Sunday, May 31, 2009


"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty toaccomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world ismoved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by theaggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker."~Helen Keller
My work is a living, moving prayer.
Dear God,We offer our skills, talents and expertise in service to You and to one another.Whatever work we do; at home or in factories, offices and on farms, in hospitals, schools or governments; as employees, home workers and volunteers may Love guide our hearts and hands. May we all find satisfaction and expression in the work we do. Today, we seek to be a blessing through our activities. We bless the work we do and all those with whom we share our efforts. In the many ways we work, we give You thanks and praise and we let it be.

Friday, May 29, 2009


Rose,I debated about reposting. funny as I thinking about it. you posted about it. funny. I think I need to do clearing of my mind and heart before the footwork.It is amazing the dreams I have been having,and how freer I feel when I wake up. When I go to sleep and say I will forgive a certain person,then dream of them. During the dream,we settle you see you performing my wedding?Every night,I mediatate,and let daughter and any other children that we will be blessed to have in our lives know that they are loved,and wanted. Both RS and I dream of the same house,as time goes by it becmes clearer and clearer. We seen furniture,fixtures, and the yards.It is eerie when we talk.Hilo sounds great, i have applied ther,even interviewed with no luck getting employed there. I know when the time is right it wil happen.I love you
9:43 PM

See the World Anew

See what no one else sees. See what everyone chooses not to see... out of fear, conformity or laziness. See the whole world anew each day!

~Arthur Mendelson

Happy Birthday Patch Adams

"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly without complexities or pride. I love you because I know no other way then this. So close that your hand, on my chest, is my hand. So close, that when you close your eyes, I fall asleep."

~Patch Adams


All we have to do is believe and have faith. Your "God" will do all the providing.

Belief is the world breeds fear and insecurity.

Belief in the Divine brings abundance, peace and happiness.
Everything comes from "there".

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Aloha...I am hoping I will be able to say that for real in July. It looks like Maui here I come!


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We Don't Cry Alone

"God will wipe every tear from your eyes." ~Revelation 21:4
God is always with me.
Dear God, We join in prayer today for any among us who are hurting. Some are grieving the loss of a loved one, a relationship, a home, job, or pet: We know that You are in each experience--Your strength is our strength. For those with physical pain we know that healing is possible and we claim the perfect health that You have designed into our bodies. For the lonely; we reach out in love and remind one another that we are one family, connected by spirit and the Love that created us. For those separated from family or friends by war or prison or any other reason; There is no distance in You; no space between hearts that are linked by Love. Whatever the cause of the pain; We remember that Love is the Way to healing. We open our hearts and allow the awareness of Your presence to fill us now. We pray; knowing that You have heard and have already answered our prayers. You are the One presence and One power at work in our lives and we are grateful. Thank You!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Hiya Cupcake

Where's your newest post about your daughter and the dreams? I wanted to comment, can you repost please?


Waking Up

The dharma that is taught and the dharma that is experienced are descriptions of how to live, how to use your life to wake you up rather than put you to sleep.

- Pema Chödrön, "Wisdom of No Escape"

Choose Again

"Every one of us alone has the power to direct the course of our lives by choosing what actions we will or won't take. While sometimes it's easier to believe you don't have a choice, the reality is that you always have a choice to behave differently." ~Francine Ward
Guided by Spirit, I choose my words, thoughts and actions carefully and deliberately.
Dear God, I know that in every situation and circumstance of my life, I am at choice. I choose thoughts that bless and heal. I choose actions that express the Love that I am. I choose words that bring joy and harmony and I speak from my heart. I choose to be a conscious expression of the Divine which is my source and my strength. I am guided by the Holy Spirit to do Its will. I am open and ready to be the person You have in mind. I am blessed by and a blessing to everyone I encounter today. Thank You for the power to choose and the wisdom to choose again. I am that which You are.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Beneath the Surface

Beneath the Surface
"If, as has been said, it's true that we have approximately 60,000 separate, often disconnected, thoughts during the day, then our mind is like a pond that's full of whitecaps from a choppy breeze. But beneath that surface chatter is the gap where we can know God and gain the unlimited power of reconnecting to our Source." ~Dr. Wayne Dyer
I move beyond the surface, into the Source of me.

