Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Receptive - Today's Meditation

"For while it is true that we are immersed in an Infinite Intelligence, a Mind that knows all things, it is also true that this Intelligence can acquaint us with Its ideas only as we are able and willing to receive them. The Divine Mind is Infinite. It contains all knowledge and wisdom, but, before It can reveal Its secrets, It must have an outlet. This outlet we shall be compelled to supply through our own receptive mentalities."
~Ernest Holmes
I am willing and receptive to the ideas that God reveals to me.
Dear God, You are the source of wisdom, the endless pool from which ideas flow. In stillness, I turn my attention to You. I take time to be in relationship with You. I am amazed and grateful at the wondrous ways that You are at work in my life. Everything I need is available from Your infinite storehouse. I am receptive, open, willing and waiting - speak to me God I am listening.
So it is. Amen

Monday, July 30, 2007

Today's Meditation - Running Late or On Time?

Dear God,
Everything around me may choose to move at warp speed but, I have learned to take the time to notice the chapters of my story. With Your guidance, I pause to reflect and I see a theme emerge. Help me stay in integrity and transform mere knowing into wisdom. I am no longer content to have the stream of my life follow whatever course it seems to choose. There is no need to hurry and scurry blindly. With Your help, I move forward with intention and focus. Wisdom and love are my constant companions. Inner peace is my path.So it is.
Hi Rose, Well I've been back in Canada for 7 weeks now. I started the new job 4 weeks ago. It's going really well. It's a perfect match for me and I'm applying my Masters too. I'm working for the health region and the organization's values match my personal values. It's all about work-life balance. They don't pay as much as the private corporations but there is no overtime hours or competitive politics among co-workers. Plus, I get 5 weeks of vacation a year and $1800 a year to spend on 'lifestyle' choices like gym memberships, yoga classes, spa visits, etc. :) I'm loving this whole work-life balance thing! I bought a car and after taking Irish public transit for 3 years, I'm loving the freedom of driving. I'm moving into my new condo on the 15th. I can't wait, no parents or roommates...just me and my very own kitchen! I'm taking a couple cooking classes in the fall, along with meditation and yoga classes. Now that I don't have school or a boyfriend to worry about, I've got lots of spare time. I'm a bit lonely but I'm reading 'The Secret' right now (which oddly enough sounds a lot like the stuff you've been telling me for the past 4 years). I also watched that movie you told me about (What the bleep do we know). I'm sending out positive vibes into the universe. Hopefully I'll attract some better boyfriend material this time! I got my final grades and did fabulously, so nothing really to complain about. Just need to be grateful so the good stuff keeps coming right?
Love Mel
Dec 20/82

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Seeking suggestion(s) for ousting negative thoughts ...

Aloha, Rose ~~~

I have a seriously mentally ill relative who periodically barges into my life, bringing a cloud of hostility and negativity with her. Because she's so poisonous, I avoid all non-essential contact with her -- however, thoughts of her occasionally intrude into my mind. I find myself thinking, "Gosh, I should have said this to her" or "Hey, just think how she'd react if I did THIS."

Negativity begets negativity. Aaaargh!

I'd like to completely block her from my thoughts and mind but, unfortunately, really don't think that's possible. However, I'm hoping you might have some suggestions on how to prevent her insidious negativity from creeping into my brain. Any ideas? A special meditation perhaps?

Peace & Love & Life-in-a-Negativity-Free-Zone!



Yes, you are right they do not know each other very well and are moving fast. They have known each other for only about a month now and she spent the last two nights here.
I'm not so happy that you sense a marriage. I will be honest, I do not care for her much. She seems very irresponsible. She stays the night here and goes home the next afternoon. Meanwhile she has a 7 yr old daughter at home.

