Sunday, August 31, 2008

Prayer Request

Aloha Rose,

Looking for prayer for me and my children. We will be going through a lot over the next month. I'm closing the chapter of an abusive (mental and physical) relationship that was so time consuming and focused on one person's happiness, my soon to be ex. My children are now starting to realize the truth and they are smarter than I give them credit for. They know that I love them so much more than they will or I would ever imagine. I didn't realize that I could possibly love someone as much as I do them. Everyone please realize I love God more than them and life itself. I'm just praying that I will be able to get my just reward and get myself together (spiritually, mentally, and physically) and continue to focus on the three most important people in my life: God, my children and my Father. God has shown me that when I let go and let him, I unleash my blessings!

May God be with you, yours and all the boardies! I thank you for your words of inspiration! They help more than you realize. Thank you, boardies, in advance, for your prayers.

Mahalo and Namaste,

What is the Direction of Your Life?

"Do you have a soul direction in your life? Do you know the reason why youare here on earth? Do you know at this point of your life, where are you heading? Most people do not have a clue where they are going. When you ask them, they might say "How would I know? It depends on the circumstances!" Your soul needs to know that you are giving backup to its aspirations and direction.
It is up to you to do so.
Then move in the direction of yourdreams."

~Greg Barrette

Quiet - Love this one a LOT

"The most important part of prayer is what we feel, not what we say. We spend a great deal of time telling God what we think should be done, and not enough time waiting in the stillness for God to tell us what to do." ~Peace Pilgrim

Affirmation: God speaks to me in the stillness of my heart.

Dear God,
I feel Your hand upon me and Your joy in my heart. In the sweet silence between my thoughts, I am peaceful. May my life resonate with You. In the quiet of this moment, I am listening. Your closeness is my strength and comfort. I let it be.

New Begginings

Hello Rose,

Just wanted to say hello. It may seam like I dropped off and never to be heard from again. I guess I just need to cleanse my mind for a while from my ex husband. I was very hyped that things would go my way in the divorce and I looked for vindication, but that didn't happen. It is what it is I guess and I have moved on happily.

I am still going through so many issues with him. SYZ 5/3/59. He is fighting me on everything. He is now suing me for sole custody based on he doesn't believe I communicate with him properly regarding our son. I do, but there isn't a lot to discuss with a 5 yr old. He just likes to intimidate me, that all it is. Our son is attending kindergarten in a couple days. Now his father is filing a contempt charge against me because he doesn't agree that our son should be in school. Its so ridiculous. I cannot win. I have recommendation letters from his pre-k teachers and the center director at his daycare all saying he is ready. Its crazy that I have to go to such extremes. Can you give me a hint as too why he doesn't want our son to attend school?

One more little tid you know my son's father lives 120 miles away from me. I am going to court to transfer the custody case to the county where we reside. In our decree it states in there that matters of custody and child support will be transferred to the appropriate jurisdiction. Where is that jurisdiction? The judge never said, so I HAVE to go back before that judge and try to get this transferred! With my other question above, do you think this will happen? Court is October 6th, 2008. Again my ex's dob is 5/3/59 SYZ mine are 1/3/68 JMD (maiden initials) JMH (married) .

Thanks and I hope all is well with you.

BTW: My mom is still cancer free, however, her husband is in stage 4 Hep C. These sicknesses never end.



Saturday, August 30, 2008

Lots of News

HI Rose!!

The latest news is that I am moving to the Berkeley area to return to college for a Masters degree. Your prediction of me going back to college has come to fruition. I plan to leave the middle of November around the 18th or 19th. Is that a good time? School starts in January, but I want to find a cozy studio and search for employment. My intention is to discover my creative passions and make tutoring more fun and playful.

I am following the Presidential election closely. Have any predictions for our next President? With the angels and Divine Mother, I sure hope it's Obama. If not, our country has some serious karma to work out which I think it does no matter what.

Would love any comments about my future plans and the election.

Om shanti, shanti, shanti
Many blessings to you!
Mish 050549

Friday, August 29, 2008

Law of Dharma

Aloha Rose,

Glad to hear that you are feeling beter after the all stress and readjustment of the past few weeks.

The following is an exerpt from an on-line article by Dee Finney on the universal spiritual laws of creation:
Law of Dharma (Purpose of Life) - Each living thing has a purpose for existence and a special experience to provide to this world. Utilizing our unique talents in service of others exalts our spirits to attain our ultimate goals. The most powerful thing you can do to change the world is to change your own beliefs about the nature of life, people, reality, to something more positive...and begin to act accordingly. Everyone has a purpose in life, a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals.

