Saturday, March 31, 2007

God has moved me again

Aloha Boardies

God has seen to my best and highest good and removed my job. I am very happy about this change and looking forward to seeing what comes next.
For now I am again working full time as a psychic. I am available to do personal readings 7 days a week.
Please contact me at my email above for further information.

loving you

Letter to God

Dear God,

Thank you for giving me such beautiful girls and another baby on the way to love and care for.
Thank you for my beautiful home.
Thank you for the opportunity to take the nursing exam again.
Thank you for helping me get through the past year. Only you know how tough it has been for me.
Thank you for helping to keep my brother out of trouble and on the right path.
Thank you for helping me find a way to make extra money while staying at home. Now I just need you to help me have to encouragement and energy to do all the shops.
Thank you for giving me such a wonderful and supporting family.
Thank you for bringing me a loving and caring husband.
Thank you for keeping Angie alive and well. No pun intended. Without you I probably would have accidently killed her by now with all of her allergies. Without you I would not have such a good intuition and would not have kept her away from certain things. Now that I think she is indeed allergic to eggs it is a good thing you gave me the bad vibes about vaccinations, about making sure I found out which ones have eggs in it. I can only imagine the type of reaction she would have had if I let her get the MMR shots or the flu shot.
Thank you for keeping the new baby in my womb where s/he is safe.

I do not need much but still need some help from you. I need you to help me make it until May 2nd. Brendan or Isabella can come any time after that. I need you to help me get the best possible grade on the nursing exam so I can get into the program. I need you to help me keep my children safe from all of their allergies. It sucks that both of my girls have very severe life threatening allergies. Please help Angie outgrow most of her allergies as soon as possible. I know there are ones that she will never outgrow (peanuts). Please give me the strength and encouragement that I need.


Friday, March 30, 2007

I think this is it!

Whoo hoo, cross those fingers ppl :-)

I think this is it. I placed an ad in the newspaper classified ads section POSITION WANTED:

29 year old female seeking full time or part time clerical work in media sector (preferably Radio)

Well this guy called me today named Mr. White. He owns a radio station over here and said he's looking for part time help and he saw my ad. Said he dont believe in placing ads per say when he has an opening cause u get a bunch of ppl he said he rather checks out ads placed by persons looking for work and go from there.

We tentatively have an interview for tomorrow.

Now here's the kicker, Mr. Foulkes the one who i work time on and off now, trying to find more work for me to be able to do full time with him. lol Umm lord u know IF this part time radio gig is THE ONE, i'm gonna take it lol

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Aloha Trevina

Thank you very much for the sweet gift. It came to me at an absolutely perfect time. You helped me remember what is important to me and where I go to get love, respect and support.

You are VERY intuitive.

love always

Monday, March 26, 2007

Hi Rose,
My sister(NAW 3/23/72)found out the day before her birthday that she may be laid off. she has to ecide if she wants to take the package. She has applied wih TimeWarner. Will she get a job there? Weird thing is LT works there. If we were talking i would ask him to help he get a job ther.
I love you

Saturday, March 24, 2007

My letter to God...

Dear God,

Thank you!

Thank you for allowing me to see your path for me.
Thank you for giving me a heart that can feel LOVE fully.
Thank you for bringing the people you bring into my life...I know they are there for a bring me closer to you. Thank you for giving me the hands and mind to create.

Thank you for allowing me to hear your voice and guidance through this world you created.

You are an awesome God!

Letters to God

Aloha my Precious Boardies,

Where are your letters to God? Trevina and I are the only Ones that posted one.

Loving you all,

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Should I?

Could I? Continue to delve into the jewelry making thing? I've taken a couple of classes and am looking to taking more at the art academy this fall. And hopefully some online courses from the Academy of Arts University in S.F. in the next year.

It's just that the more I learn and do, the more it's all I want to do!

I hope you are feeling better Rose!

Love and light-
Kat (klp 4/8/62)

Trevina - The Face of God

I have a different description for you, the first was too new agey and predicatble. I apologize for that.

This is what I really saw:

God looked like a soft moving happy, smiling, tansmuting energy.The shape was transparent and had substance, cloud-like. God was always smiling, compassionate. Beneficient.
The face morphed male-female and I understood that God looks exactly like we individually expect God to look. God looks happy.

God is the conductor of the symphony. The electricity animating the projector. God is the gluey substance that holds this all together. God doesn't need our help, we need God's. God is endlessly manifesting, creating , sustaining and taking away.

I am sure that God being happy is a VERY good thing.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My letter to God - Please post your letter to God also

Dear God,

Your power is evident all around me, in the restless motion of the oceans and the non-stop energy of children at play. You hold the planets in their orbits and fuel a billion stars. Yet, You are as close to me as my breath. I am humbled as I ponder Your continuous and limitless creation. Open my mind, O God. Awaken the creativity, abundance and passion that You have placed within me. Teach me how to express You, to have knowledge of Your will for me, and the power to carry that out.
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You!