The Serenity lies is the space between the thoughts ~Rose

Life With God

"To know God is the beginning of wisdom, because God is the source of wisdom. The nearer we live to the source the more we receive of that which comes from the source. The mind that is not consciously living with God may have intellect and mental capacity, but the wisdom that knows can come only to that mind that is walking with God every moment of conscious existence. The mind that does not know God thinks in the darkness; the mind that does know God thinks in the light." ~Christian D. Larson
I am mindful of God in each moment.
Dear God, Hold me close so that I do not wander from the path You have for me. Break through my thoughts and intellect; push aside my ego and my need to be in charge. Fill my moments with Your peaceful presence. May Your will be done, in and through me. Amen

Memorial Day

Hi my Boardies,
Every year I pay homage to our service men and women by praying at Punchbowl just as the Blue Angels fly over it. The four jets in meticulous formation travel at great speed. Once directly over Punchbowl the second jet from the right suddenly flies straight upwards to complete The Missing Man formation.
I always try to follow the jet with my eyes to watch it disappear into "heaven" but it moves so fast that in all the years I've been doing it I just can't catch the exact moment the jet disappears.
Life is a burning candle and we never know when the flame will be extinguished. Life is so precious and so temporary. Cherish this day, cherish each moment, cherish your loved ones and be grateful.

much aloha,

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Only God

Is there anyplace I can go to avoid your Spirit, to be out of your sight? If I climb to the sky, you are there!If I go underground, you are there!If I flew on the morning's wings, to the far western horizon, you would find me in a minute-you are already there waiting!
Then I said to myself: Oh, he even sees me in the dark! At night I am immersed in the light!It is a fact: darkness is not dark to you; night and day, darkness and light, there are all the same to you.~Psalm 139:7-12
Message Bible in Contemporary Language

I am one with God who supplies my every need.

Almighty Heavenly Father/Mother God,I know that I am a Spiritual being having a human experience. I know that I live, move and have my being in You. When everything around me appears to be negative and challenging I cling even more to the thoughts of Your love and grace for me. I know that Grace is not a ticket to Fantasy Island but rather an amazing power to look at my life and feel in my deepest being that my life is good and I am blessed. Thank You God for Your Love and Grace that makes it all good and creates wonderful opportunities. I see now why they call it Amazing Grace. Amen

Saturday, May 23, 2009


"Come and fill my days with dreams. Empty me of all the empty things that I hold onto. Come and fill my heart with You."
~Grant Cunningham & Matt Huesmann

Love is my priority, my purpose and my path.

Dear God, Help us to open our eyes and remain awake to Your truth. There is so much fluff and stuff floating around us, filling our thoughts and taking our time. Help us not be distracted by empty things. Release us from our tendency to major in the minors. May Your will for our lives be our priority and our passion. May Your purpose be evident in all of our actions. May our dreams and our days be filled with Love. So it is!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ordinary Moments, Extraordinary Life

"...I used to pray that God would give me something--strength, wisdom, patience, the solution to a problem. I was forever telling God what was wrong with my life and what God needed to do to fix it. Today, I talk things over with God to decide what I can do, not what God should do. This is the key to spiritual power, to finding God in so many wonderful places both ordinary and extraordinary." ~Father Leo Booth

Dear God, For many years I prayed for You to fix me; to solve my problems and save me from myself. My own stubborn willfulness would lead me into the swamp, then I would impatiently implore You to rescue me. Allowing You to guide my decisions and my days works in the most incredible way. Each ordinary moment carries an extraordinary opportunity for being with You. I place this day under Your direction and let it be what You would have it be. Thank You, God!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Power of Your Word

Better than a thousand useless words is one word that gives peace.

- Buddha


"I have faith that God will care for me, and God does provide my needs. I don't in any way feel insecure because I don't know where I will sleep at night, where or when I will eat next. When you have spiritual security, you have no more feeling of need for material security. I don't know anybody who feels more secure than I do--and, of course, people think l am the poorest of the poor. I know better, I am the richest of the rich. I have health, happiness, inner peace--things you couldn't buy if you were a billionaire."
~Peace Pilgrim quote is taken from: Peace Pilgrim: Her Life and Work in Her Own Words

Boardies ~ I have come to experience and live in the miracle, that is the Universe is an unending source of security. Sometimes if all I have is housing, food and electricity then that is what the Universe needs me to have at that moment. Trusting from my heart of hearts that I am being supported provides a deep sense of security. Security comes from the Universe, the God, the Buddha, the invisible net of love that supports us every single moment. The world is not the source. love ~R

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Artist

Check out my baby's picture .... he called it "The Darkness" and the inspiration he said is from a recent Fairly Godparents episode. :-) He was even able to tell me I was holding it upside down and to hold it the right way lol

I LOVE this one:

It does not matter whether you are a theist or atheist, what matters is sincerity, forgiveness, and compassion.
- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

I believe that it doesn't matter what form the Higher Power takes in your life, how you pray or who you pray to; or even if you only believe that people are the creators in some form or an other.