Recently, a psychically aware teacher of an energy class I was attending made a point to take me aside at the end of class and tell me that part of me is still still hidden and to make a promise to start to use my gifts because at the end of life I would have to account for why my gifts were unused. Unfortunately, there were so many people wanting to speak to her I wasn't able to get any more guidance. For most people, the goal is to fulfill their purpose in life and it made me wonder if I am drifting or avoiding/turning away from what is in my highest good/life's purpose. Can you pick-up on any specific guidance for me?

Much Love, Light, and Laughter...
SNN 2/22/71


" True prayer isn’t a matter of executing a script; it’s an intention of the heart.”
~Alan Cohen

Affirmation: I live from the intention of my heart.


Dear God, Here I sit before You with an open heart. You know all about me, including the hidden goodness of my heart. Your loving spirit awakens and fuels my heart’s intention. Your presence within me guides and comforts me every day of my life. Thank You, God, for placing within me an ever-active spiritual intention. Amen

prayer request

pray from my friend Janette. she just gave birth last week and now is back in the hospital for high liver emzymes due to preclamsia.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I'm new here, from Italy! :)
I just wanted to start with a reflection....about MATURITY.
When we are children we are so free and unconscious, and HAPPY.
Now, I'm 19 and I start feeling in some way different. I started thinking on all things and reflect. This sometimes makes me feel anxious....but I'm also happy, because I can begin to understand what's BEHIND life, the deepest meanings of existence.
I'm happy to join this group :) and to keep my ideas in common whith you.

Good things


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Conscious Evolution

“If humankind would accept and acknowledge its responsibility and become creatively engaged in the process of evolution, consciously as well as unconsciously, a new reality would emerge, and a new age could be born.”
~Jonas Salk

Affirmation: I am consciously participating in the evolution of my soul.
Dear God, Up until now I have been evolving somewhat unconsciously, being pushed and pulled by life experiences. Now I choose to consciously support my soul’s evolution. With Your love, wisdom, knowledge and grace backing me up, I become an active participant in letting go of my limited self and awaken to my unlimited spirit. I love, forgive, surrender and trust where I need to. Thank You, God, for Your ever-present spirit that is moving me into a new and greater reality. I am so grateful! Amen

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


hi Rose,
On Friday night,I had a dream that I heard daughter laughing, and I walked from room to room but could not see her. I felt sad the next day. Saturday night, I had a dream that I had to complete tasks before I could see her. Sunday night I dreamt that I was being told to do something,before daughter came. Last night I was being rushed through a task. What the tasks were I don't remember. Just the voice telling me I had to finish to get daughter.
today during lunch we watch Celestine Prophecy,in which one insight opened up to other things.
Not sure what all means. What is the dreams trying to tell me?
LOve,TAW 5/17/67

All Possibilites are Yours

“In this quantum universe, there are no impossibilities! Anything can happen, because everything is connected. We can cooperate with the newly-discovered scientific understanding that restates> empirically what mystics have known for at least 6,000 years:
“With God, all things are possible.>

~Greg Barrette

Elder Meditation sent by Sharon

"Those who live for one another learn that love is the bond of perfect unity."
--Fools Crow, LAKOTA

To serve each other, to respect each other, to trust each other, to honor each other, to love each other, to cooperate with each other, to care for each other, to forgive one another, to focus on peoples' good, to laugh with one another, to learn from one another; to pray for each other - these are all acts of love..... The Creator made all things perfect.
Oh Great Spirit, let me serve the people today. Let me see that it is better to give than it is to receive. Be with me today.

Monday, August 25, 2008


"I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving."
~Oliver Wendell Holmes

Affirmation: I am more loving than I was yesterday and I have hope for tomorrow.

God of Love,
How sweet it is to know that I am changing each day. Those things that seemed to hold me back yesterday, have fallen away. I am committed to being all I can be, now. Write Your love in and through my life. Illumine my path and show me the direction for my day. And so it is. Amen


“Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you? “
~Fanny Brice

Affirmation: I am joy filled and peaceful as I am.

Meditation: Holy Spirit,

Thank You for expressing through me and as me. To be fully and completely authentic is my intention and my prayer. I stand today as You created me, without pretense and without apology. I gladly accept Your gifts of life and wisdom and offer my self back in the service of Love.

School - Day One

Aloha Goddesses

The first day of school was easy and awesome. I only have one class on Mondays, Sculpture!!