Today's Meditation

“What does it take to live a life of infinite potential? It requires a willingness to erase the boundaries that you have placed around yourself—the restrictions you have surrounded yourself with and currently use to keep yourself “safe.” These include false beliefs garnered in childhood, attitudes inherited from family or society and the vast accumulation of negative ego patterns that have been collected through your soul’s journey throughout eternity. How can you do this work of setting your soul free? Meditation, prayer, forgiveness and intuition provide the tools that you can use to do this great soul work.”
~Greg Barrette
I am a spiritual being of infinite potential.
Dear God,
There are no limits to my soul’s expression. I affirm and know that Your Spirit within me is mighty to move any mountains in my world. As I become centered in the point of possibility within my very beingness, Your still small voice speaks through me, guiding my way. I now let go of those limitations that I have used to give myself a false sense of safety and security, and I lay firm hold of my new, satisfying beliefs of health and growth. I am a great and growing soul.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Her name is Erica R. 9/2/1983 and as you know my brother's name is Kelvin W. and his birthday is 10/3/1978.

Thanks again Rose



Daily Word — Saturday, July 28, 2007

I am energized by the life force of God, expressing in me now.
Whether I myself or another is experiencing a physical or emotional challenge, I affirm wholeness and hold thoughts of healing in mind. I continue to generate thoughts of health throughout the day, affirming that the life force of God is strengthening every organ and tissue of our bodies.
There is an ongoing vitality that is renewing our bodies and refreshing our souls. Divine energy is constantly flowing through us, healing and renewing the very fabric of our beings.
I visualize the wholeness that has already come into expression and the greater well-being that is yet to come into full expression. I give thanks for the energizing, revitalizing power of spirit, mind, and body that is blessing each one of us with life and renewal.

This weeks poll

Hiya Boardies

Apologies for the errors in the language of this weeks poll. By the time I saw them someone had already voted and I couldn't edit it. If the proof reader wasn't such a space cadet!

loving you, have a great weekend!!


Mother Teresa and a Prayer

"It is easy to love people far away, very easy to think of the hungry people in India. You must see first that there is love at home and at your next-door neighbors and in the street you live in, in the town you live in and only then outside."
~Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Dear God,
The wonder of Your creation is all around me and Your loving spirit fills me. I open my heart to love all people and to love myself. Thank You for gently reminding me to do what I can do,which is love unconditionally, everywhere I can. I am not a victim of life's circumstances. I choose to be all that I am, where I am. I express my faith through my actions. With gladness, I send my love forth into the world. With gratitude, I receive the blessings that You abundantly provide. Joyfully, I let it be.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Today's Meditation

"To you the earth yields her fruit and you shall not want if you but know how to fill your hands. It is in exchanging the gifts of the earth that you shall find abundance and be satisfied. Yet unless the exchange be in love and kindly justice, it will lead some to greed and others to hunger."~Kahlil Gibran -Quote is taken from page 37 of: The Prophet

Dear God,
I seek Your guidance in all of my affairs.You are the Lord of my entire life. May fairness guide my professional and business interactions, as well as my personal and private life. May love be the law I live. And so it is.

New Begginings

Good Day Rose,

I hope all is well with you and your family.

I finally have insurance and I have my title to the car. It feels good to be independent.

My baby left for vacation with his dad. 12 days. Its a long time but its the last time for the summer! YAHOO! My ex takes his 7 days of vacation and puts them on top of his weekend and takes my weekends as well then he ends up having him the following weekend which makes three. Its not fair but we will hash that out in court too. I hope the judge will make it fair.

I don't know why this happens to me... but for almost a year I wake up at 3am every day or very close to 3am. Weird!

Have a good one.


Thursday, July 26, 2007


Kelvin has a new girlfriend named Erica. She has a daughter who is turning 7. She seems nice and is pretty. I am a leery of her since I am sure you remember his last girlfriend (cold and heartless). I worry about my brother and hope she is not just looking for a daddy for her daughter. She is awfully trusting of him but she has only known him for a month. I say this because she has left her daughter and nephews with us for a few hrs yesterday. I am very overprotective so to me it seems too trusting. Especially since that was the first time she met me.
Her birthday is September 2nd, 1983. What do you see about her and the relationship? My brother thinks she is the one.