Your child,

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Kelvin has been trying to stay out of trouble. Lisa got him a job where she works and it has been going well up until recently. Kelvin got into an argument with the new store manager because they were piling snow in the handicap spaces and Rob couldn't park. The next day Kelvin apologized to the store manager in case he offended him. Then Kelvin saw Jennifer in the store 2 or 3 times which concerns me. Kelvin closed the department that he works in at 9 pm last Sunday and punched out. He then walked back to the department to get his drink and medicine when a customer approached him wanting fish. He explained to the customer that the seafood department closes at 9 pm on Sundays and that he could not serve her because he was clocked out. The customer then started an argument with him. One of the store managers tried to get him to clock back in but Kelvin refused as he saw it pointless. He was then suspended even though it was the manager's job to serve the customer not Kelvin's. He did have a meeting on Friday with the union rep but is still suspended. It is very clear that the store manager is trying to cover for the other manager and keep him out of trouble. However, it is also clear that the store manager does not like Kelvin and does not want him to come back to work.
Will Kelvin (KAW 10/03/1978) get his job back and does Jennifer have something to do with this?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

My New Home!

Here is a picture of my new house:

Once I get everything unpacked and arranged I will post pictures of the inside.
At closing we had a huge surprise! I actually have 93.6 ft more property than I originally thought! Once I get the back yard built up it will be huge!


"The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing postive knowledge."

Albert Einstein

Aloha Boardies

Hi my gorgoeus Ones

I am back and better than ever. Thank you for the great energy sent on my behalf.

I saw the face of God.

I love you


Monday, March 12, 2007

Health is Everything!

Take care Rose! Get in some sunshine and fresh ocean air to lift your spirits and help you in a speedy recovery!

God loves you! :)


Its finally over!

I finally closed on my condo and my house (6 months from listing the condo)! Everything was completed today. I will move into my beautiful house on Wednesday and Lily couldn't be happier. It is such a great birthday present for her!
Now all that needs to be done is the step-parent adoption. Right now I am waiting for Larry aka Dewayne to sign the papers. Do you see him going through with it or just causing me more drama? His initals and birthday is LDT 11/16/79?
How are you feeling? I hope you are okay! :hug:
Baby is still cooking thankfully. I had some pretty bad days last week but I think that it has a lot to do with that the lady downstairs puts the heat up too high. My cervix has shortened but is still long which is good.
Whenever I talked to you about the kids allergies you always mentioned that I have food allergies too. I never really wanted to face it. I know that I am allergic to the skin of the kiwi and can no longer eat anything kiwi flavored. But it also looks like I developed a shellfish allergy after eating lobster for the first time a year ago. I guess I should see an allergist since I will probably be in denial until it is confirmed. I very rarely eat shellfish but tried it again for V-Day only to seem to have a reaction to it.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Hi Rose,
I was just dropping in to ask you one of my silly questions. I just saw your post. What happened? A handicap card? It's probably a private matter. So I understand if you don't want to say. I'll pray for you :)
Love Mel

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

To my Precious Boardies

Aloha :)

I love you all so much. Thank you for your prayers, e-cards and support. The good news is that I now have a handicap placard and I get the most awesome parking spaces all the time.
I will contiue to serve you, just don't ask me to walk there! Please keep asking questions, as before I will get to them as soon as I can.
God is good, all the time. And never gives us more than we can handle.

You are gorgeous!


Saturday, March 03, 2007

A Better Year for Everyone? To T and K and All

Aloha my Gorgeous Goddesses, good morning my loves

Where have I been?! I am very happy to see that our board has become a venue of mutual love, respect and support for this is one of my primary intentions and goals.

So, you've had a bad year or two? I'm so sorry. I am sure you have noticed by this time that life is hard. Unrequited love, sucky bosses, arguments, jerks and assorted meanies wanderin in and out of our lives. Oh and let's not forget health crisis' and matters of life and death! Jeez Louise, it's amazing that we can get up and do it again every morning!

Life is school (sound familiar?) If we learn the lessons we don't have to take the classes again. It's not that life gets easier or mo' betta, it's how we cope with it, how we see it that we can change. I always hope, when I meet a personal challenge, that I handle it with grace and dignity. Easier said than done. And I ask myself, "What am I supposed to be learning?"

I pray for knowledge of God's will for me and the power to carry that out. I pray for clarity and I truly need to pray for self-discipline.

I am facing some serious health challenges. I am not planning on dying anytime soon. But I have decided that I will live my life as if there is no tomorrow, be more loving, conscious, compassionate and laugh a lot.

Life is hard, somehow we created karma to have this physical incarnation. Let's be Goddess of Distinction. Let's live Gorgeously in spite of all the negativity and challeges around us. Power to you all to hear your God's will.

I love you all very very much. Be Courageous (it's very attractive :))

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Hi Rose,
i lost a friendship,my job drives me nuts,my mom's health is not right,my sister may lose her job,she has mortage to pay. spiritaully I am growing. I want to know when is this year going to get better.
Love,TAW 5/17/67