Since I already sculpt I know what I'm in for, except when the syllabus said something about making a toy with moving parts! The first picture in my mind was a milk dispenser shaped like a woman's body. Hmmm, don't know that would go over even if I could figure it out.

Anyway, please please please go back to school if you haven't do so already. The enviornment is stimulating, energizing and youthful; it will keep your mind firing....

love you my cupcakes,

The Past is the Past

Re-runs hold no power over me, the past is past and I let it be.
I place my attention on the live version of life and I care for today tenderly.

Through regular spiritual practice, I am aligned with the vibration of the Divine in and all around me.
I lovingly care for the body temple by eating consciously and exercising regularly.

I am awake, aware and in tune with my life. Peace, love and joy are my experience and my expression.

Thank You Holy Spirit for guiding my day and lighting the way. Amen

Sunday, August 24, 2008

School Starts Tomorrow!

"No matter how old I am, I can always learn more and I choose to do so with confidence."

I'm back! Life is steadily returning to normal. Steve and the 1/487th is in Texas for training.
The first thing I did was throw all the half eaten meat out and I'm back to vegetarian again.

Intimate relationships are challenging, particularly when one person is trying harder than the other. It doesn't make one person better than the other, it's just different paths.

Life is what we make it. We either take the horse by the reins and tell it where to go, or it just takes us.

I've missed you.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hi my Princesses

Aloha my precious, precious Boardies

I am checking in to let you know that things have been kind of rough around here. Steve's pending deployment (Saturday) has caused many emotional and psychological challenges for us, individually and as a couple.

We appreciate your continuing love and support and once he's gone I'll spill the beans.

Life is school, and speaking of school I'll start again on Monday. I am really looking forward to this. I'll be taking a class titled Understanding Buddhism so be prepared for Zen lessons.

I love you all and appreciate you deeply.

Always yours,

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hawaii Army National Guard Deployment

Aloha Boardies o'mine

My boyfriend, along with 1700 of his "brothers" are being deployed in a few days. I have three days left with him before he goes for a year.
This is a very emotional time for me and I am very involved with his "process". So please forgive me if I have negelected the blog.

If you go to you will see local news reporting of the Farewell ceremony.
Also, at that event, representatives from the Guiness World Book of Records were there and we closed the ceremony with the world's record for the largest group hug!

The prayers we need for Steven and 1/487th Bravo battery is for them to stay stationed in Kuwait, (as opposed to going to Iraq or Afganistan)

Our citizen soldiers are so very brave!


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Suggestions for visualizing success?

Aloha, Rose ~~~

I just got home from attending a taping of "The Late Late Show" with Craig Ferguson. (Side note -- I <*heart*> Craig Ferguson ..... sighs)

Anyway, the taping was held at the big CBS studio here in L.A., and as I approached the gate, I heard a little voice inside me say, "I can't wait until I come back here -- as an actress!"

And being at the studio just felt, I dunno, RIGHT. Like I belong there.

Soooooo -- this is something I want to work on visualizing. Me, working acting jobs at CBS. (Along with other places, too, of course -- LOL.)

Any suggestions?

P&L --



Aloha Rose,

I filed a violation petition against LC 9-16-61 and our hearing is on 9/2/08 in NY. Will he appear?

Also, I would like to thank you for your comfort and prayer in our last conversation! He was granted visitation; however, he did not act on it because he claimed lack of funds. I believe it was because of the stipulations that was placed on that visitation that he didn't anticipate and hated being told how his visit with his children would go. I feel he chose his girlfriend over his children but whatever. Amazing! I have found peace and comfort when you advised me to let it go and I did. God did not leave or forsake me and is continuously awesome!

Mahalo and Namaste,

Monday, August 11, 2008

Kathi and her jewelry craft

I just love my bracelet! It is crafted so beautifully. Thank you again.

Boardies, if you are interested in beaded jewelry Kathi's work is filled with talent and love.
You can contact her through this board if you like or at :

Love you,

New Way

"The new earth arises as more and more people discover that their main purpose in life is to bring the light of consciousness into this world and to use whatever they do as a vehicle for consciousness."
~Eckhart Tolle

Affirmation: I am aware of the presence of God in each moment and every experience.


Dear God, Something new and exciting is happening in me. I am more awake than I have ever been. An increased awareness of Your presence expands my consciousness. I intend to demonstrate Your love in every activity today. I am grateful to be part of this new way of being and living. Thank You, God! Amen

Saturday, August 09, 2008


Thank you, Rose, for an enlightening and fun event! I am looking forward to taking more classes. As NDB mentioned, there is so much to learn. And palmistry is an interesting and fun way to gain insight into ourselves and others.