Today's Meditation

"You pray by touching the deepest part of you that longs, that needs, that Is.Let it speak in its own language, more often than not without words."
~Emmanuel Quote is taken from page 66 of: Emmanuel's Book
Prayer is the language of my communion with God.
Dear God,
Hear the whispers of our hearts.Hear the longing of our inner-most selves to rise up higher.May every activity today be loving and gentle.May every thought be prayerful.May every moment be filled with the awareness of Your presence.In Your name, we bless the world. Amen

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Today's Meditation

B's I LOVE this one...~R

"We are very near to greatness; one step and we are safe; can we not take the leap?"
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am a great and grateful child of God.
Dear God, At some deep, inner level each of us knows that we were created for greatness. We are weary from holding ourselves back from the magnificence You have in mind. Help us move beyond our fear so that we might demonstrate Your majesty in our lives. With our eyes focused on You, we rise up now. Thank You for continuing to urge us to come up higher. Through Your gift of grace, we take the next step. Amen

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Today's Meditation

Dear God,

Reveal a picture of living that is beyond our self-focused and self-important point-of-view. Help us to awaken from our long slumber. Teach us how to live from a vantage point that is centered in You. What does love--of each other and our planet--ask us to do today? Help us do it, now.


Thought for the Day

Vantage Point:

"A human being is part of the whole, called by us 'Universe,' a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole [of] nature in its beauty."~Albert Einstein

Monday, July 23, 2007

Affirmation for Love

I am standing on the threshold of a new me. I am ready for a life-transforming experience right now. My happiness is contagious and attracts even greater happiness. I am a magnet for love, and I now experience unconditional love in every relationship. I draw to me only loving, supportive people.

Unity Church of Santa Cruz

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Crop Circle

This sure is beautiful but what the????How the????? and mostly..why????


Boardies aloha

And here is the dictionary definition of intuition. This may fit Kathi's experience...

1.quick and ready insight
2 a : immediate apprehension or cognition
b : knowledge or conviction gained by intuition
**c : the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference

Living one's life by following the intuitive thoughts/feelings/impulses improves the preception and accuracy of these impulses ~R

The New Psychology of Success

“There is nothing wrong with wanting to have moments of comfort or effortless compatibility in our relationships or careers. But what gets most of us into trouble is when we are driven by an addictive need to always feel good about every little thing in our lives, thus stopping the very thing that would give us the good feelings that we so desperately crave: the striving and stretching that connotes learning and growth! We can shift from the self-limiting mindset of comfort and stasis to the growth-producing one of evolution and learning.”~Greg Barrette
I let go of my comfort zone and embrace the exciting growth that life is bringing to me.
Dear God,
Thank you for those events in life that tend to move me off of my set positions, into the spiritual center of my beingness that is fully alive! I release my resistance and engage my full awareness to this now moment, wherein I find every potential for good and lasting change. My momentary comfort is far less important to me than my inner sense that I am a growing, evolving soul. I am grateful for those gentle nudges that you are giving me, as well as the greater shifts in consciousness that I am making. I am moving forward with joy and excitement in my heart.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Telepathy - a Definition

Telepathy, from the Greek , tele meaning "remote" and patheia, meaning "to be affected by.
A term used to describe the transfer of information on thoughts or feelings between individuals by means other than the five classical senses .
The term was coined in 1882 by the classical scholar Fredric W. H. Myers, a founder of the Society for Psychical Research,specifically to replace the earlier expression thought-transference.
A person who is able to make use of telepathy is said to be able to read the minds of others.

excerpt from Wikipedia onlne dictionary

Prayer for Protection

The light of God surrounds me;
The love of God enfolds me;
The power of God protects me;
The presence of God watches over me.
Wherever I am, God is!

- from Unity Church

Friday, July 20, 2007

Meditation for Today

Dear God,

Thank You for passions and ideas that lift us above and beyond our limitations. Plant a vision of what we can do and be in our minds.Plant a vision of what Love can do through us in our hearts. Hold us close so that we can move through our fears. Thank You very much.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Today's Meditation

"The Divine Mind ever seeks the good of the whole. Therefore, in all your earthly problems, seek not for the purely personal solution, but for underlying principles. If you can lay your problem beside a principle; or, in other words, if you can lay it beside the Master's thought, you will always find a true solution to it."~White Eagle
I know that the perfect solution exists to every problem.
Dear God,
We turn our thoughts and attention away from whatever challenge we might be experiencing, and focus on Your indwelling presence and power.Your truth is constant, Your love is eternal and Your solutions are real.We choose to live at the level of cause and not at the whim of effect.Help us not be distracted by appearances and temporary circumstances.With open minds we gratefully receive and follow Your direction.Thank You. Thank You. Thank You!

