Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dancing With God

“What does it take for your soul to dance with God? An eager spirit, a flexible heart and a willingness to let God take the lead in the dance!”
~Greg Barrette

Affirmation: I am poised and balanced in the healing light of God.

Meditation: Dear God,
There is a quiet place within me where I can find a sense of perfect equilibrium.There, in the silence, Your presence can flow through my life with perfect peace and poise. This divine center is my healing light, my harmonizing inner radiance, my balance point. There, I dance with You.

Thank You, dear God, for the dance I am experiencing within! Amen

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Simple Things

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."

~Leo Buscaglia

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Great Spirit

I am vibrantly alive, alert and awake to my true Essence, and I allow the Divine Mind that lives within me to guide my way.
May the Love which overcomes all differences, which heals all wounds,which puts to flight all our fears,which reconciles all who are separated.

Be in us and among us, now and always.


Ancient Sculpture

Nothing to say, just to enjoy


"Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen, and thinking what nobody has thought." ~Albert Szent-Gyorgi

I see the world from a new perspective.

Dear God,

Teach us to see life through inner vision. Silently, we open our hearts to Your presence.
Peace, like a quiet fog, covers our world.

Thank You for the freshness of this moment. Amen


I met this guy (C.H. - 8/22/80) and we hit it off right away. I feel a strong connection to him but i am also wondering. I had a dream lat night that we went on our second date and he went to teh bathroom and never came back?!

Usually dreams try to tell you something and sometimes they can just be because you are thinking too much. I don't want to waste my time and loose out on someone else.


Saturday, July 26, 2008

It's almost time!!!

I arrived in New York City a little over two years ago, to get my Masters' Degree and teach inner-city students as part of the NYC Teaching Fellows. My teaching commitment is now over, my degree is in hand, and I'm getting ready to move back to the West Coast.

I'm excited, but more nervous about this move than about any other that I've made -- and I've made a LOT of moves in my 50+ years.

So even though we (the kitties and I) won't be leaving until the 31st, I'd appreciate everyone's good thoughts and prayers for a safe journey (3,000 miles on our own) -- as well as, perhaps, some encouraging psychic nudges to FINISH PACKING !!! (LOL)


hi Rose,
I had odd dream on Friday night,the dream started I was sitting on coffee shop,a girl about the age of 8 walks up to me. She was local girl tan complexion,long black hair,brown eyes, and she said " you will have 2 daughters not one you think you will. " I looked at her and said are you talking about?" she repeated "you will have 2 daughters."I said "ok" Later I was at museum,she was there. i was looking at jade pieces,she told me that I had past life in china. She and her twin were opera singers. She said I was wife of government official. She describe he house in which my family and I lived. As she described it I saw it in my head. She described the furniture, and wall designs,it was amazing. it had indoor plumbingshe said my husband was smart man who was absent minded. It was Chinese man when I looked at him(rs's face was place) I knew we had past live togetherShe started to cry saying she missed her twin. We saw this duplicate necklaces in the museum,she said that was her and her sister's. Whenever she sees that necklace ,she misses her twin.She told me,that is why I like Chinese stuff. I woke up before I asked her,who she was.
who was she?

Practicing the Presence of God

"Although I am planning and doing things in the world, it is only to please (God).
I test myself: even when I am working I whisper wiothin, "Where are You, Lord?" and the whole world changes. There is nothing but a great Light, and I am a little bubble in that Ocean of Light. Such is the joy of existence in God."

Paramahansa Yogananda


"By having a reverence for life, we enter into a spiritual relation with the world. By practicing reverence for life we become good, deep, and alive."

~Albert Schweitzer

Affirmation: I revere the Love that makes us one.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Candle Lighting Protest

Aloha Boardies

Those of you who have joined me on my site for the last eight years know that I have kept the flow non-political. This however, is something I needed to share with you.



"What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Affirmation:My faith and beliefs are the heart of my actions.


Dear God,

It is easy to talk about love and justice, mercy and peace. Help me live the truths I speak of. May my actions always reflect Your presence within me. And so it is. Amen

Thursday, July 24, 2008


I spend too much time on the internet! But this sight is so much fun. It takes your web address and creates a word cloud. Rose, this is this blog in a word cloud. You can even print them out for inspiration!

Really neat...(click picture to make big!)


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Inner Peace

"You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level." ~Eckhart Tolle

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


"Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and, above all, confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained." ~Marie Curie

I am confident that life is rigged in my favor.

Monday, July 21, 2008

“But what in this world is perfect?”

Found this poem by Mary Oliver and wanted to share...

