Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Money Affirmations

I always have more than enough money to meet my needs.
Unexpected money simply falls into my lap.
God is my Source and Supply for all material and spiritual Substance.
I forgive any and all debt owed to me, therefore my thoughts are now completely on abundance.
I attract only lucrative, enjoyable and beneficial circumstances.
I receive money just by thinking luxuriously.
I receive my Divine Inheritance from God because I AM His child and His heir.
I will always have more than enough money.
When I open my mailbox, there is always a check for me.
My wallet is bulging with money.

Write one a day for 40 days.

Spoken Word

“Our spoken word first hammers the thing desired into shape. Our continued spoken word brings this shaped substance forth and clothes it with a visible body.”
~H. Emilie Cady

Directed by Divine Spirit, I call forth all that I need.

Dear God,
In my desire to know You more, I learn about love, creation, service and joy.You are teaching me how to draw forth a reality that supports my soul and the souls of those around me. The power that dwells within me aligns me with everything I need to know, do and change in my life. Thank You, God, for Your presence that guides my thoughts, my words and my actions.

Monday, April 28, 2008


“Life is an adventure in forgiveness.”
~ Norman Cousins

I forgive and let go of every hurt past and present.

Dear God,
As a child, forgiveness simply meant accepting an apology. Now, I realize it is so much more than that. It is compassion and acceptance that another soul is in evolution, in a process of learning from mistakes. I support another’s spiritual progress as I forgive them, and my own spiritual education as I forgive myself. You expect no one to unfold perfectly – nor do I expect myself or others to be perfect. To You, every soul is already expressing their perfection.

Thank You, God, for always helping me to forgive and extend compassion to all I meet.

Elder's Meditation

Thank you Sharon for the following:

"Indians living close to nature and nature's ruler are not living in darkness."
--Walking Buffalo, STONEY
There are many Indian people who are living according to nature and according to ceremony and culture. They may not have a lot of material things, but that doesn't mean they are not successful. What is success anyway? Can success be measured by material things? What is it we are really chasing anyway? The Elders say that what everyone really wants is to be happy and have a peaceful mind. Material things by themselves do not bring happiness and peace of mind. Only spiritual things bring happiness. When we live a spiritual life we will not have darkness. Instead, we will be happy.

Great Spirit, today, let me walk the Red Road.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


It may be those who do most, dream most.
--Stephen Leacock

Where would we be without the dreamers of the world - the ones who took the time to balance on the edge of wonder? Amazing connections, powerful images, and creative ideas come to us in daydreams. They creep in when we least expect them, like sleek cats, and then make their presence known to us with a gentle pounce. When we give ourselves permission to daydream - to sit for a while and do nothing but be quiet with our thoughts, we give ourselves a precious gift. And who knows, we just might be giving the world a priceless gift, too!
Out of the seeds of some of our dreams, great ideas will blossom.

What first step can I take to make a dream come true?

Boardies We Got a Letter!

When you fall asleep frightened, this hurts my heart. I long to comfort you. I long to hold you steady in my arms, cradled serene and safe. I want you to fall asleep laughing, to sleep with a smile on your lips. I will guard you while you rest. I will protect you as you dream. You do not need to be vigilant. I am your protector. I cherish you.

The night holds no threat for me. I welcome its blackness and its calm. I planned the night. It is intended to comfort you. The stars watch over you as you sleep. The moon keeps an eye on you. You are not alone. You are well guarded.

Allow me to meet you at nightfall. Tell me your day before you sleep. Tell me the dreams you are harboring. Allow me to weave them while you rest. I am able to fulfill your dreams. I have miracles at my disposal. I am all powerful and, too, I am your friend. Come dream with me.

Rest in my arms. Confide your secrets to me. Tell me of each day's journey. I listen with a lover's heart. I am ready to hear all that you have to say. Nothing you whisper is too small for me. Nothing you sigh is too large for me. I am your perfect partner. I am the safety that you yearn for, the harbor you fear you cannot find. Of course you can find me. I am with you always. I am a part of you as you are a part of me. Can you see that we are one?

With Love,

Your Higher Power


God Is Good :-)

Hiya Rose, ... this time I don't have a question for myself :-)

My friend T.S. Sept. 9th 79 and her Boyfriend J.C. Feb. 4th 80.

She would like to know is this a good match? They're having some issues ... trust on his part ... he get's upset when she wants to go out, or is going out etc. She says if she's on her cell he, takes it from her to see if she's talking to a male or female.

Personally I think he's OK since i don't know him very well yet, but ... a vibe i get is a yellow light ... controlling, but i dont wanna say that as I could be wrong and again i dont know him like that yet.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Happiness Quotes

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success."

