Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

To my darling Boardies...

We've made it into 2010...there's something scifi for me about being in 2010...I mean, I was born so many decades ago that 2010 seems somehow unreal.

This year will be much has to be. Do not allow your mind to dwell on fear and negativity, put out positive thought ripples into your world, and those ripples in turn will have a positive effect on your world.

Have hope, optimisim and the strength you will need to live life on life's terms.

I love you!


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Hi and Aloha Boardies,

Gotta do some grandma bragging...Yesterday my 7-yr-old grandson was watching Deal or No Deal. He turns to me with this adorable serious face and says, "If they pick the wrong case my career is over."


Whooshing you a very blessed day.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Hi Rose,
I had a dream last night where you had many business. I walked in to meet you had healing rooms,where people who are sick .received healing . You said to me I wish I had this when your mom was sick,I said she is healed and happy. You had jewelry to aid meditation. you had what looked like make up kits but it was to aid meditation,the colors focus on chakas. Classrooms for mediation as well as juice and snack bar. It was very cool

Monday, December 28, 2009


Hi Boardies,

I'm eating way too much, my daughter and I love food and the Cooking Channel. So, today I looked up the word gluttony to make sure I wasn't a glutton.

I'm not.

Pass the ice cream please.

Happy the way I am,

Saturday, December 26, 2009


I want to say I hate jetlag but for the last 10 years on this blog I have been teaching to remove hate from your vocabulary. I hate jetlag.

The feelings od exhaustion and disorientation to time and place are quite unsettling. Plus, Billy my cat is relentlessly sending me telepathy bemoaning my absence. He is so attached to me we started calling him Umbilical Bill.

So I don't think about it, the jetlag or the cat, and focus on the now present here.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. I am very grateful, very grateful, to have so much food in my life...but if anyone comes near me with more turkey I'm gonna bop them with a drumstick.

California aloha....~R


"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy practice compassion."

H.H. the Dalai Lama

Friday, December 25, 2009

Family and Friends

Okay I'm sorry but happy that Cristmas will be behind us in a couple of hours. I'm grateful for the food and presents of course, and the mind stretching, patience expanding time with my 7-year-old grandson.

But I miss my loved ones, the ones no longer on the earth plane, and the holidays somehow seem to magnify the intensity of their absence.

I think of those we lost to the cycle of birth and death, I sense them, smell them, hear their voices and am sometimes guided by their sage advice.

I smother my feelings of loss with candied yams and gravey and elevate my mood with leftover desserts. I will be okay for sure; that is until I hear Auld Lang Syne, a song which always makes me cry.

I love you...and I'm here for you....~Rose

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Hi Kathi

Would you and your friend please come on Sunday 1/3 at 10am? Would that work for you?

Please call me, leave a message and let me know....

Happy New Year Kathi!


Happy Holiday!

Hi Boardies

Christmas is upon us....Wishing you all the very best of the holiday season and a healthy happy and prosperous 2010.

Trust me, 2010 will be better than 2009...which was really bad for a lot of people.
I admire your courage for hanging in there!

2010 will be better...MUCH better for almost everyone....

Off to Cali to sit under a tree and suprise the heck out of my little grandson...


Mele Kalikimaka!

Mele Kalikimaka!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Krisha Das

The Krishna Das concert this past Sunday was deeply spiritual awesome and wonderful.

If you ever have the opportunity to see him please do so.

Much aloha


Monday, December 21, 2009

we live amongst such beauty...

Hi Rose and everyone,

Testing out the photo upload...

Wanted to share a photo from the last hike I went on. This is above Kahana Bay on Oahu. It was a scramble but we enjoyed ourselves! That is me with the hat off in the distance. And the bottom photo is of me and him. Rose, we are excited and anxious to have you read for us. :)

Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday...

Peace and light and lots of Love-

(klp 4.8.62 jgh 5.2.60)

Kathi - Lecia Blog Help

Good morning Kathi and Lecia,

I'm not sure why but when I attempt to post a jpeg or photo Blogger posts the computer language instead of the picture. Any ideas or suggestions.

Much love and thank you,


Such Joy!

Verging on the ecstatic I don't know if I weep because I live my life so far from my Divine being or weep with joy because the Divine Being is within me!


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas Rose!

I hope this finds you and your loved ones in good spirits! It has been a very long time cruising your blog site.

I have been trying to learn more about using my intuition and but sometimes when it comes to loved ones you can't quit get a good handle on it. Perhaps there is too much emotion to get a clear and objective view of things. Could I get your expert thoughts on this?

Will the relationship between my daughter TPK 9-29-85 and KT 12-12-78 grow into a more loving/intimate one? They are currently dating and I hope this guy will be honest and good to her. Will it last long?

Happy Holidays and I miss seeing you! Thank you for your gifts!


Thursday, December 17, 2009


Aloha Goddesses

Last night a friend and I went to Sharkeys Comedy Club and laughed for three hours straight. I had forgotten how wonderful and healing laughter is! My blood felt oxygenated, my energy level rose, it was marvelous.

