Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

To my darling Boardies...

We've made it into 2010...there's something scifi for me about being in 2010...I mean, I was born so many decades ago that 2010 seems somehow unreal.

This year will be much has to be. Do not allow your mind to dwell on fear and negativity, put out positive thought ripples into your world, and those ripples in turn will have a positive effect on your world.

Have hope, optimisim and the strength you will need to live life on life's terms.

I love you!


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Hi and Aloha Boardies,

Gotta do some grandma bragging...Yesterday my 7-yr-old grandson was watching Deal or No Deal. He turns to me with this adorable serious face and says, "If they pick the wrong case my career is over."


Whooshing you a very blessed day.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Hi Rose,
I had a dream last night where you had many business. I walked in to meet you had healing rooms,where people who are sick .received healing . You said to me I wish I had this when your mom was sick,I said she is healed and happy. You had jewelry to aid meditation. you had what looked like make up kits but it was to aid meditation,the colors focus on chakas. Classrooms for mediation as well as juice and snack bar. It was very cool

Monday, December 28, 2009


Hi Boardies,

I'm eating way too much, my daughter and I love food and the Cooking Channel. So, today I looked up the word gluttony to make sure I wasn't a glutton.

I'm not.

Pass the ice cream please.

Happy the way I am,

Saturday, December 26, 2009


I want to say I hate jetlag but for the last 10 years on this blog I have been teaching to remove hate from your vocabulary. I hate jetlag.

The feelings od exhaustion and disorientation to time and place are quite unsettling. Plus, Billy my cat is relentlessly sending me telepathy bemoaning my absence. He is so attached to me we started calling him Umbilical Bill.

So I don't think about it, the jetlag or the cat, and focus on the now present here.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. I am very grateful, very grateful, to have so much food in my life...but if anyone comes near me with more turkey I'm gonna bop them with a drumstick.

California aloha....~R


"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy practice compassion."

H.H. the Dalai Lama

Friday, December 25, 2009

Family and Friends

Okay I'm sorry but happy that Cristmas will be behind us in a couple of hours. I'm grateful for the food and presents of course, and the mind stretching, patience expanding time with my 7-year-old grandson.

But I miss my loved ones, the ones no longer on the earth plane, and the holidays somehow seem to magnify the intensity of their absence.

I think of those we lost to the cycle of birth and death, I sense them, smell them, hear their voices and am sometimes guided by their sage advice.

I smother my feelings of loss with candied yams and gravey and elevate my mood with leftover desserts. I will be okay for sure; that is until I hear Auld Lang Syne, a song which always makes me cry.

I love you...and I'm here for you....~Rose

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Hi Kathi

Would you and your friend please come on Sunday 1/3 at 10am? Would that work for you?

Please call me, leave a message and let me know....

Happy New Year Kathi!


Happy Holiday!

Hi Boardies

Christmas is upon us....Wishing you all the very best of the holiday season and a healthy happy and prosperous 2010.

Trust me, 2010 will be better than 2009...which was really bad for a lot of people.
I admire your courage for hanging in there!

2010 will be better...MUCH better for almost everyone....

Off to Cali to sit under a tree and suprise the heck out of my little grandson...


Mele Kalikimaka!

Mele Kalikimaka!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Krisha Das

The Krishna Das concert this past Sunday was deeply spiritual awesome and wonderful.

If you ever have the opportunity to see him please do so.

Much aloha


Monday, December 21, 2009

we live amongst such beauty...

Hi Rose and everyone,

Testing out the photo upload...

Wanted to share a photo from the last hike I went on. This is above Kahana Bay on Oahu. It was a scramble but we enjoyed ourselves! That is me with the hat off in the distance. And the bottom photo is of me and him. Rose, we are excited and anxious to have you read for us. :)

Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday...

Peace and light and lots of Love-

(klp 4.8.62 jgh 5.2.60)

Kathi - Lecia Blog Help

Good morning Kathi and Lecia,

I'm not sure why but when I attempt to post a jpeg or photo Blogger posts the computer language instead of the picture. Any ideas or suggestions.

Much love and thank you,


Such Joy!

Verging on the ecstatic I don't know if I weep because I live my life so far from my Divine being or weep with joy because the Divine Being is within me!


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas Rose!

I hope this finds you and your loved ones in good spirits! It has been a very long time cruising your blog site.

I have been trying to learn more about using my intuition and but sometimes when it comes to loved ones you can't quit get a good handle on it. Perhaps there is too much emotion to get a clear and objective view of things. Could I get your expert thoughts on this?

Will the relationship between my daughter TPK 9-29-85 and KT 12-12-78 grow into a more loving/intimate one? They are currently dating and I hope this guy will be honest and good to her. Will it last long?

Happy Holidays and I miss seeing you! Thank you for your gifts!


Thursday, December 17, 2009


Aloha Goddesses

Last night a friend and I went to Sharkeys Comedy Club and laughed for three hours straight. I had forgotten how wonderful and healing laughter is! My blood felt oxygenated, my energy level rose, it was marvelous.

So if you have the chance LAUGH!

A little girl wrote a letter to Santa, in it she wrote, "Dear Santa, Please give me a baby brother." Sants wrote back and said, "Send your mother."

That'll get you started...Ho Ho Ho! Love, Rose

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Today's Thoughts

Aloha my Goddesses

Sigh...the Universe is SO loving and supportive. Trust in your Highest Self is essential..Follow your intuition. Walk in the path of Love. Check into your heart before you respond or react. What would Ghandi do?