"Every year
the lilies
are so perfect
I can hardly believe

their lapped light crowding
the black,
mid-summer ponds.
Nobody could count all of them --

the muskrats swimming
among the pads and the grasses
can reach out
their muscular arms and touch

only so many, they are that
rife and wild.
But what in this world
is perfect?

I bend closer and see
how this one is clearly lopsided --
and that one wears an orange blight --
and this one is a glossy cheek

half nibbled away --
and that one is a slumped purse
full of its own
unstoppable decay.

Still, what I want in my life
is to be willing
to be dazzled --
to cast aside the weight of facts

and maybe even
to float a little
above this difficult world.
I want to believe I am looking

into the white fire of a great mystery.
I want to believe that the imperfections are nothing --
that the Light is everything -- that it is more than the sum
of each flawed blossom rising and fading. And I do."


I choose to focus my time and attention on Love alone.

Dear God,

Thank You for an interesting and blessed day.
Thank You for the opportunity to look at everything in a new way.
Guided by Your Spirit, I choose to dwell on the beauty and love all around me.
Thank You for life in all its simple wonder.

May all the Earth rest peacefully in You. Amen

The Power of Surrender

“The quickest way to access all of your true potential and actually experience it, instead of just hearing or reading about it, is the power of surrender. Surrender is probably not the most attractive or appealing word to most people. In fact, surrender is usually equated with giving up, losing, and defeat. But the opposite is true: you will never gain true power until you relinquish all human control and tap into your Divine potential within.”
~Greg Barrette

With my whole being, I let go and I totally trust in God.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


"Language... has created the word "loneliness" to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word "solitude" to express the glory of being alone.
~Paul Johannes Tillich (The Eternal Now)

I am refreshed and renewed by time spent in solitude.

Dear God,
Thank You for solitude and serenity as well as time with friends and family. I appreciate both conditions and enjoy the balance between them. When I am alone, I realize that all is One. If I feel lonely, I reach beyond myself and connect with others. In truth I am never alone for You are always with me.

Thank You God. Amen

Friday, July 18, 2008


"Life is not a random event. It has purpose and provides for the unfoldment of a divine plan with opportunities to make choices and decisions in every moment."
~Collin C. Tipping from Radical Forgiveness

My passion is freedom and my purpose is love.

Dear God, Your presence in my life is like a burning fire and a cool breeze. Your Truth pushes and cradles me. I intend to be a better person today than I was yesterday. With Your help, I passionately live my purpose. With my help, You transform the world.

Thank You God! And so it is. Amen

Kathi & Rose

Morning Ladies :-)

Ok my two projects are almost completed lol Still have a bit of tweeking to do here and there :-) ... And thank you both for your words, it encouraged me alot.

You can check them out here:

Girl Rose, now my auntie is saying end of August for me to go and work for her full time, lord I really was hoping to be from my present job at end of month. Anyhoo, that's how it goes sometimes :-)

Lot's of Luv 2 u both :-)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Visit to the Dharma Center

Aloha my Sisters

Every Thursday night I go with a friend to a Tibetan Buddhist Darma center. I started doing this because meditating alone my self-discipline is really poor. I am not Buddhist and am very grateful to the lamas there for allowing me to meditate with their group.

Tonight there was a special puja, a prayer service. The scripture is read in Tibetan, written phonetically for the ones that pray along, and then in English. After the Buddhist chanting we go back and recite the scripture in English. I had a profound experience.

I do believe in reincarnation and know each one of us has had thousands of previous lives. In this puja the devotee "confesses" to all the wrong doings they may have done in previous lives. These wrong doings include the killing of one's father or mother, the destruction of temples and the disrepect of Buddhas and Saints. It was very moving, I couldn't stop crying.
I never even considered that I may have committed such sins in previous lives.
With each confession one is forgiven by the grace of the Buddha; or as I know it Guru Kripa, Guru's Grace.

I pray that each one of you is forgiven for any deeds you may have committed in previous lives.

love, Rose

Love Offerings

Aloha my Boardies

I don't know if you followed along with the conversation between Lecia, Kathi and me. It was about getting comfortable with accepting donations for the work you do; feeling worthy enough to accept the offerings.

So in that spirit I am asking for your love offerings to support this blog and my work. You can email me for my address.

I look forward to seeing many of you at the Palmistry/Readings class.

Much aloha,

Spiritual Guidance

“The really happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.” ~Anonymous

I go where I am led.