Thought for the Day

Rather than thinking of reasons why you can't, think of the reasons why you must. Instead of focusing on your problems, focus on your purpose.
There will always be challenges in any endeavor. Yet for every challenge, there is a way to get through it.
The secret comes in knowing why. With a strong enough sense of why, anything can be done.
What specifically do you wish to do, and why do you wish to do it? Dig down deeply into the reasons why, for that is where you'll find the energy, the persistence, and the commitment to carry you forward.
Don't be afraid to desire it, and to explore your own personal, meaningful reasons. By understanding why, you'll have what you need to figure out how, and to make it happen.
Know why, and watch the challenges melt away. Know why, and it will be.
-- Ralph Marston

New Begginings

Thanks Rose. When Brandon was a baby he had an intolerance to milk so I had him on soy products. I gradually weened him off of that and onto milk, but organic milk. I also am very diligent about giving him and Matthew organic meats, fruits and veggies. But neither of them are big veggie eaters. I always worry about one of them getting my Crohns Disease. Especially the youngest.

Well... I received the title to the car I drive yesterday. Funny thing is that the title says original on it. Sam claimed he had to get a duplicate title at the Department of Motor vehicles in order to get this to me and how much of an inconvenience it was to him and that he would tack on the monies it cost for his attorney's to research this again. Come to find out the title was NEVER duplicated and the DMV representative signed her name to that fact on a copy of the title. What a jerk he is. He even wrote an email copying his family and lawyer telling them I harass him about this and I was playing games. I swear he is such a liar. After depositions on August 22nd, I will reply to all on that email and send everyone a copy of the title.

My relationship with Mark is going very well. Its hard for me to totally let go however. I am trying, but being in a selfish marriage has taught me other ways of doing things.

My Crohns feels great. Today anyway. I am suffering with some depression but I am trying to work through that. My gastro wants me to start with Humara injections for the CRohns since the Remicade has stopped working.

My mothers cancer is really at an all time low for her numbers. YAHOO! I am so happy. I hope it stays that way. Pray!

I think my father is suffering from some senility now. He is off the charts sometimes. His weight has dropped almost 40 pounds and I don't know whats wrong. Sometimes I think he wants sympathy. Maybe you can read him? FLD 7-5-44.

Have a great day and stay safe!


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Any readings about my dogs?

Aloha Rose,

I was wondering if you can read anything about my dogs? The older dog's name is Miki and he is a caramel/off-white colored corgi/german shepard mix. The other dog's name is Koby and he is a white/tan colored terrier/labrador mix.

Much LLL (Love, Light and Laughter)

Today's Meditation

"God, why do I storm heaven for answers that are already in my heart? Every grace I need has already been given me. Oh, lead me to the Beyond within."~ Macrina Wiederkehr

Lead by Spirit, I live each moment fully.
Dear Lord,
Your gift of eternal life allows me to walk, to dance, to talk, and to sing in our changing world. Your life force moves through me now, allowing me to see ever so clearly the many blessings that change can bring into my life and into the lives of those around me. Thank You Mother-Father God for the divine idea of Life as I embrace the new possibilities for my life.

Thought for the Day

Any mans life will be filled with constant and unexpected encouragement if he makes up his mind to do his level best each day. - Booker T. Washington

And what does it mean to do our "level best"? The more highly evolved we become the path appears to get narrower before it widens. May I suggest a day beginning with devotion and gratitude, followed by a day of honesty, compassion, generosity, understanding, faith, kindness, forgiveness, patience and love. ~R

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Thought for the day

Think of all sentient beings as buddha, but keep your hand on your wallet. - Tibetan Saying

See God in everyone, but lock your car. - Rose Kopp

Monday, July 16, 2007

New Begginings

Hi Rose,

We got back from Florida Tae Kwon DO last week and my son didn't get a medal... but I am glad he had the experience. His dad took him to the other nationals in California and he did better but no medal. So they are cruising around San Diego for a bit.