Life on life's terms...sort of like ice skating, if you fall, get right back up again and keep going.

Follow Love, center and glide...

Much Love

Monday, December 14, 2009


When things are not going the way you expect or desire follow your heart, your path of love and you will be all right.

We cannot change any single thing outside of ourselves. We can only change the way we cope and respond.

The Universe is kind and dynamic always changing, the world is tough, rigid and harsh. As humans we have to deal with loss and grief, deceit, cruelty and selfishness.

Internally lies a well-spring of unending abundance, glory and joy. Hang on to that, hang on to your Divinity. Let your God hold and carry you through the ocean of the world. Pray like you're floating. Follow Love and you remain flexible.

Be brave, take the highest path you can reach.

I love you ...~R


Kathi My dear Boardie

Kat I am so sorry to have missed you! and anyone else who came to see me on Sunday. I decided and needed to stay home and work on my final paper that's due tomorrow.
It is a 20 page tome which is finally completed.

Kat I would be honored to read for you at my home. I will read for you there.
Do you still have my phone number? If not, email me and I'll let you know. Don't worry about the donation.

I love you and I deeply apologize if you were put out in any way.

Much love to you,

Friday, December 11, 2009


hi Rose,
I hope your finals went well.
yesterday,I came home from work,feeling dizzy(reaction from medication doctor gave me)
Last night,I had a dream,I was walking,everyone I pas said you are pregnant. A couple people in the dream asked me about my daughter. I felt strong sense of urgency. I woke up went back to sleep,had the same dream, I did that once more(woke up and went to sleep,had the same dream.) I had another dream I was talking to you. Yes, you working overtime again. telling you that RS wants to move up the wedding date,since daughter will be born before the wedding date we had set. I showed you my ring. While you and I were talking an older lady(yes my grandmother it turned out to be),came up to us,took my head in her hands and said how beautiful my daughter is,and she was so happy for me.
The last dream I had before waking was RS was asking me to fly to the big island in march ,I told him,I could not,I did not know I was pregnant but suspected. I took home pregnancy test in the dream ,it was positive. I made a doctor's appointment. When I told him,he flew here.
While meditating,I hear baby crying.

I am hoping this means this year daughter will arrive

Thursday, December 10, 2009

In The Present Moment

The Source is our Supply.

The Source is inside of us.

The Source takes on the shape and form of every single thing we need.

Flexibility of mind is the key.

Open-mindedness is the door.

Psychic Fair This Weekend

Aloha Hawaii Boardies

I will be at the Mililani Town Center Psychic Fair this weekend from 10am-3pm.

I would love to see you there and be of service to you in person.

Much love,


Tuesday, December 08, 2009


I am a pilgrim on a spiritual journey


Have you ever loved someone so much that you intertwined your life with their's?
It is important to maintain your individualism, to be who you are separate and apart from them.

We can only change ourselves, be who we are, stand in our integrity and Truth.

We can't change anyone...just love unconditionally, sometimes at arm's length.

And pray...for God's will, or the Will of the Divine Mind.

Don't get sucked into other people's drama, this could be harmful to your health.

Stand in Love....

Aloha ~R

To Those Who've Lost Loved Ones

Aloha my Boardies

I was thinking about trevina and Lecia, they both recent lost their mother, which led me to think about all of those who have lost a loved one this year.

Holidays are particularly difficult because there are so many memories attached to the holiday. I am sure...positive..that your loved one would want to to celebrate the holiday just as if they were physically present.

So when you have that extra holiday cookie, that extra glass of wine, open the next gift...know that you are doing it with them and for them.

Much love and a deep long hug...~R


Aloha Mia,

He loved you but wasn't ready to settle down, he still wanted to be with other women. You will meet your soulmate, that is definite. You will have the life you've always dreamed of.

Much love

Monday, December 07, 2009

Life on Life's Terms

Things are what they are period. The level of acceptance and spiritual surrender directly equates to the quality of our lives.

We can't change anything outside of ourself, all we can do is be grateful for the postive things in our lives. Gratitude is huge, has a very powerful uplifting effect.

I hope you're having an excellent holiday season. I wish you love.


Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Happy December everyone

Aloha Boardies

I'm wishing you the very best for this holiday season, for evey day of every week of every month of every year I bless you with happiness.


Happy Birthday Gurudev!

I miss you deeply...Jai Guru

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Great Quote

"We must all learn to live together as brothers (and sisters) or we are going to persih together as fools."
Dr. Martin Luther King


I am a unifying force in the world.

See God in everyone then lock your car. ~R

Friday, November 27, 2009


In 2010 I see many powerful changes:

I see a flood of massive proportion that takes out half a city. This is an indutrialized city, not a rural area.
I see the economy getting stronger, I see a rise in steel production.
I see wonderful advances in medicine, something about diabetes care.
I see a record number of babies being born.
I see a kinder more compassionate world coming...
I see all the states having a better fiscal year.

I'm seeing a LOT of births...
It will be a better year than 2009 was....

Happy Birthday Jimi Hendrix

A young brilliant musican taken from us by the disease of addiction. Praying that no addict seeking recovery need ever die.

Your music breathes Jimi...thank you!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Hi Rose,
2009 sem to be year of endings i.e. physical lives of Lecia's and my mom,many other's.economy not doing well.
what does 2010 bring?
year of tiger my and rs's nickname for daughter is tiger crossing my fingers she is coming.