I will email you the rest of the photos. If anyone else that attended would like the same, please feel free to contact me. Rose, I can also send you a disc with the files if you need them.

It was an honor to learn from you and what a blessing Studio Be is...a wonderful space for expressing ourselves!

I enjoyed meeting everyone today!



“Be grateful to the man you help; think of him as God. Is it not a great privilege to be allowed to worship God by helping your fellow man?”
~Vivekananda (1863-1902)

Affirmation: In my holy oneness, I blend my being with everyone I see.

Dear God,We all share our beingness with everyone else, for we are all one in You. I am grateful for this, because it heals me of any feelings of loneliness or separation. If I am connected, then I am whole. I express my wholeness by serving the inner Divinity in my fellow souls. Thank You for my oneness with all. Amen

Palmistry Class

Thanks for that fun class today! It was so informative and I wonder if I'll ever be able to remember all of that stuff! I will definitely try and take whatever knowledge you graciously shared with us to the next level.

For anybody who missed the class you should make the effort to get to the next one. Rose is one terrific lady!

Love and Aloha!

p.s. Hope you didn't forget your pie!

Friday, August 08, 2008

Dear God

Dear God,

Let’s face it, sometimes I stray from my path of peace. But what do I do then?

By gently surrendering myself into my heart space, I can hear the whispers of Your gentle spirit, leading my way.

Thank You, God, for quieting my mind and stilling my soul.

Thank You for Your presence, deep within me.


Rule 62

Don't take yourself too seriously.

Just keep laughing. It is the best medicine. When you laugh, you look better and feel better.

Bill W. on Rule 62

Elder Meditation

"The Creator told everyone of us in our tribal beginnings to look after our ceremonies, and each other."
--Barney Bush, SHAWNEE
Our ceremonies are important and each has a purpose. They teach us about the Creator and about each other. The ceremonies teach us to be humble and teach us to pray. They teach us to look inside ourselves. We should remember to pray each morning. Ask the Creator to guide our thinking. Think only good thoughts. Think good thoughts about our relatives and about our brothers and sisters. Pray for our children in ceremony. Give thanks to the Great Mystery for life. All life is sacred. Pray in a sacred way.
Oh Great Spirit, I come to You this morning in ceremony. I come to this sacred place to talk to You. I thank You for Your guidance and protection. Give me Your eyes today so I may see the beauty in all things.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Elder Meditation sent by Sharon

"Everything I know I learned by listening and watching."
--Vernon Cooper, LUMBEE

Sometimes my mind is talking so fast about so many different things that I can't slow it down. All day long I am judging and making assumptions about everything.

Great Spirit, help me this day to slow down. Help me to listen - quietly. Help me to watch carefully. Help me to listen to my inner voice. Let me listen and watch only the thing You would have me observe. Guide my eyes and my ears to be focused on You.
Grandfather, love me today and teach me to be quiet.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

A Kitty's "Tails of the Road"

From another board, a first-feline account of the cross-country trip, as posted by my floofy (but not too bright) girl, Mac:

Hi, Aunties!

We is on da road to da West Coast, and I thoughts you might likes to hear how we is doing. We lefts New York Thursday afternoon, but before we coulds leave, Meowmy had to puts all our shtuff in a truck. She can’ts lift efurrything herself, so she hads some big scary men come do dat for her. I don’t likes big scary men, so I hid under the mattress topper dat she dropped on the floor. But then she picked it up and founds me! So then I hids in a corner of the closet. I hads my eyes closed, so I thoughts she wouldn’t see me, but she did, and she picked me up and dropped me in a purrtable jail cell. My sisser Ness was already in there, so it wasn’t too bad. Elliott and Shadow gots to ride together, ‘cause dey is brudders, and Chelsea gots her own jail cell, ‘cause she is old and cranky, but poor Kira hads to ride with Gizmo. NO one likes to ride with Gizmo, ‘cause Gizmo is a tortie kitty and, well, you knows how differcult they can be.

Even though Ness was wid me, I was still a fraidy cat, and I gots so upset dat I started drooling. A LOT. Meowmy saids it musta been like Niagara Falls, ‘cause when she lets me out at the ends of the ride, I was wet all over, and so was Ness.