My youngest son, Brandon, when we got to Florida, he took a nap and woke up with Croup again! I took him to the ER where they administered Epi treatment and some other meds. He is much better now. This is the 5th time this year. I am going to take him to the ENT doctor because he should have out grown this now. He is such a gift from god though! They both are!

My ex... Urggggg, he stiffed me again. He dropped me from the auto insurance so I have been driving without insurance since May of 2006. He called the insurance company and told them he sold they car to me and to take the car and me off. What a creep. Needless to say, the insurance company and I had some words.

I hope the future holds some good positive things!


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Today's Meditation

Dear God,

Thank You that You have placed a spirit of growth in me—of constant development over time. I allow for this process of transformation by being gentle with myself, yet rigorously willing to use every circumstance and situation for my soul’s best interest. I now see every event in life as a beneficial opportunity for growth. Thank You for strengthening my willingness to change and grow.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

when I asked you about FTW or supervisor job you said more to come.............
what is coming?
love ya,TAW 5/17/67

A Griever's Journey

"While my heart beats and pumps my life blood, another part of it is still. The part of it that used to love. Chambers of only darkness and sadness,where lies only dusty prints of memories of the ones I love. Don't tell me not to weep or they are in a better place, for it is not for them I weep, but for myself. Let me be, I must walk down into the very pits of sorrow, and wail and mourn. I am the one who has been left here alone. It is my pain, my sorrow, my loneliness. It is my sad journey. When it is time, I will come back. I will lift my face to the sun, and Great Spirit will know my battle has been won. He will give my heart new chambers to fill with new loves, yet never trying to replace what was, but making better what is to come. On the old dark, dusty chambers a door will close, but through a window their memories will forever glow."
Dorothy - Whitehawk (c)1995 From the Comfort Zone online library

My daughter

Dear Rose,
I am hoping that you can "feel" something from my daughter who died on Jan. 2nd, 2007. I am struggling with the fact of knowing if she is okay, and having a lot of trouble going on without her here. I was referred to you by a friend of yours, and would like to talk to you. Hoping I can get some answers.
Truly, Elaine

Thought for the Day

"If you're headed in a negative direction, getting back on track may seem hopelessly out of reach. Yet by taking just three steps you can completely change your prospects for the better.
Take one positive step, and you'll stop moving backwards. Take a second positive step, and you'll begin moving forward.
Then take the third step in a positive direction, and suddenly you've established real momentum. From that point, each successive positive effort comes more naturally and easily.
No matter how low you may be, at any point you are just three steps away from a whole different outlook. Just three small, positive actions can get you headed solidly in a new, empowering direction.
In addition, taking three positive steps will give you a real sense of commitment. These actions will get you quickly and firmly invested in your own success.
Wherever you are now, you are just three steps away from being well on your way to whatever goal you choose. Now is indeed the best time to act. "
-- Ralph Marston - greatday.org


Aloha and good morning Boardies

I am happy you are enjoying the poll. I know I am.
Someone voted "sometimes" to the question about a belief in a Higher Power. I have been thinking about this answer alot.
What do you think that means?

love and bless you plenny!


I really believe there is a spirit here. I hear strange noises at night and one night I heard a muffled voice but could not make out what she was saying. One time on the monitor I heard a male voice saying to Isabella "what is wrong with you?" when she was crying. Needless to say it freaks me out. However, the energy here is so great that I am not too worried about it. Where we lived before the condo was definitely haunted and had a bad energy.
I was thinking about EVP and if it would work. Do you have to buy special equipment for that or could I use any ordinary tape recorder?

Friday, July 13, 2007

Aloha **C** - this one's for you

Got this off of yahoo news today....
Best Cities For Young Professionals
By Matt Woolsey, Forbes.com
June 21, 2007
Head to the Big Apple, and your chances of getting the corner office might not be as far off as you think.
That's because New York City tops our list as the No. 1 city for young professionals.
That likely comes as a shock to, well, no one. Many of America's best companies, as determined by Forbes rankings of the best 400 big businesses and best 200 small businesses, including financial giant Goldman Sachs and media conglomerate News Corp. are in New York. Throw in New York's bars, clubs and world-class dining, and you get a city teaming with young professionals.