Gratitude Dance

One Planet One Human Race....

I love you all....

If this link doesn't work go to search Gratitude Dance Very High Quality.

You will be happy you did.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Aloha my Boardies

I wish you a very grateful day, lots of food to eat and hearts filled with love. To the loved ones not with us...We Love You!

Monday, November 23, 2009

My Email Address


I have received several requests for my contact information. If you would like to meet with me please email me for information and an appointment.



Prayer Request

Aloha Boardies

Let's join in praying for Trevina and Lecia, both have recently lost thier mother. The holiday season is particularly difficult for those with recent losses.

Lecia and Trevina, I lift you up through this holiday season, know that you are loved and protected.

Much love,

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Robert Frost

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference."

I follow the path of intuition and Spirit.

Wherever we are God is.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

noises and smells

hi Rose,
even though my apartment does not have wind chimes,I hear it usually after I meditate.
Lately,I have been smelling Vick's vapor rub not sure who it is?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thanksgiving message

Buddhist Wisdom

O let us live joy, although having nothing! In joy let us live like Spirits of Light!


Sunday, November 15, 2009


Hi Rose,
A quick overview perhaps on how to meditate? Meditation 101, if you will...

:) Thank you.

Kat 4.8.62

Saturday, November 14, 2009

New job...

Aloha Rose,
I finally got myself out of retail and am now working in the sales department of one our local alternative newsweeklies. Wow, what a huge change. New skills to learn and also learning to navigate my way as the new kid on the block. Working in retail for over a decade has definitely stagnated my mind. I am enjoying the change though it is quite scary for this INFP.

I know it's just jitters but do you see me staying here at this job for a while? I'm hoping I can fit in school along with learning a new job. I've also lost another battle at keeping a relationship going. I really wanted this one to work(JGH 5.2.60). :( And am having a super hard time coping with the breakup. It took me six years to find him. It's been a rough job starts and my relationship ends.

I'm feeling pretty empty right now...

Hope you are well. And that you and your loved ones are doing well. And that your computer issues have been solved.

Love and light,

Thursday, November 12, 2009


hi Rose,
I have been doing affirmations to bring prosperity. My sister meditating been getting stuff . lol last time I did it mom got stuff. I have been calmer and more secure in knowledge I will be okay.Tonight, I mediated kept hearing you are worthy. It was beautiful. my mom told me months before she died, my grandmother told her, I was special... She would ever say that to me directly.

Last night and tonight, while mediatating, I felt arms hugging me. not sure who it is. It felt great. very loving.
Interesting, is that lately I have been getting answers to questions I had for a long time.
Love ya,

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day

Veteran’s Day
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”~John Fitzgerald Kennedy
I choose to act in loving service to humanity.
Dear God,Thank You, God, for the power of choice. As I honor the sacrifices made by so many veterans, I reflect on my own inner commitment to make a difference in the lives of those around me. A look, a touch, a word, a deed, can mean so much to another soul. Although I may not be in a position to make a dramatic stand for my inner values, it is the aggregate of my small choices that can make such a difference in the lives of those around me. I am grateful that I can make this commitment.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Hola Rose,

Yes, breathe on the PC vibe ... remember man made these things lol

Hope all is very much going ok with you ... and yours are in my prayers always. :-)

Wondering what's your take on the whole 2012 vibe? The movie I want to see (just for the terror factor) ... you know i'm a fan of sci-fi, horror, mysteries kind of thing ;-). Reality speaking is this just a lot of hype or do you think it will be the end? I'm thinking more changes not sure if good, bad or what. Just changes.

In other news, we're dealin' with my mom's death as best ... you know. I'm having mixed feelings with how it happened as something seems off to me, but I have decided to let it go. It won't bring her back. Anyhoo, my dad says he may decide to go back to the island he was born on for a short while ... i guess take a breather ... and i'm working on trying to complete my mission of running my own business. :-)

Monday, November 09, 2009

Computer on the Fritz

Hey my Peeps

Computer back in shop hence the lack of pretty pictures. This time it's covered by warantee because I JUST GOT IT.....ahem-breathe ....out of the shop 2 weeks ago.

I am so grateful for my friend's laptop...thank you Carolyn!



It will bring you serenity while you're sitting

and gifts into your world.

Use some self-discipline, like you would with your body.

The more you meditate the better it gets.

much love

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Keep Your Head Where Your Feet Are

It's easy to get sucked into the distractions of the world. We are constantly pulled to look externally for answers and fulfillment. It's not there, nothing is there outside of us.

Focus on your breathing. Sit and watch the breath. Close your eyes. Breathe.

You may think, "I'm breathing in. I am breathing out." Focusing on the breath puts One in the now. It puts in in rhythm with all life. Can you feel the sensation of spaciousness? That is all there is, within you is within everything.

Keep your head where your feet are. Rest here.

Much aloha,


HI Rose,
this morning,I went for a walk and I saw in the window or restaurant that my neighbor owns pictures RS had taken I put in frame. While cleaning house after mom died, i think they were accidentally thrown away. RS had copyrighted the pictures. Since he own a photography business. I spoke to my neighbor while RS was on the phone,so he could take to them. He called the business they swore at him. I took pictures of the pictures being in the display window, the owners denied it being there. I went later the pictures were removed but not returned to me.
Will Rs (9/1/64) get his pictures back?
Also Friday and Saturday nights, I had dreams I was laid off, moved to Hilo. Is this going to occur ?