What DOES matter is how we contibute to the world everyday. It matters what vibrations we send out. It matters what pebbles we throw into the pond of consciousness. For what we do effects every living thing. If I love on those closest to me it effects everything in the Universe.
Gratitude, honesty, compassion., kindness and love keep on giving.
love ~R

The Power of Thank You

A single grateful thought toward heaven is the most complete prayer.-Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Thank you is one of the most important things we can say to anyone.
Thank you says, "I see you. I see what you have done for me. You have been kind to me. I know it takes work to be kind. I feel special that you did the work of being kind to me. I am grateful."

Pray Thank You, to your Higher Power. Thank You for the gift of life, for a world of natural beauty and power to live in, and for the people around me who love me and accept my love.
Thank You for caring about me and helping me every day in my life, and please help me ask for the gift of Your help each day. Practice thinking "Thank You, Higher Power" Live in gratitude.
Paraphrased From the book:
God Grant Me... by Anonymous

Splendor Within

"Come now, noble souls, and take a look at the splendor you are carrying within yourselves! But if you do not let go of yourself completely, if you do not drown yourself in this bottomless sea of the Godhead, you cannot get to know this divine light." ~Meister Eckhart

I release all that I think I am to discover what I AM.

Dear God, Thank You for the many wonderful ways that You break through to me. Sometimes, what I think gets in the way of what is true. I come now to the Source of life to learn about life. I release my preconceptions and embrace the true splendor within. I release my own willfulness and accept Your will. Your truth is greater than my wildest dreams. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You! So it is.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

On a wall hanging

is written:

You yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve love and affection.

- Mahatma Ghandi

Ask, Seek, Find !

So I say to you: Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; everyone who searches finds; everyone who knocks will have the door opened.

~Luke 11:9-10

I love dangerous questions - questions that do not have easy or immediate answers and the process of answering is transformative. Answering potentially dangerous questions requires self honesty, introspection and a willingness to be authentic. I call such questions dangerous because they have the ability to shatter our self made selves thereby creating an opening for something brand new. I believe dangerous questions flow from Spirit in order to prepare us for a new relationship with Life.~Richard Beattie


Hi Rose,,
I have been at my current job for 3 1/2 years.
I applied with the state as Employment Service Specialist .
do you see me getting this job?
I love you.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


"Charity begins today.Today somebody is suffering,today somebody is in the street,today somebody is hungry. Our work is for today, yesterday has gone, tomorrow has not yet come." ~Mother Teresa of Calcutta

I am fully living and loving in this moment.

Dear God, What shall we do today God? How will You manifest Yourself through us? As we reflect on the mystery and wonder of Your presence, we open ourselves to be available to You in each moment of today. May Love find a way through our hearts and into the world. Help us recognize the work that You have for us. Help us take time to be Your children in the most active ways we can. Thank You for today and the potential it holds for love. So it is.

Being Peace

If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower, and everyone in our

family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace.

- Thich Nhat Hanh, "Being Peace"


Aloha Mobet

I apologize for losing your question in the shuffle. Please repost your question. If it happenes that it has been a month between post and reply something went wrong.

Please repost your question as a reply here or a new post.


Following God's Directions

Aloha Boardies,

I became an ordained minister this morning and can solemnize marriages.

After you stop laughing...I was following my Higher Power's voice, which I tried to ignore for several days.

Oh, I can also absolve people of their sins, how cool is that!


Friday, May 15, 2009


"If we just worry about the big picture, we are powerless. So my secret is to start right away doing whatever little work I can do. I try to give joy to one person in the morning, and remove the suffering of one person in the afternoon. . . . That is the secret. Start right now."
~Sister Chan Khong

I do everything I can do today and leave the rest to God.
Dear God, Thank You for this new day and the potential it contains. Of the many possibilities that present themselves, help me clearly discern Your assignments for me. I know that I cannot solve all the problems our world faces; But I can tend my corner of the garden. Help me not get overwhelmed by the bigger picture. I choose to do what I can do and leave the rest to You.
And so it is.

Live Fully

"Go forth into the busy world and love it. Interest yourself in its life, mingle kindly with its joys and sorrows." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I relish every moment of my life!

Dear God,Thank You for this day and the opportunities it holds for living. May we experience the depth and breadth of each moment. Love is available and we are ready. We choose to move out into life in its fullness, sharing all that we are and all that we have. May our day be full of marvelous, mystical moments with You.

