper, “This is not me.”
Absorbing into mantra excluding and including
Humming each inhalation and just breathing.
She vibrates the center of a pool rippling outward.

To be awakened, enlightened, an illusive dream
which usually feels lifetimes away.
Is she closer than before? Is there any change at all?
If there are dues to pay did she pay enough?
Will the next life be better?

She meditates through pain, fear, and insecurity
Compassion for her own ignorance, frailties and loneliness
Praying for illumination assured it will be okay.
Compassion is a soft pillow with an embrace named Now.


Monday, November 03, 2008

Up and Down

Aloha Rose,

(dlc 4-22-66) I have really hit hard times financially. My ex, lc 9-16-61, is not paying support as ordered and due to that, I have been sgtruggling actually all year trying to play catch up. My attorney is withdrawing from my case due to lack of funds. What results await for me with my divorce and without representation? What's in store for my children and I? I just don't know what to do or where to go. Prayer changes things, I do know that.

Mahalo and Namaste,

New Begginings

Love the Meditation Rose!

This post goes out to the "Still Searching" post by Summerbreeze....

Listen to the good advise of this wonderful woman. Find yourself first and learn to love yourself again. All good things will come and fall into place after that. Like you, I have been through a great deal with a failed marriage. I still will never understand the reasons for his ways but letting go was the main focus. MUCH harder! LOL, but it comes in time. If its divorce you are moving towards, I found a lot of help within a community forum on are a lot of helpful people there and you are able to pour out your troubles.

I hope this helps!


Sunday, November 02, 2008

Group Meditation Results

Your Magnetic Power Within - “How do you magnetically draw your good to you? By opening yourself up to it and generating an energy that pulls it into expression. Focused prayer, especially in connection with others, can bring forth a power-for-good that moves mountains!” ~Greg Barrette

My Boardies

The feedback has been wonderful, everyone who participated had a really good experience.

God is blessing your right NOW! Let's do this again...just let me know when.


Saturday, November 01, 2008


That was awesome for me! Just wanted all to know that it feels good when you can pray for others and include yourself rather than focusing solely on yourself as a selfless service and duty to God. I pray it was as good a feeling for everyone that participated as it did me. To God be the glory. I know I thank you for the prayers. Have a blessed night, everyone!!!!



My "voice" told me to tell you to ...

"Accept all social invitations."

(these are invitations by people you already know)


Group Meditation - Today! - a reminder

Hi Sweeties

See you in meditation! 5 pm Hawaii time, 8pm Pacific, 11pm Eastern.

Let's lift ourselves and each other up...Bless ourselves and each other with loving kindness.

"See" you later...relax, soften your belly and enjoy my loves....