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Dear God,
I know that each day presents new opportunities to be and to believe.
I eagerly move forward, trusting that everything I require is mine.
Divine ideas flow into my mind as I open myself to You.
Divine order is established in all of my affairs.
As I relax into Your presence, peace is established in my heart.
I gratefully share all that I have, knowing that You are the One source.
Your plan for me is perfection.
May it be for me according to Your will.
And so it is....

Buddhist Wisdom

Ajita asked: "What is it that smothers the world and makes it so hard to see? What is it that pollutes the world and seems to threaten it?"

The Buddha answered: "It is ignorance that smothers, and it is carelessness and greed that make it invisible. The hunger of craving pollutes the world, and the pain of suffering causes the greatest fear."

- Sutta Nipata

To: Colin Ross

Hi Colin, Thank you for your kind words and for watching my show, I'm happy you enjoyed it. I will go to your facebook page re: Madeline McCann. I haven't looked into her case...yet.


Hi Rose Are you on Facebook/Myspace?I recently seen you on the 'Psychic Investigators' tv show you did some amazing work on there! I am fascinated with RV, one of the reason I got into it was the act of finding missing people, with the main interest in seeing if any one in the RV community had any insight into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann who was abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal on Thursday 3rd May 2007, my FB/MS id's are would love to hear your insight into it, thank you very much for your time and attentionCheersColin


hi Rose,
while meditating,I smell roses,very sweet scent,. Also meditating,I saw things images moving left to right. I felt something moving from left to right opening. Almost window washers on a car.
what is going on?

Friday, November 06, 2009

Look Inside

Love is in you
Abundance is in you
Security is in you
Highest Good

all are within you now.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009


Choosing a Path of Abundance

“Good things tend to happen for people who place themselves in the flow of Divine Energy. When we understand that God’s abundance is all around us awaiting our willingness to trigger its energy, we’re opened to new dimensions of opportunity.”
~Ron Scott

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


Aloha Rose,
I hope everyone is fine. Hard to believe the holidays are upon us again! I've found a new job outside of retail finally.

My question is about manifestation. What is it? And is it "circular"? Like if I wanted to manifest something or someone and that something or someone wanted something else manifested. How does that affect my manifestation?

Hope I made sense!

Love and light-
klp 4.8.62

Divine Law is Operating in Your Life

"Know beyond all doubt that God is love, and that all things work together for good for those who love God. See divine law operating in your own life and in the life of the whole of humanity. Look always for the good, look for God, and you will find that God's great love is working out a wise and beautiful purpose through human evolution."

~White Eagle

Future Issues

Aloha Rose,

All is well with me than they have been for some time. I have developed such amazing strength that I thought was lost. But with all that I have been through, God has shown me that he still has my back and is able.

I wanted to know if you would tell me if lc 9-16-61 will be utilizing his visitation with our children for Thanksgiving and if he will pursue his quest with any legal actions for custody again. I also wanted to know if you could tell me if our son lcj 5-31-93 will soon come out of his nasty attitude due to the negative things his father puts in his head.

Mahalo and Namaste,

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Dear Mother/Father/God,

This week is an interesting collection of days that we have labeled Holy: Celtic New Year, Halloween, Samhain, All Saints and All Souls. An interesting blend of celebrations from the ancient religions and Christianity mixed with more than a bit of modern marketing. My intention is to reflect on the core meaning of this sacred time of year; a time of reflection and anticipation, a time between seasons.

I am grateful for the people whose ideas and presence have helped me find my way. So many decisions, events, people, places, jobs, loves, heartaches, seeming errors
and triumphs have brought me to this moment; to this particular expression of eternal unfoldment. Now, I consciously rekindle my internal awareness of the One Life with and in me. I know that everyday is Holy if I live it wholly. Blessed be the Life we share.

Friday, October 30, 2009


The truth indeed has never been preached by the Buddha, seeing that one has to realize it within oneself.

- Lamkara Sutra


“When we set aside time each day for deep communion with the infinite, then, as surely as day follows night, the light of inspiration will illuminate our beings." ~Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith

God is my center and my source and is continuously pouring Itself through my creativity.

Dear God, You are the heart and soul of me. In these moments of conscious connection, I am renewed and invigorated. As I relax into Your care, my creativity comes alive. I am filled with passion, purpose and power. You are the master mold and pattern for the expression of my life. Thank You, Mother/Father/God.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Thoughts Are Things


"As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives."

~Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Companion Needs Prayers

Aloha Boardies

My friend Steven needs prayers, good wishes and positive energy sent his way. He is in the Hawaii Army National Guard and they said yesterday that they might send him to Iraq.

I'm just sick over this, he is the best guy, great heart...please send protection toward him.

Thank you! And while we're at it, let's put up a prayer for all our military deployed all around the world.

Much love and PEACE


Real Love

Real Love is not based on attachment, but on altruism. In this case, your compassion will remain as a humane response to suffering as long as beings continue to suffer.

- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Saturday, October 24, 2009

furlough fridays

HI Rose,
This Friday was the first furlough Friday. The senate is calling for special session for the teachers. do you see them discussing HGEA contract( that is the union Tasha and I are members of) the union agreed to furlough days,not me.. Teh teacher's union also voted for furloughs. I am hoping and praying senate changes it.This weak-end so far has been informative. Friday, I could not find my newspaper I mediated and some one brought my paper and told me about the delivery person. I have been praying,and meditating about the contract even though the voting did not go the way I wanted. I am hoping for miracle. I had phone interview for p/t job on Friday.
Still waiting on word about Hilo

Ajapa Yoga Gurus - Past and Present

Jai Guru Guruji!