So mote it be

Hold Me Tight

We need to be loved. We need to be held tight, and we need to hold others tight. Many of us are scared, and for good reasons. During our using years, we held tight to addiction, but this The tighter we attach to (the Universe), the quicker its care and love become part of our being. The tighter we hold, the deeper the values of (compassion, honesty and love) get planted into our minds, hearts, and souls. It is, then, our job to hold on tight and allow the safety of(our Higher Power) to hold us tight. We need to....pray, and meditate regularly, allowing the care found in (our Divinity) to grab hold of us and heal our wounds. Higher Power, I need Your love. Please hold me tight, especially when I'm scared or when I'm angry. Hold me until I can feel your love. I will meditate on how I can tighten my grip on recovery and how I can let recovery hold me tighter.

I am exceprting and paraphrasing from the wonderful book:

God Grant Me... by Anonymous

Being Happy...

Aloha Rose and Everyone! It's been a mighty long journey to this point. I finally feel as if things are falling into place. I'm realistic, I know how life can throw curve-balls but I feel ready to take them on without letting me get thrown to far off-balance.

There is still a much longer journey ahead of me, I know. School and growing my business. This year it is about getting my okole back on campus! Even if it's one class. And there are still times where I feel that spiritually and physically that life on Planet Earth is going to beat me down. But coming to this spot you've created for us helps to energize me. T's messages are forever welcome and uplifting.

That photo above was taken on a hike at Pu'u Pia trail above Manoa a couple of weeks ago! Another way I've been receiving some balancing from the Universe. I even went to Pupukea last weekend to take a dip in the ocean. Many years ago, Rose told me that I need to get back into nature. I always knew I should but never found the time. But now I make time!

And also after six years of being single and not dating at all, I've met a very nice person. It's still early. But so far things are going well. He feels like my twin...

Congratulations on finishing up another semester and winning that election! I will see you on campus in the fall, Rose!

Love and light to all-

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Feeling Better Than before

Hi Rose,

Just wanted you to know that I'm feeling better than my last post. SO thanks for your suggestion :-) I just have some sort of tummy issue going on (nauseas) but I think it'll go soon.

I was just sitting at my desk this morning getting settled in @ work ... and all of a sudden I got a bit woozy and I felt a like lil pressure in my right ear, and felt like a slightly lower volume but not total loss of hearing in that ear and a dull tone (not ringing but a tone) ... it wasn't pain per say i was feeling but just uncomfortable ... and then it released, and the tone stopped. It's gone... I had this happen to me before but very, very rarely you know?

Girl searchin on the net i get anywhere from alien abduction to psychic warnings to some type of hearing disease. I know you're not a doctor but Any thoughts?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


hi Rose,
Last night,I dreamt I was driving. The dream was a week,I would go to breatfast table,and drive an SUV towork. I even saw freeway and change lanes everything.
Intersting dream.
i felt great when I woke up

Hard to do..... LOL

Hi Rose,

Hard to pray for that person when there is so much animosity...LOL. I will try though!

Thanks for your last post. I assumed there was someone in his life....the one thing I can truly hope for is that he doesn't hurt her the way he hurt me. If he can remain monogamous, I will be shocked. I do not believe it is in his DNA. What do you think? Our son often mentions a woman they spend time with that has horses. Do you see that too or is the little guy telling me stories? Is she good to my little boy? When we were married, his ex wife thanked me for being in his life because it took the focus off of her by a big percentage. It didn't stop, but it subsided.

I guess there is someone for everyone, huh?

Love you,


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sacred Silence

"We can make conscious contact with God, transcend the limitations of a dichotomous world, and regain the power that is only available to us when we're connected to the Source. This is what I call getting in the gap. It's where we create, manifest, heal, live, and perform at a miraculous level. The gap is the powerful silence we can access through meditation."

~Dr. Wayne W. Dyer quote is taken from: Getting In the Gap

In the silence between my thoughts, I connect with the Source of All.

Monday, May 11, 2009


"Anyone in a state of seeking can never be happy. Only those who are constantly finding are fulfilled. And finding is not something that happensto us--it is something we do."
~Alan Cohen

I find love wherever I look for it.

Dear God, Because You are present everywhere and within all people, we need not seek and search endlessly. Instead of striving and wandering, we turn within through prayer and meditation. We open ourselves to experience Your peace and joy, right here and right now. You are the source of who and what we are. In all that we say and do today, may we bear witness to Your love which fills and fuels us.

Faith and Hope

"In April, we cannot see sunflowers in France, so we might say the sunflowers do not exist. But the local farmers have already planted thousands of seeds, and when they look at the bare hills, they may be able to see the sunflowers already. The sunflowers are there. They lack only the conditions of sun, heat, rain and July. Just because we cannot see them does not mean that they do not exist."