We hads to ride for a while dat day, but we finally gots to a motel and Meowmy lets us out of jail. We was all nerfuss, but it was nice to walks around a bit, and we had fuud and water and a litter box – and Meowmy. We all cuddled dat night, and dat was nice.

In da morning, Meowmy scooped us all up again, and plopped us back in the jail cells. Meowmy says she was lucky dat night, ‘cause she gots a platfurrm bed, and we couldn’t hides underneath. Last night, she gots a regular bed, and it tooks her a looooooooooong time to gets Gizmo out.

When Meowmy started grabbing us dis morning to puts us back in the jail cells, I decided to hide, 'cause I is TIRED of dis trip. I don't knows how she dids it, but she founds me! I hads such a good hiding place, too.

We is in a really nice furry big room tonight wid a a king size bed. It's not a platfurrm bed, so it's gonna take Meowmy a loooooooong time to catch us all in da morning. And dere's a sofa in one corner of the room, and I knows some of us is gonna hide back there, too. Meowmy might has to start trying to catch us an hour or two before it's time to leave! (tee hee hee)

I gots a question for you, Aunties -- does you thinks that tortie kitties is extra speshull smart? I think they must be, and let me tells you why.
Does you remember dat Meowmy was disappurrted dat her bed last night was a regular one, not a platfurrm one? Well, guess whats? It actually WAS a platfurrm bed after all (Meowmy is old and creaky and didn't look real close at first).
Anyway (and here's where da smart tortie part comes in), on regular days when Meowmy gets up in da morning, she cuddles with us for a while, and then gets ready to leave. Gizmo figured out dat, when we is travelling, Meowmy getting up means that WE gets stuck in jail cells. So as soon as it looks like Meowmy is waking up, Gizmo hides ('cause she don't likes those jail cells). But Meowmy wasn't worried dis morning, 'cause she saw da platfurrm bed and knew Gizmo wouldn't be able to gets underneath. She grabbed Kira from behind da couch, and grabbed me before I coulds hide under the bedspread, and she grabbed everyone else except cranky old Chelsea, 'cause she don't even try to run and hide anymore.
But then Meowmy realized dat she didn't has Gizmo.
She looked behind the couch again, but no Gizmo. She looked in the bathroom, but no Gizmo. She looked on the windowsill behind the curtains, but no Gizmo. There wasn't any room behind the desk and end tables, but she looked there anyway, and no Gizmo.
Meowmy was thinking that maybe she'd just go and leave Gizmo, but she was scared to think what would happen to the poor, nice room attendant when she stumbled across an annoyed tortie left behind in the hotel room. So Meowmy kept thinking.
She looked around the edges of the platfurrm bed, but no Gizmo, and there was no spaces in the platfurrm for Gizmo to squeeze through, so Meowmy was as confuzzled as I always gets. But then she looked at the bed again and noticed that the mattress and box springs stuck out over the edge of the platfurrm, and then Meowmy had an awful thought. She leaned over and ran her hand around the bottom edge of the box springs and then she shouted out a word dat I isn't allowed to use but that starts with da letter "F" and isn't "Floof."
Appurrently there was a hole in the bottom of one of da box springs, so Meowmy tooks off the blanket and bedspread and pulled and pulled and pulled the king-size mattress until it was off the platform. Then she lifted up the box springs and shooks it and -- yup -- Gizmo cames running out!
Meowmy had to chased after Gizmo and caughts her in the bathroom and grabbed her and puts her in the jail cell -- and Gizmo gaves Meowmy her dirtiest tortie look and tolds her what she thoughts of the whole thing. Meowmy shook her finger at Gizmo and tolds her that may she shoulds just sleeps in the jail cell for the restest of the trip !!!
Then Meowmy put the box spings back and pulled and pulled and pulled the king size mattress back in place, but she didn't puts the blanket or bedspread back on. She saids the nice room attendant was going to has to take them off to makes the bed anyway, but Meowmy WAS a little worried about what the nice lady would thinks when she saws the mussed-up bed and the blanket and bedspread on the couch. Fortunately, we lefts before the nice lady came to clean the room.
Update #2:
Uh-oh, we gots a pwoblem !!! Meowmy says it's almost times to go, and she can't finds Kira ANYwhere! I lubs Kira, so I hopes she isn't losted somewhere in dis big hotel room.
Kira! Kiiiiiirrrrrrraaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Where IS youuuuuuuuuu ?????

How to pack a truck ...

... with cats!