Universal Love

"Love all God's creation, both the whole and every grain of sand. Love every leaf, every ray of light. Love the animals, love the plants, love each separate thing. If you love each thing, you will perceive the mystery of God in all; and when once you perceive this, you will from that time on grow every day to a fuller understanding of it until you come at last to love the whole world with a love that will then be all-embracing and universal."~Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I behold all things with respect and reverence.
Dear God,
Thank you for the Earth and every thing that it contains. Thank You for the awareness of connection to all life. You are the life we share, continuously being manifest and expressed. I bless the people and animals, air and water, birds and fishes, mountains and plains, seas and rivers, mighty mountains and tiny grains of sand with my love and by my actions. I choose to walk lightly and gently in this place. Teach me to be in love with life.

Today's meditation

"I am without form, without limit
Beyond Space Beyond Time
I am everything
Everything is me
I am the Bliss of the Universe,
am I"
Ram Tirtha as quoted in the book Be Here Now


Do you see me having more children? I am wonder because you did say that you saw me having a boy when I was 23 or 24. I am 23 now but am hoping and praying I do not accidently get pregnant. I am currently still waiting to get my first post partum period to start birth control. You are not the only one who said a boy either. A couple years ago I was at a festival and I got my palm read for fun. I didn't think she would be accurate. However, she seemed pretty good. Just like you she said 3 children and that she saw a boy. The only thing is I have 3 girls. I was wondering if maybe 3 children between me and my husband?
My dob is may 4, 1984.

By the way, I am pretty excited about something. I got Lily digestive enzymes. I am hoping that they help with her gluten allergy and she can start eating gluten again. My uncle was recently telling me that you could get the symptoms that she has (diarrhea, cramping, gas, bloating, etc...) from missing digestive enzymes that are needed to break the food down. I gave it to her already and will try something tonight and I will let you know how it goes. :crosses fingers:

I hope you are feeling well. :hug:

Thursday, July 12, 2007


hi Rose,
I am still waiting results on test i took on 6/23/07,my supervisor is retiring. She approached the staff abut being her replacement. I do not want that ,I was open to taking classes to being supervisor.
do you see me as supervisor or in FTW job?
love,TAW 5/17/67

New Addition to Blog

Aloha Boardies

I LOVE taking polls so I've added one to the Blog. The voting lasts for 6 days. At the end of that I will post a new question, if you're interested in this.
May I have some feedback please, do you like this idea? LOL I should have made that my first poll question...

love and light
I am connected to all of life.

Dear God,
You are the fabric that binds all people together.Yet, we often see ourselves as separated in so many ways: different races, genders. sexual orientations, nationalities and religions.Show me what I can do to help heal these illusions.Help us to unite in love for the good of all.Thank You.

Statement of Principle # 10 - 40 days!

I keep my mind and thoughts off "this world" and I place my entire focus on God within as the only Cause of my prosperity. I acknowledge the Inner Presence as the only activity in my financial affairs, as the substance of all things visible. I place my faith in the Principle of Abundance in action within me.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Statement of Principle # 9

When I am aware of the God-Self within me as my total fulfillment, I am totally fulfilled. I am now aware of this Truth. I have found the secret of life, and I relax in the knowledge that the Activity of Divine Abundance is eternally operating in my life. I simply have to be aware of the flow, the radiation, of that Creative Energy, which is continuously, easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my Divine Consciousness. I am now aware. I am now in the flow.