Friday, October 23, 2009


"Let us be very sincere in our dealings with each other, and have the courage to accept each other as we are. Do not be surprised or become preoccupied at each other's failures - rather, see and find in each other the good, for each one of us is created in the image of God."

~Mother Teresa of Calcutta

I am encouraged by the indwelling and inherent good in people.
Dear God, Help me see Your presence in each person I meet or think of.

Real Peace

Real peace is not just the absence of violence or of war... A mere absence of war is not genuine, lasting world peace. Peace must develop on mutual trust.

- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rose,You are amazing

Years ago you said I would marry on October 2010. I asked recently said the same date
I love you

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Buddhist Wisdom

Eventually we will find (mostly in retrospect, of course) that we can be very grateful to those people who have made life most difficult for us.

- Ayya Khema, "When the Iron Eagle Flies"

Christian Wisdom

Standing On Holy Ground

When I walked through the door I sensed His presence and I knew this was the place where love abounds. For this is the temple of Jehovah God Almighty. We are standing in His presence on holy ground. We are standing on holy ground.– Rob Robinson
I am open and receptive to your living spirit of Truth.
Dear Lord, I acknowledge Your presence. I am immersed in Your life, love, and wisdom. I now realize that You are with me always – in mind, body and spirit. Amen

creepy stuff

hi Rose,
I have been waking up earlier( not including 3 am wake up) to meditate.
I put Hawaiian salt in the doorways this week-end because I have creepy experience this Saturday. A guy working on the roof on the building next to me,was watching me walk to the door all last week. On Saturday, early in the morning he called me to the wall( i did not go) he making kissing face. I felt uncomfortable. I told RS he told me to be careful. I emailed the company after having a looping dream of him harming a little girl in the building. the company removed him from the building.
Yesterday when I got home, I opened the back door to go to the washing machine and black thing fell to the ground. I picked it up it did not feel like dust. then I thought paper had burnt,it did not leave anything in my hand. I put some more Hawaiian salt. what put there Sunday was gone. I will sage it Friday (on my furlough day).
RS was sweeping and he let go the broom to get dust pan it stayed upright for 2 days. He took pictures of it.
What is the black stuff?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Zen Meditation

Zen meditation is not physical culture, nor is it a method to gain something material. It is peacefulness and blessedness itself. It is the actualization of truth and wisdom.

- The Practice of Meditation, Zen Master Dogen

Freedom to Be

Freedom to Be

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland


I am blessed to be who I am.

Gratitude is essential, especailly when times get tough. Think outside the box, be YOU, and trust your God.

much aloha, Rose

Saturday, October 17, 2009


a friend of mine was going to get married on 11/21/09. I told her 11/22/2009 the number 11 4 times 8 means complete would be better,she talks to her dead mother and she told her to get married on 11/22/09 as well.
So I joked with Russ that 10/10/10 would be a great date to get married. he joked that 08/09/10 would be great. We found the perfect spot to get married.
RCS 09/01/64
TAW 05/17/67
love ya,

"How To Meditate"

We confuse attachment with love. Attachment is concerned with my needs, my happiness, while love is an unselfish attitude, concerned with the needs and happiness of others.... A relationship free of unrealistic grasping is free of disappointment, conflict, jealousy, and other problems, and is fertile ground for the growth of love and wisdom.

- Kathleen McDonald, "How to Meditate"

Simple Sweetness

"Most people are afraid of suffering. But suffering is a kind of mud to help the lotus flower grow. There cannot be a lotus flower without the mud."

Thich Nhat Hanh


Aloha Rose,
I think about school daily. And am also thinking of switching jobs and have a meeting lined up with one of the alternative press here in Hawaii.

I've also been quite attracted to going into Law. Been doing a ton of reading about getting to law school and understand the commitment required...not to mention the ton of reading involved. :)

This is a switch from my former path. It feels good. My only concern is that the new job(once it's offered) won't cover my living expenses, which includes my son who is going to college (evyh 11.01.88).

Should I go back to my former path or does this new road look good to you?

Thank you so much.

Much light and love-

ps-T and Rose, I remember that post. It was posted last year. Lol...I'd like to know as well. But that's another post!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Money Charms

Aloha Boardies

Anyone interested in things that attract money?

Uncle Albert - Imagination

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

Albert Einstein

Buddhist Wisdom

The greatest achievement is selflessness.

The greatest worth is self-mastery.

The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.

The greatest precept is continual awareness.

The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.

The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.

The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.

The greatest generosity is non-attachment.

The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.

The greatest patience is humility.

The greatest effort is not concerned with results.

The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.

The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.


Happy Diwali - Hindu Festival of Lights

Deepawali or Diwali is certainly the biggest an the brightest of all Hindu festivals. It's the festival of lights (deep = light and avali = a row i.e., a row of lights) that's marked by four days of celebration, which literally illumines the country with its brilliance, and dazzles all with its joy. Each of the four days in the festival of Diwali is separated by a different tradition, but what remains true and constant is the celebration of life, its enjoyment and goodness.