So if you have the chance LAUGH!

A little girl wrote a letter to Santa, in it she wrote, "Dear Santa, Please give me a baby brother." Sants wrote back and said, "Send your mother."

That'll get you started...Ho Ho Ho! Love, Rose

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Today's Thoughts

Aloha my Goddesses

Sigh...the Universe is SO loving and supportive. Trust in your Highest Self is essential..Follow your intuition. Walk in the path of Love. Check into your heart before you respond or react. What would Ghandi do?

Life on life's terms...sort of like ice skating, if you fall, get right back up again and keep going.

Follow Love, center and glide...

Much Love

Monday, December 14, 2009


When things are not going the way you expect or desire follow your heart, your path of love and you will be all right.

We cannot change any single thing outside of ourselves. We can only change the way we cope and respond.

The Universe is kind and dynamic always changing, the world is tough, rigid and harsh. As humans we have to deal with loss and grief, deceit, cruelty and selfishness.

Internally lies a well-spring of unending abundance, glory and joy. Hang on to that, hang on to your Divinity. Let your God hold and carry you through the ocean of the world. Pray like you're floating. Follow Love and you remain flexible.

Be brave, take the highest path you can reach.

I love you ...~R


Kathi My dear Boardie

Kat I am so sorry to have missed you! and anyone else who came to see me on Sunday. I decided and needed to stay home and work on my final paper that's due tomorrow.
It is a 20 page tome which is finally completed.

Kat I would be honored to read for you at my home. I will read for you there.
Do you still have my phone number? If not, email me and I'll let you know. Don't worry about the donation.

I love you and I deeply apologize if you were put out in any way.

Much love to you,

Friday, December 11, 2009


hi Rose,
I hope your finals went well.
yesterday,I came home from work,feeling dizzy(reaction from medication doctor gave me)
Last night,I had a dream,I was walking,everyone I pas said you are pregnant. A couple people in the dream asked me about my daughter. I felt strong sense of urgency. I woke up went back to sleep,had the same dream, I did that once more(woke up and went to sleep,had the same dream.) I had another dream I was talking to you. Yes, you working overtime again. telling you that RS wants to move up the wedding date,since daughter will be born before the wedding date we had set. I showed you my ring. While you and I were talking an older lady(yes my grandmother it turned out to be),came up to us,took my head in her hands and said how beautiful my daughter is,and she was so happy for me.
The last dream I had before waking was RS was asking me to fly to the big island in march ,I told him,I could not,I did not know I was pregnant but suspected. I took home pregnancy test in the dream ,it was positive. I made a doctor's appointment. When I told him,he flew here.
While meditating,I hear baby crying.

I am hoping this means this year daughter will arrive

Thursday, December 10, 2009

In The Present Moment

The Source is our Supply.

The Source is inside of us.

The Source takes on the shape and form of every single thing we need.

Flexibility of mind is the key.

Open-mindedness is the door.

Psychic Fair This Weekend

Aloha Hawaii Boardies

I will be at the Mililani Town Center Psychic Fair this weekend from 10am-3pm.

I would love to see you there and be of service to you in person.

Much love,


Tuesday, December 08, 2009


I am a pilgrim on a spiritual journey


Have you ever loved someone so much that you intertwined your life with their's?
It is important to maintain your individualism, to be who you are separate and apart from them.

We can only change ourselves, be who we are, stand in our integrity and Truth.

We can't change anyone...just love unconditionally, sometimes at arm's length.

And pray...for God's will, or the Will of the Divine Mind.

Don't get sucked into other people's drama, this could be harmful to your health.

Stand in Love....

Aloha ~R

To Those Who've Lost Loved Ones

Aloha my Boardies

I was thinking about trevina and Lecia, they both recent lost their mother, which led me to think about all of those who have lost a loved one this year.

Holidays are particularly difficult because there are so many memories attached to the holiday. I am sure...positive..that your loved one would want to to celebrate the holiday just as if they were physically present.

So when you have that extra holiday cookie, that extra glass of wine, open the next gift...know that you are doing it with them and for them.

Much love and a deep long hug...~R


Aloha Mia,

He loved you but wasn't ready to settle down, he still wanted to be with other women. You will meet your soulmate, that is definite. You will have the life you've always dreamed of.

Much love

Monday, December 07, 2009

Life on Life's Terms

Things are what they are period. The level of acceptance and spiritual surrender directly equates to the quality of our lives.

We can't change anything outside of ourself, all we can do is be grateful for the postive things in our lives. Gratitude is huge, has a very powerful uplifting effect.

I hope you're having an excellent holiday season. I wish you love.


Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Happy December everyone

Aloha Boardies

I'm wishing you the very best for this holiday season, for evey day of every week of every month of every year I bless you with happiness.


Happy Birthday Gurudev!

I miss you deeply...Jai Guru