-- Thich Nhat Hanh


"Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn whatever state I may be in, therein to be content."

~Helen Keller

Peace and joy are everywhere I am

Happy Mothers Day?

Boardies I missed it! Tuesday (tomorrow) is my last final for the semester, then I'm yours.

I hope all of you had a gorgeous Sunday whether you're a mother or not.

Love you

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

To All Moms
Have a great mother's day!!!!!!!!
Take care of yourself.


Hi Rose ... hope all is going well for you!!! In my prayers always.

I was wondering if anything wonderful would happen for me soon ... career wise or whatever ... I'm still feelin' a lil down about stuff. I'll be 32 Aug. 23 and things aren't together yet for me you know?

Anyhoo, check out the cooking attempt yet again today :-) Bahamian Guava Duff ... the pic a lil blurry though, but it was fun to do. I did a virgin sauce for it and of course as you can see from the bottle of Brandy :-) a fully loaded sauce :-)

Wednesday, May 06, 2009



Well, cooler heads prevailed! I was due to go to court on May 1st because my ex was suing for soul custody. I had my stuff wired this time and all the times lines were in order. I held out and was prepared for his battle...until he saw the light (so to speak) and wanted to come to a settlement...after we sent over numerous offers. Rose, you are so right.. he is a selfish selfish man. His only battle is to hurt me. So, Sunday night I picked up my little one and the EX was actually pleasant! Imagine that? My father wonders what he is up to next?

What are your thoughts? SYZ 5-3-59


Monday, May 04, 2009


To Higher Power

I have no particular or specific prayer for today.

You are the source of my contentment and happiness.

My only real need is to realize Your will more fully in my life.

I have nothing to worry about for You are always with me.

As I meditate on Your presence I am renewed and strengthened.

Thank You for the sweetness of this life experience. Thank You!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Boardies my Loves


I have read all your posts and know what you have written. I beg your patience just a few more days. I am finishing all my papers/exams/projects. Last class is on the 6th and the last final is May 12th.

I was just elected the President of the Alpha Lambda Gamma chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at Leeward C.C. I didn't even campaign or run for office! This is what I'm talking about when you leave everything up to your Higher Power.

Trevina ~ Lingle will not have her way and your job is secure.
Lecia ~ please do not give up on your radio dreams. Think outside the box, go about it a different way. The world is what we think it is.

I apologize (again dar nit!) for not paying enough attention to you. I will make it up to you.
Much love, ~R

Here I am

I am a miracle performing Divine Vessel.

Father, Mother God,
This day I offer myself to you in my totality. Releasing my self judgment, I surrender all that I am with an open heart.
What I see in me as imperfect becomes perfect in your hands.
All is sacred in your eyes and so I trust your trust in me.
Make of me a divine vessel for your miracles of healing, prosperity and divine order this day.
I am willing to bring heaven to earth right now! Take me and use me just as I am.

and so it is!


Heya Rose!!!

I'm still trying to find another job ... it's obvious that the Radio Stations are not interested in me ... i tried ... time to let it go now.

I need another job badly ... living home here is still stressful and I feel gotten worse, it's just too controlling ... my mom is disappointed in me ... my dad the same ... i hate it here honestly.

Do you see any ... ANY opportunities comin' my way or feel a direction I should send my resume? ... I know you said hotels before .. however alot of our hotels/motels have been doing massive layoffs and aren't hiring like that. My credentials may not be too appealing because I don't have any college degrees or anything ... and I know that what makes or breaks ya these days.

I feel stuck honestly. As for my new website ... i'm still not sure which direction I wanna take it yet ... maybe an extension of my other one.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Hi Rose. Email me at I want to mail a donation, pictures, and questions but want to make sure your address is the same first.

What does this mean?

Aloha, Rose ~~~

In the past week or so, I've run across the number 315 (or 3:15) several times, along with a reference to the date March 15th (3/15) on a TV show I was watching.

March 15th was Taylor's birthdate.

The first unexpected run-in actually happened in late January, when I was in Virginia for Taylor's memorial service, and was given room 315 at my hotel. I was completely unnerved by this coincidence (?), and didn't have another 315 sighting for about three months.

And then a few days ago, on my drive home from work, right after seeing a "315," I noticed that an outdoor digital clock was showing the time 2:22. (I mention this because of sites I've seen, like

It seems to be happening more than on just a random basis, but I'm not sure I'm ready to accept that it's something more.

But if it IS something more -- what? And what do I do about it?

Any thoughts or insights?

P&L --