Aloha Anonymous - Free readings

Hi,I saw you (Rose) on TV yesterday. It was a program about how you had had helped the police in Gonzarles. I was very impressed.I googled you and found this blog :-) I'm not quite sure how to post, so that why I'm leaving a comment here; maybe someone could help me. I would be very interested in getting a free reading, Rose.Bless you all,L

Thank you for the kind words L. and thank you for watching my show.
Where do you live? My email is Get me your email address and I will send you an invitation to my blog. Once you get that you'll be able to post you question. Along with the question please post initials and dates of birth for each person you want read. Lengthy posts are difficult for me to read. Private readings, via email, in person or phone are available. Email me for details.
Much peace,

Thursday, October 15, 2009

dates forgotten

hi Rose,
My union leaders agreed to furlough for us.
I had a feeling it was coming. I had detailed dream that explained to me what to do.
I have been trying to find the post where you gave Kat and I dates we would marry.
I realized that next year is the year of the tiger. RS and I picked a name for daughter that means tiger.
My question is what was the dates again of wedding?
Love ya,T

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Where I am What I'm Doing

Hi Bloggies my loves

Typing to you on a borrowed laptop while my computer is being healed. I have a test today, midterm tomorrow, and two papers due on Thursday. I'm catching up on the difficult reading for my Existential Philosophy class.
I have let go of stressing over getting A's and am doing my best. I don't know what the resulting grades will be but I have to let go of the perfectionism for my own sanity.
Being 62 and going back to school has been, and is, a lot of fun, but I don't remember and retain information as well as I used to.
I've been in college for 2 1/2 years now and I learned three cool things so far. I've learned how to listen, fold a t-shirt and the correct way to write quotation marks. How cool is that!
I meditate every morning for an hour now and throughout the day silently chant mantras. I know this is a result of my recent visit with my Guru. Oh, and I haven't smoked a cigarette for almost two months. That's prmarily because almost two months ago, after chain smoking like a fiend, I thought I was going to die!
In my spare minutes I have been playing Farmville of Facebook. I have not been that attentive to my blog here, I don't think anyone but Trevina and Kat is reading it. Any ideas how I can make it more readable? No one is even coming here for free readings! What to do?
Anyway gotta go get ready for school, Tuesdays and Thursdays are my long days, thank G for coffee!
I love you. *R

Letting Go

Letting Go
"What happens when you let go? You leap and the net appears. I am the net. I, God, am your invisible support."~Julia Cameron

I surrender control trusting that God is guiding me.

Dear God,In this still and quiet moment, we let go. No more striving or clinging to the illusion of being in charge. No drama or heavy sighs or bottom experiences required. We seek Your will and direction for ourselves and our world. As we open ourselves to Your presence within, the direction that we seek is provided. Thank You so much. Amen

Qualities of the Human Spirit

Spirituality I take to be concerned with those qualities of the human spirit—such as love and compassion, patience, a sense of responsibility, a sense of harmony, which bring happiness to both self and others.

- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Monday, October 12, 2009


"The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart--this you will build your life by, and this you will become."~James Lane Allen

I am filled with visions and wonder.

Dear God,Write a new vision in our minds, O God. Open a space for love in our hearts. May our dreams be holy and uplifting. May our visions be inspired by Your presence.We want to see with our minds eye what You have in mind for us to be. May our focus be on peace, plenty, joy and love. Thank You. Amen

Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Week with Guru

Aloha Boardies

From 10/2-10/9 I was fortunate and blessed to spend 6 days with my Guru at the Ajapa Yoga Ashram in Placerville California. I spent the days and evenings meditating, working in the kitchen, and basking in the glow of His uncontional love and life altering energy.
What bliss! I was blessed to spend the mornings and nights at my daughter's home where I got to nuture my children. It was the best vacation I ever had.

Meditation is critical to maintaining a clear, secure, and serene state of mind. I have seen this practically, when I meditate I feel much better, period.

Trusting in your (Concept of) God is essential in this too stressful and scarey world. Make God your primary relationship and know in your heart that you are never alone, and that you will be all right.

Much love and blessings, Rosie

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Great mediatation

Hi Rose,
Great mediation. I felt you and guru. Waves of love and joy. wonderful loving waves. then I saw hands holding golden cup.
Which is great since I woke up this morning and saw on computer my union agree to 18 days will not pay this year and next year 24 days o f work without pay.
I applied for p/t jobs .
I then realized why I had the dream I had. I dreamt I was writing grants for RS, myself and other for business we talked about having. I saw the process. it was very detailed.
Love ya,

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Trip to California

Aloha my Precious Boardies

I'll be in California for a week starting this Friday. The Sunday weekly meditation will go on as usual. I'll be sitting with my Guru so the energy will be awesome to share with you.
The intention is Surrender (to your Higher Power).

Have a safe, prosperous and blessed week.
Much love,

Dalai Lama

A good motivation is what is needed: compassion without dogmatism, without complicated philosophy; just understanding that others are human brothers and sisters and respecting their human rights and dignities. That we humans can help each other is one of our unique human capacities.

- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Monday, September 28, 2009

Where Have I Been?

Aloha Boardies

I have been diverted to playing a farm game on Facebook and it is astounding how much time I have been wasting on there! I've missed blogging, I've been missing you.
My computer is being taken in for necessary repairs so my presence here in cyberspace will be on and off for a week starting Friday.
Miss Trevina has generously volunteered to monitor the board for me.Post as often as you like.