Dear God,

I let go of my human desires and surrender to the guidance of Your spirit within knowing that all is meant for my good. I am open to the adventure of life and joyfully accept the path You have for me,wherever it leads! Thank You God! Amen

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Loving Service

"The fruit of prayer is the deepening of love, deepening of faith. If we believe, we will be able to pray, and the fruit of love is service. Therefore works of love are always works of peace, and to be able to put our hearts and hands into loving service we must know God, we must know God is love, that He loves us and that He has created us - each one of us - for greater things."
~Mother Teresa of Calcutta

I am happy to serve the cause of love.

Dear God,Who would You have me serve today? I accept my assignment to be Your hands and feet, to share a smile and a hug. I greet this day with joy in my heart, knowing that there is work for me to do. Hold our world in Your heart. Show us how to serve and love one another. May Your peace prevail. Amen

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Your Palmistry Class on 8/9/2008

I checked out the website and it contains the information for your class. I am definitely going to try and be there!


Giving Love

"Holding on to resentment is like taking poison and hoping the other person will die."
~Carolyn Myss

I loose you and let you go to your highest good.

Dearest Boardies

Visualize the person or situation you wish to forgive and take this affirmation treatment as your own healing truth: I loose you and let you go. I now fully and freely release you. All that has happened between us is complete, now and forever. I free you to God within you and I free myself to God within me. I free you to your highest good and I free myself to my highest good. Feel the freedom your soul has been craving. Liberate your soul!

Monday, July 14, 2008


“The universe loves, protects and cherishes me. I am nonresistance to all things in the universe.”~Imelda Octavia Shanklin

Holy of Holy,
I am conscious of Your Holy Spirit that lives and breaths within me. I claim the overcoming of all negative circumstance, situation, person or thing as I grow stronger tapping into Your Divine power. The Truth goes with me wherever I go and never fails. I draw my strength knowing I must not resist the immovable power that is continually revealing Itself to me.

I Thank You Holy Spirit. Amen

Website Creation

Hola Mama!

Hope all is well with you and your family (felines included lol)

My aunt has a friend who wrote a romance novel and they want me to create a website for her so she could promote her and the book. Kewl no worries. But my auntie is insisting I charge her friend, ok I get why lol. She said to charge her friend $500. But her friend already has a: domain name, got the domain name registered,and has hosting company. She said she needs: a web site developer and a web mastering.

My issue is I feel bad about charging so much (or at all) because I am technically not building the website from scratch you know. Just using the templates off the net and just adding and making it look pretty with the information they want on it. I know the one I did for my aunt, she paid me $100 and I still felt kinda bad. I know it's my time sitting there. I guess I'm looking at it wrong. I started a website already for her today, but i dunno if I can really give her what she will be happy with. Anyhoo the question is should I go through with the site and charging her the $500.00?

Muchas Gracias :-)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Life's Progressive Expression

“Fly-up Sunday is a milestone celebration of the progressive unfolding of Life through each of us. We gratefully acknowledge our children and their movement from one grade into the next. At the same time we celebrate the many ways we have grown in this past year. We know that each of us is a dynamic expression of the One life.”
~Ric Beattie

I am in perfect alignment with the forward movement of Life.

Dear God, Thank You for this amazing experience of living and learning. I am more and more aware of Your presence in me and in all things. I rejoice in this deep knowing that You are here, now! How can I express Your love today? Who would You have me serve? What shall we do today, God? I love life and I know that life loves me! Amen

Saturday, July 12, 2008

odd things

Hi Rose,
thursday night, i woke up
and saw dark figure near my back door,near my alter. Then on friday night as I was lying in bed,I felt tap on mytop of my head. Saturday afternoon,I had the back door open,, and the 1/4 of my alter fell to the ground only one thing was broken a unicon RS sent me. I got some sage and cleared the area this evening.

What was that going on?
TAW 5/17/67

Palmistry Class NEW DATE

Here ya go Hawaii Bloggies my Hearts

August 9th 11am-1pm

Please come we'll have so much fun! Call ahead and reserve your space. (See previous post for contact details) ... or as usual, just ask me :)

love peace optimism


Friday, July 11, 2008

Palmistry Class Cancelled

Are there two "L"s in cancelled??

Anyway, the 19th class ain't happening. I got an email from the Captains wife. The 487th going away party is the same day and time. So that's that.

I will let you know when it is resheduled.

Love ya lots

Palmisrty Readings and Class

I will be teaching palmistry and doing hand readings on July 19th at 11am. Please contact Moana or Shadiya at the phone number below to reserve your space.

Da SmarTitas
Moana Meyer 808-351-4960
1192 Smith St.
63 N Beretania
Honolulu, HI 96817


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Joy - Especially for Kat ;)

I am blessed with a joyful disposition.