“For me holiness is not a state or a condition, like a special badge or suit of clothes I may wear. It's not like a graduate degree or certificate that I earn through study. It's not even an "energy" or a charismatic presence. It is certainly not spiritual celebrity hood. Holiness instead emerges from relationship. It's dynamic. It's a manifestation of what is happening between me and another in the moment. Was Mother Theresa a holy person treating the poor and the ill in Calcutta, or was she a person who was holy while treating the poor and the ill in Calcutta?”~David Spangler
I experience holiness through deep, loving connections.
Dear God,
I have had many holy moments for which I am thankful; times of incredible connection to You or others.I would like all my relationships to be based on such authentic connection.Show me how live from that incredible place.Prepare my heart for holiness.And so it is.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Today's meditation

Power of Words:
"For all of you who want to walk a spiritual path, I suggest you stop and take a look at all the things you think and all the assumptions that you make... before you speak. Try some discipline and see if you can, for a whole week, just watch your thoughts."~Hinono
I invite Spirit to direct my thoughts, words and actions.
Dear God,
I open myself to your indwelling presence. May my thoughts and attitudes be loving, and may my actions support my words. I hold the thought that it is possible for us to have peace in our hearts and on this planet. I think about how people everywhere want the same basic things:
A safe and pleasant home; Meaningful work to do; Enough to eat; Clean water and air, Peace for ourselves and our children, and to love and be loved. Let my prayers be more than words, dear God. May Your will be done through me. Thank You! And so it is.

Statement of Principle # 8

My consciousness of the Spirit within me as my unlimited Source is the Divine Power to restore the years the locuts have eaten, to make all things new, to lift me up to the High Road of abundant prosperity. This awareness, understanding and knowledge of Spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possibly desire.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Statement of Principle # 7

The Divine Consciousness that I am is forever expressing its true nature of Abundance. This is its responsibility, not mine. My only responsibility is to be aware of this Truth. Therefore, I am totally confident in letting go and letting God appear as the abundant all-sufficiency in my life and affairs.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Statement of Principle # 6

My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires, and as the Principle of Supply in action, it is impossible for me to have any needs or unfulfilled desires.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Statement of Principle #5

Money is not my supply. No person, place or condition is my supply. My awareness, understanding and knowledge of the all-providing activity of Divine Mind within me is my supply. My consciousness of this Truth is unlimited, therefore, my supply is unlimited.

Friday, July 06, 2007


Aloha Rose,
A quick health question here. I've been on 50mg of Toprol XL since last October for hypertension. At its worst, my readings were 140+/100+. I've read in many places about the side-effects of this drug...fatigue, foggy brain, loose stools(sorry, folks...), insomnia, weird dreams. I have it all and although it seems to control the numbers, I really cannot stand the impact this has had on my life.

I'm too tired most days to do anything but my day-job. My jewelry is suffering because I'm just too tired to put in the effort. Not to mention that my head is so foggy, I have a hard time concentrating. I feel as if I have ADD/ADHD!

I want to know if you can see what area I should go to find a new doctor? My current doctor has not even discussed diet and exercise with me. He just prescribes the meds...that's it. I know that there is a better way. I can't stop the drugs cold-turkey(or can I?), but I'm afraid that I'm just going to find another doctor that is the same. Do you see me going to a female doctor?

Thank you, Rose!

I hope everyone had a lovely holiday!

Kathi (KLP 4/8/62)

Statement of Principle # 4

Through my consciousness of my God-Self, the Christ within, as my Source, I draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of Spirit. This substance is my supply, thus my consciousness of the Presence of God within me is my supply.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Statement of Principle # 3

I am conscious of the Inner Presence as my lavish Abundance. I am conscious of the constant activity of this Mind of infinite Prosperity. Therefore, my consciousness is filled with the Light of Truth.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Statement of Principle # 2

I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand, and to know that the Divine Prsence I AM is the Source and Substance of all my good.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

seeing stuff

hi Rose,
last night in the left corner of my ceiling a small white bird appeared and stayed for 1/2 hour. the day before in the shower,saw 2 kneeling figures and ?
kahuna the same thing i saw on Diamond head years ago. Why am i seeing these things ? what do they mean?
Love,TAW 5/17/67


"We must give up our will, give up control, and release our expectations about a specific result. This is where the going starts to get tough. We want what we want, and usually we want it yesterday. We need to open ourselves up to the possibility that we don't always know what's best for us."~Kathy Cordova
Let Go Let Miracles Happen: The Art of Spiritual Surrender