I thought I’d share with you the joys of packing too-many-kitties-into-too-small-a-truck-cab for a five-day cross-country drive. As someone told me, it’s like playing a game of Tetris! (LOL)

Picture key:

#1 – cat carrier w/2 talkative cats
#2 – cat carrier w/2 noisy cats
#3 – cat carrier w/2 complaining cats
#4 – cat carrier w/1 cranky old cat
#5 – cat food!
#6 – cat litter (no place else to put it, so I drove with it under my knees)
The temporary litter box was stashed behind my seat, and my suitcase was stuffed in the teeny-tiny space between the dash & carrier #3
We are now (finally) in California, facing the prospect of unpacking all the boxes that I so haphazardly tossed everything into last week. It's like Christmas morning. Covered in cat fur ..... :)

Listen and Learn

Dear God,

In the past, I have asked for direction and have not listened for the answer. Perhaps I did not really want to hear. Today, I ask and expect an answer. I choose to listen with my entire being, knowing that You always respond. Train my mind and heart to hear Your voice carried on the wind, in the laughter of a child, or in the peace of my own soul.

Thank You for responding to me in ways I understand. I am listening, God.

And so it is.


Tuesday, August 05, 2008

August is a hot month :-)

Hello Mama Rose :-)

1st of all ... Happy Bday Month to all Leo's and Virgo's lol

Rose, can you believe it? Our baby is going to be 5 years old on the 18th lol :-) Sigh, seems like yesterday, I was nagging him to come out and he kept getting tired of it and went breech lol I'll be 31 on the 23rd :-) (i feel a lil old but a sexy old lol) I now realize why guys see me as a HOT MOMMA ... i was born in the hottest month of the year! :-) I want to have a party.

My inquiry is about my auntie who lives in Texas ... the $$ I did her friend's website ... you think she will really send it to me? I haven't been pushing about it, as I know ummmm things with her isn't exactly kosher over there. But I want to do something nice for a dear friend :-) if she sends it.

Also ... girl what was it with me and the 2 songs below? I was listening to them last nite, and I got quick images (i mean sure imagination is a godsend lol that's the whole point to a song lol but geesh) It looked like an outdoorsy celebration thingy. I got like a cold shiver, i mean really cold ... but not much breeze in this room and it is stinking hot over here day and nite.

Instrument of Love

"We are not channels, we are instruments. Channels give nothing of their own; they just let water run through them. In our action, we are instruments in God's hand and He writes beautifully."
"I am a pencil in the Hand of God."
~Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Affirmation: I am an instrument for love.

Meditation: Dear God, What song will You play through me? How will You express in my life today? I place myself at Your command so that I may be an instrument of Your love. My mind and heart are open to You. My being rejoices at Your touch. May Your will be done on Earth as in Heaven. Thank You. Amen

Monday, August 04, 2008


Aloha Rose,

I have been ordered to an emergency visitation hearing this week. I intend on obtaining the evidence that supports my ground for refusal. Will visitation be forced on me even though I have good reason with no intention of evil or malice? dlc 4-22-66

Mahalo and Namaste,

Simply Live

"The simplification of life is one of the steps to inner peace. A persistent simplification will create an inner and outer well-being that places harmony in one's life.”
~Peace Pilgrim

Affirmation: My faith is simple and my mind is clear.


Dear God, I am grateful for simple things: good friends, a pleasant meal, the softness of a kitten, warm summer days, a loving hug, and the sweet song of birds in the tree outside my window. In all I say and do today, let me live the simple truth of Your love for all people. Thank You God! Amen

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Positive Thought

When a negative thought hits you, Hit it with a positive thought it will come out the best.

Yogi Bhajan

Palmistry Class

I am planning on attending Rose's palmistry class and was wondering if anyone else will be there?

I am unfamiliar with Chinatown and even more unsure of parking, etc. I am the worst possible driver, i.e., I have an extreme fear of driving and was wondering what would be the easiest way to get there and find parking from the Leeward end of the island?

My fear of driving is so bad, I never go into town. But I really want to attend this class! I'm thinking if I leave early enough, I can take Nimitz all the way. Hate the freeway and don't want to be a frazzled mess when I get there! I looked at mapquest and still not sure of the route.

Thanks so much!


Saturday, August 02, 2008

Diving In

“A knowledge of the path cannot be substituted for putting one foot in front of the other.”
~M. C. Richards

Affirmation: I am a conscious pilgrim on the path of my life.


Dear God,
Thank You for the opportunity to sing and dance my dreams into expression. I intend to be fully present in each moment of this journey. Help me take what I know and what I am learning and live it completely.
Thank You! Amen