I love you, and as always I look foward to being of service. Namaste ~R


Life Is Too Short, Break The Rules, Forgive Quickly,
Kiss Slowly, Love Truly, Laugh Uncontrollably,

And Never Regret AnythingThat Made You Smile.

Life May Not Be The Party You Hoped For,
But while you're Here,


Friday, September 25, 2009


Dear Higher Power,

Thank You for the ability to think, ponder, deduce and learn. Thank You for the emotional aspects of our being that balances the intellect. Thank You for Your spirit within which guides us. Thank You for these awesome bodies within which we dwell. Thank You for the spiritual laws which govern the universe. Thank You for the divine design that continuously unfolds in, through and around us all. May we learn to fully cooperate with You in the ongoing process of creation. We intend to live in ways that are a blessing to all.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


"Every happening, great and small, is a parable whereby God speaks to us,and the art of life is to get the message."~Malcolm Muggeridge

I resonate strongly with the vibration of Truth.


Give Thanks
"We must enjoy each day--one at a time. We are here on a short visit. Be sure to smell the flowers." ~Alfred A. Montapert

I am thankful for the blessings that are all around me.

Bodhisatta Vow

However innumerable beings are, I vow to save them.
- One of the Four Vows of the Bodhisattva

Monday, September 21, 2009


Aloha Rose,

I pray all is well with you and yours. I have been through a lot in the past few months; however, I can truly say that I am blessed. Through my strong faith, God handled it all for me. I'm officially divorced, my children are on their way to being successful young men and lady and I'm the happiest I have ever been in the past 10 years. I'm so truly and blissfully happy! I also have to say you had something to do with it by giving me encouraging words and strengthening my faith to let go and let God.

So, I returned on a flight yesterday and I had a carry-on bag in the overhead compartment. Someone accidentally or intentionally took my bag which had mostly sentimental value but some monetary value as well along with other personals. Was it taken intentionally and will I get my bag back? dlh 4-22-66

Mahalo and Namaste,

Friday, September 18, 2009


"Intent is a seed in consciousness, or spirit. If you pay attention to it, it has within it the means for its own fulfillment. Intention's infinite organizing power orchestrates countless details simultaneously." ~Deepak Chopra

I intend to be the very best I can be.


"To find truth you must experience it in your soul. You can read hundreds of books, or study the religions of all time, and find that all of them have one common point, one common denominator: and this is love-which is another word for light or soul illumination. To realize this soul illumination you have to shut away the clamor of the lower mind, to become humble, very simple." ~White Eagle

I am open and receptive to the Truth.
Come Holy Spirit, Come. I long for a deeper, fuller experience of Your presence. In the stillness and peace of my heart, I hear You call to me. I know You are always present, even when I have boarded up my heart. I am now open to receive Your light. Cradled safely in Your arms, Divine Mother, I focus my attention on the Love which is my source and my life. As I rest and release my concerns, I am fed and renewed. Father, I am receptive to that which You place within my consciousness. May my life be like fertile ground and bring forth, in Your time, much fruit. In the name of Love--the eternal Father, Mother and Child; I bless the Earth and all who dwell herein. So it is. Amen

Buddhist Wisdom

They are happy indeed who own nothing at all; Those with highest knowledge own nothing at all. See how people who own things are afflicted, Bound to others by their obligations.

- Udana 2.6


Hi Boardies,

Well, your never give up woman is working hard in school. In the last five days I have written four papers, read 40 pages, gave a speech and took two tests. I'm fried!
Resting up today, homeworks on the weekend.

Enjoy your life as I am enjoying mine.


Group Meditation Sunday!

Aloha Boardies

Please join me and Trevina for our group meditation this Sunday. 10am Hawaii time.

Intention: Everything I need will be provided today. Everything.

See you on the time line.

Love, Rose


You've got to get up every morning with a smile on your face, and show the world all the love in your heart, then people gonna treat you better.You're gonna find, yes, you will, that you're beautiful as you feel.

--Carole King

When you act "as if", or "fake it til you make it", the mind and heart will follow.
Love, ~R

Thursday, September 17, 2009


hi Rose,
how are you ?

the past two nights,I have woken up at 3:15 am and could nto go back to sleep.
do you know why this is happening?
Love ya

Sunday, September 13, 2009

another great meditation.
leetting go is so healing.
love ya,

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Group Meditation this Sunday

I'll see you in the serenity ....10 am Hawaii time...

Intention: Letting Go

Love you all,


"I am in between stories. The old one is gone, and the new one is just beginning to take shape. When we already have a story we are heavily identified with, whether we appear to like this story or not, it is difficult to stay awake, to watch our thoughts and feelings without letting them dictate our actions. A clear story about who we are makes it hard to wait and let our actions arise from the deep and open emptiness of experiencing who we are right now, makes it difficult to allow actions to arise that may be inconsistent with how our story says we should move." ~Oriah Mountain Dreamer

God and I are writing a new story for my life.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Only those means of security are good, are certain, are lasting that depend on yourself and your own vigor.
-- Machiavelli

Upon what do you base your security? Most all people have a need to feel secure. Most base their security on externals. That's like building a house on quicksand. Physical beauty fades, fame and fortune evaporate, and health can be fragile. The security that cannot be taken away, comes from within us. Security based on the belief in our Selves, in our ability to cope and survive. My security rests upon my faith and trust in the Divine within me. I've never had a stronger sense this than I do now.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Things that go bump...

