Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Choose Again

"Every one of us alone has the power to direct the course of our lives by choosing what actions we will or won't take. While sometimes it's easier to believe you don't have a choice, the reality is that you always have a choice to behave differently." ~Francine Ward
Guided by Spirit, I choose my words, thoughts and actions carefully and deliberately.
Dear God, I know that in every situation and circumstance of my life, I am at choice. I choose thoughts that bless and heal. I choose actions that express the Love that I am. I choose words that bring joy and harmony and I speak from my heart. I choose to be a conscious expression of the Divine which is my source and my strength. I am guided by the Holy Spirit to do Its will. I am open and ready to be the person You have in mind. I am blessed by and a blessing to everyone I encounter today. Thank You for the power to choose and the wisdom to choose again. I am that which You are.

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