I surrender my need to be in control and trust that Spirit is in charge of my life.
Dear God,
Sometimes, I stumble over conflicting messages regarding control: "Take control of the situation." "Demonstrate control or you'll be considered weak." "Don't lose control." "Get this situation, your people, yourself under control." "Don't be controlling." "You are so controlling, it stifles me." Often, being in control implies that I might know what is best for myself, my family, my company or the planet and that I can force a specific outcome by sheer force of my will. I know that I do not always know what is the best or highest outcome for myself or anyone else. I see how, at times, being in control is an attempt to be You. I surrender. I surrender my having to be in charge. I surrender my illusions of what is real. I surrender my images of what is best for me. I surrender my willfulness. I surrender my self. I place my life under Your direction, knowing that as I pay attention and listen, You will guide me. Direct every moment, every conversation, every thought and every action. Show me who You created me to be. Show me what I am to do and say today. Express Yourself through me. As I surrender to Your perfection, I am free to be all that I am. Thank You for the peace that fills me now.

Statement of Principle # 1

God is lavish, unfailing Abundance, the rich omnipresent substance of the Universe. This all-providing Source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me - the Reality of me.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Your thoughts on pets?

Aloha Rose,

I'm continuing with the abundance program and looking forward to all the wonderful things coming my way. Now, I'm trying to find ways to improve the quality of life for one of my parents' dogs. He is almost 15 years old and is suffering from the effects of old age that cause him pain and discomfort as well as limiting his mobility. Daily reiki treatments have been helping and I hope to continue as long as he is accepting. Even if it doesn't completely ease his pain, it may help him to enjoy the rest of his time here before he transitions (my hope is he will transition naturally surrounded by light and love).

What are your thoughts on pets? Do they come into our life by chance or do some pets choose us?

Much love, light, and laughter...SNN


"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
~Mahatma Gandhi

My life is peaceful and harmonious.

Mother/Father God, There is an underlying harmony and rhythm that flows throughout the universe. As we quiet our minds and listen with our hearts, we resonate with this great peace. We concentrate on the ebb and flow of our breathing and find that our rhythm matches the universal rhythm. Thank You for the harmony that expresses itself through us now.


Statement of Principle # 10 - Day 30

I keep my mind and thoughts off "this world" and I place my entire focus on God within as the only Cause of my prosperity. I acknowledge the Inner Presence as the only activity in my financial affairs, as the substance of all things visible. I place my faith in the Principle of Abundance in action within me.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Something's Coming, Something Good ... ???

Aloha, Rose ~~~

I've accepted a transfer to a new high school for Fall, and am feeling pretty good about that. My landlord says I can continue my sublet for another year, instead of having to move this summer, and I'm feeling pretty good about that, too. My graduate coursework is almost finished, and I'm feeling REALLY good about that.

I haven't had too many acting gigs lately, but I've received good feedback on what I have done. I'm more selective now about what I audition for, and have actually turned down a couple of invitations. I'll be doing background work on a film tomorrow -- something I don't normally do anymore -- based on a good "gut feeling" about the project.

Anyhoo, even though things have slowed down, I have the feeling that "something good" is coming. In the private reading you did for me a few months ago, you mentioned 2008 as the year when things would really happen, in terms of my acting career.

2008 is still six months away, but I was wondering if this is something you still see for me?

Any suggestions about what I should be doing at this point, or where I should be focusing my efforts?

Peace & Love --

Kaye (4/2/57)

PS: I'd like to do another private reading with you -- soon. I'll e-mail you to discuss.

Statement of Principle # 9

When I am aware of the God-Self within me as my total fulfillment, I am totally fulfilled. I am now aware of this Truth. I have found the secret of life, and I relax in the knowledge that the Activity of Divine Abundance is eternally operating in my life. I simply have to be aware of the flow, the radiation, of that Creative Energy, which is continuously, easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my Divine Consciousness. I am now aware. I am now in the flow.

Today's Meditation

I turn within now and know that God lives within me. God shines a light upon my path. Once I know this, and trust this, I am free to experience this. No longer do I trust in the circumstances of the world around me. I move rather to a higher place in consciousness,and allow the Spirit of Life to lead me. I am free to follow God’s will and God’s way, and, as I do so, like Jesus, I am able to say,“…be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Thank You, God.