Aloha Rose-
Well, not actually going bump...but a couple times this week hanging items have fallen off of their perches for no reason at all. The first was a shark's tooth amulet on a rear window of a vehicle. The second was a little doorknob decoration. They were both hanging from a string. The string not broken, no wind, banging doors, or bumps. They just fell to the ground. I'm thinking a bit difficult for something to fall off of something like a doorknob and even more so with the rearview mirror of a car.

Was wondering if I should be on the lookout for other "omens" or signs? Any idea on what this means?

Hope the new semester is treating you well! I did not get my financial aid but will be having them go over my aid package for spring.

Love and light-
Kat (klp 4/8/62)

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Buddhist Wisdom

Transient is this world; like phantoms and dreams, Substance it has none. Grasp not the world nor your kin; Cut the strings of lust and hatred; meditate in woods and mountains. If without effort you remain loosely in the "natural state," soon Mahamudra you will win and attain the Non-attainment.

- Tilopa, "The Song of Mahamudra"

Point of View

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."~Helen Keller

I choose to see the biggest possible picture.
Dear God,The sun rises quietly and a new day stretches before me.Nighttime has ended; yesterday is complete.This day contains infinite possibilities for happiness and joy.I choose to look forward with enthusiasm. I step out in faith and stand on the rock of truth. Guided by infinite wisdom and lifted by love, I know that now is the very best time. Everything is in divine order. I am part of the unfolding pattern of perfection which is life.Thank You for lifting me to this positive point of view. Amen

Fulfillment - Abundance Affirmation

"Everything I need shall be provided today. Everything." Say it, until you believe it. Say it at the beginning of the day. Say it throughout the day. Sometimes, it helps to know what we want and need. But if we don’t, we can trust that God does.When we ask, trust, and believe that our needs will be met, our needs will be met. Sometimes God cares about the silliest little things, if we do. I will affirm that my needs will be met. I will affirm that God cares and is the Source of my supply. Then I will let go and see that what I have risked to believe is the truth.
You are reading from the book:

The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie

Monday, September 07, 2009


"The power of losing control is about learning how to let go of trying to control the uncontrollable outcomes and circumstances in our lives...letting go of the illusion that we have complete control over our outcomes will free us from our fears, allow us to bring more of ourselves to the work we need to do, and enable us to find happiness and power no matter what life brings our way."

~Joe Caruso

I willingly relinquish control to my Higher Power.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Great medatation

Great meditation.

I saw my grandmother,mother and father with my children. They were having a blast. My parents were so loving to my children,so was my grandmother. It was great to know they were so well taken care of.

Love ya,

I Am Ready

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”~Hebrews 11:1

“People get ready, there's a train a comin' You don't need no baggage, you just get on board All you need is faith to hear the diesels hummin' Don't need no ticket, you just thank the Lord.”~Curtis Mayfield

I am ready to be the change our world needs now.

Continuing Acts of Kindness

For one who is in the habit of constantly honoring and respecting the elders, four blessings increase age, beauty, bliss, and strength.

- Dhammapada 109

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Spontaneous Aquiescense

The right attitude for studying the way is just complete spontaneous acquiescence. Who cares whether it takes twenty or thirty years; you'll be naturally at peace, without the slightest bit of doubt or confusion. How can there be any obstruction again after spontaneous acquiescence? How can anyone arrive by way of externals?

- Ming-pen

Pray Carefully

"One thing people often do is to judge others from their own perceived 'moral high ground' and then attempt to change and manipulate others through prayer. ("I pray that John Doe may turn to religion and see that his way is wrong and mine is right.") Or, they pray that a person change his or her mind to think in a way the pray-er does...We should pray only that others are helped, inspired, and guided, and should definitely never use prayer to change another person's mind."
~Chrissie Blaze & Gary Blaze

I pray for God's will for myself and all other persons.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Creating a more humane world

Such human qualities as morality, compassion, decency, wisdom and so forth have been the foundations of all civilizations. These qualities must be cultivated and sustained through systematic moral education in a conductive social environment, so that a more humane world may emerge.

- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Listening and Sharing

"To profit from good advice requires more wisdom than to give it."
Churton Collins
"They that will not be counseled cannot be helped. If you do not hear reason, she will rap you on the knuckles."
Benjamin Franklin
"Don’t give your advice before you are called upon." Erasmus
"If a man’s faith is unstable and his peace of mind troubled, his knowledge will not be perfect."
Buddhist Proverb
"People have a way of becoming what you encourage them to be – not what you nag them to be." S.N. Parker
"Philosophy is a purely personal matter. A genuine philosopher's credo is the outcome of a single complex personality; it cannot be transferred. No two persons, if sincere, can have the same philosophy." --Havelock Ellis

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Hi Rose,
Tasha (NAW 3/23/72)had someone appear in her room,she felt it was mom and tasha thought mom was scolding her. I reminded her,mom had a gruff way of speaking. She did not hear the words.

a couple of weeks ago, that same thing happened to tasha's bf(BH 1/17/68) he got scared

What is mom trying to tell them?


Here and Now

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."~Douglas Adams
I am in the perfect place at the perfect time.
Dear God,

Thank You for this moment in life and the possibilities it contains. Now is the time and this is the place for living fully loving deeply and being the very best we can be. Help us each to seize this day and live it with passion and purpose.

A Room Full of Mirrors

I used to live in a room full of mirrors; all I could see was me. I take my spirit and I crash my mirrors, now the whole world is here for me to see.

Jimi Hendrix