Dear God,

Joy flows like a river from You and covers my world.You are the source of the song in my heart and the smile in my soul.I rejoice in Your presence and in Your ways.

Thank You. Amen

Elder's Meditation

"Each soul must meet the morning sun, the new, sweet earth, and the great silence alone."
--Charles Alexander Eastman, OHIYESA SANTEE SIOUX

Each morning a new sun for a new day arises. Each morning the sweet perfume from the Mother Earth spreads across the land. This combination of sun, earth, smell and quiet is a magic door for me to enter to kneel before the Grandfathers. The sacred time to commune with the Great Spirit.
Oh Great Spirit, I humbly stand before You along with the new sun, the Mother Earth and the smells of the morning. I ask You to direct my thinking today. Let me live in the silence. Teach me Your wisdom, Teach me to love my brothers and sisters. Let me respect the things You have made.

(I love the silence of the mornings, even in town I can hear birds singing. ~R)

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Dear God,

We sense Your presence within ourselves and within each other. We share our talents, skills and resources knowing that there is plenty for everyone. Competition and judgment give way to cooperation and mutual assistance. Love weaves our individual strengths together for the common good. May the way we live honor our Oneness.


Tuesday, July 08, 2008


"Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future."

~Deepak Chopra

Monday, July 07, 2008


"The first step to be taken in anything we wish to do is to seek divine assistance. To ask God to go with us and work with us, and to enter into such perfect spiritual harmony with God that we can feel His supreme power through and through – that is the first and most important, be it work pertaining to body, mind or soul."~Christian D. Larson

I am living in harmony with God.

Dear God, I am learning to include you in every aspect of my life, to see Your direction about each decision. There are no small matters. I have long sought Your guidance in the big things:Should I buy this house? Is this the right relationship for me? Should I change jobs now?There is nothing I want to take care of on my own. Express Your harmony and perfection through me. Direct my thoughts and actions.My heart is open to You. This is an incredible way to live! Thank You God. Amen

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Simpler and Simpler

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler."

~Henry David Thoreau

I am blessed by the simple truth that Love is All there is.

Dear God,
Beyond the apparent complexity of life, I sense a simple and elegant pattern of expanding love.

May my life radiate this pattern in every way.

Thank You very much.

Friday, July 04, 2008


"We create a tremendous amount of suffering for ourselves because we are not willing to get off our position of needing to control everything. But until we can see we are doing this, we will just keep doing it in more and more sophisticated ways. Prayer gives us the chance to pause long enough to blow the whistle on our own strategies."
~Regina Sara Ryan

I am prayerful, peaceful and relaxed in the presence of the One.

Dear God,
Teach me about prayer beyond words and ideas. I do not always know what I want or need. Hold me closely in Your arms that I might experience Your presence. Reveal the prayers in every moment of this day.
Thank You. Amen

Independence Day

“The million little things that drop into our hands, the small opportunities each day brings, He leaves us free to use or abuse and goes unchanging along His silent way.”
~Helen Keller

I accept each opportunity to support my soul’s freedom.

Dear God,
Our Founding Fathers embraced a challenging situation and turned it into a true victory for a higher ideal. My soul’s freedom is not about being free of life’s difficult moments.Soul freedom means that I use those difficulties to propel me forward on my path. Whether I need to forgive, take action, or be still, I accept each opportunity to support my soul’s liberation.
Thank You, God, for all the small opportunities You give me to support my soul each day.
I am grateful! Amen

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Aloha and Good Morning Mobet

I have not forgotten about you; I wait for the direction to respond. I do not sense LC coming to visit; however in case he does you have instructions on how to behave.

Please rememebr to trust your children have a conscience and a heart. Remember that Truth has it's own integrity. You ARE a good mother, and even at a teenagers moodiest in their heart they know.
Words are weapons only if we let them be. Please stop crying, ALL of this is about your evolution. You are good, creative, intelligent, loving and compassionate. God truly sees into all of us. Get out of the way and let God do his job.
Be yourself, kids needs stability and what can be more stabilizing than to have their mother walking in truth and prayer. Please try not to react, remember that God is standing inside of you, next to you, and all around you. Truth rises to the top. Don't react or by into the ex's negativity; it's hard but definitely doable.

You model righteousness for your children and let LC model the hate. Goodness and Justice do God's time not ours.

Okay for now? I love you.


Good Morning Bloggies

"Freedom means the power to act by soul guidance, not by the compulsions of desires and habits. Obeying the ego leads to bondage; obeying the soul brings liberation."