Albert Schweitzer

Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to yourself and others.


Happiness runs in a circular motion, thought is like a little boat upon the sea. All our souls are deeper than you can see. You can have everything is you let yourself BE.

Cat Stevens


“Life’s blows cannot break a person whose spirit is warmed at the fire of enthusiasm."
~Norman Vincent Peale

I enthusiastically embrace my life today!

Dear God,
You have created this world in order that my heart’s desire to be free may be fulfilled. I am awake today to the lessons that will expand and heal me.I am full of joyful expectancy for the limitless possibilities opening from within me. I walk through my day with open arms and an enthusiastic spirit.

Thank You, God!

Friday, April 25, 2008



Thank you for your kindness, for thinking of me on my birthday!
I LOVE my presents.

And I love you my celebrity client :)


Life Force

“The Father who dwells in me does the works.”
~John 14:10

The inflow and outflow of God-Life and substance through me is unrestricted and free.

Dear Lord,
As I close my eyes to the outer world and take a deep breath in and out several times – I feel God’s Life Force flowing in and through every part of my body, revitalizing and rebuilding every part perfectly.Relaxed and quiet, I realize the power within that brought me into the world, is guiding and directing me, and I connect with the work God has for me to do.Truly, the Father and I are one.
Thank You my Beloved God!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Trevina - Thank you!

Oh my God trevina!

Where did you find the time to get together such a wonderful birthday present for me?!
I am so deeply touched that with all you have going on in your life that you took the time to think of me.

I don't have words to describe how grateful I am to know a woman as amazing as YOU!

Holding you all in my prayers. Thank you God for getting Trevina's mom out of ICU and stabilized.



“A young child responds freshly to each moment, without plans or expectations. This is a good way to live.”
~Dan Millmanquote is from The Journeys of Socrates

I embrace this moment with a clear mind and heart.

Holy Beloved,
I embrace every situation with clarity and innocence. I let go of my expectations so that I can intuit what is really needed.Your presence is experienced when I am focused on the present moment. From Your spirit I receive what I need, and I am able to give what is mine to share.
I am grateful for the power and support I find when my mind is clear. Thank You, God.

Thank you Boardies

Oh thank you my children for all the loving, kind, fabulous, musical, signing, and birthday cards and just for thinking of me!

I am so greatful for all of you for keeping me going!

Thank you for your trust and confidence and most of all your LOVE!

I love you all very, very much and will contiue to serve you for as long as The Universe moves me to.

I am grateful for all of you and I love you.
Rose - Ma :)

The Journey

“Life is a journey whose destination is unimportant compared to the quality of the journey itself. It is the NOW moment essence of that life, the experience of that journey that matters. Welcome home!”
~Greg Barrette

In this Now moment, I experience my True Self.

All I have, all I ever will have, is this moment. I pray only for the knowledge of YOUR will for me and the power to carry that out.
I love YOU God with all that I am. And thank You!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Happy Birthday, Rose !!!

Best wishes coming your way for a wonderfully blessed birthday!

Much love --


Friday, April 18, 2008

Prayer Request

Prayer Warriors and Goddesses

Please send Love, Divine Power, Strength and Love to Trevina, Tasha and their mother. Their mother is in ICU and preparing for her transition into God's Loving Arms.



Rose,was he trying to warn us? the past three weeks other signs: co worker todl me to get power of attorney for mom,mom wanted to make sure her insurance papers were here and that I split it with tasha,wednesday night I dreamt of how to pay for cremation,tasha has been talking about if she needs to go that tasha would be ok. WEdnesday night in painting on the wall I saw dove with light shining down from it, Tasha thought is was the night people see after they die,I thought it was healing light. Tasha wants me to tell mom I would stay in honolulu,I am afraid mom may see that she is burdan,give uup the will to live. Tasha thinks she wants me to stay here,but does nto know what to say.Of course my older sister calls and wants us to tell the doctor she needs time to get to hawaii,so warn her if she needs to fly over. Hello critical decisions need to be made not waiting for he. I have to stay I have been surprised by the wisedom I have been given this week. I have been calm and made difficult choices. Tasha has been very supportative, and talking to the older sister. So have these signs been warning us that mom will die in april 2008. odd that dad died 4/4/1980.Love ya,T

picture I took about a month ago in honolulu

Thursday, April 17, 2008


“We must learn to live together as brothers or we are going to perish together as fools.”
~Martin Luther King, Jr.

I am a unifying force in the world.

Sweet Spirit,
I surrender to Your presence within and affirm my oneness with all humanity. I see a world where all my brothers and sisters and I live in peace, harmony and freedom. We are all expressions of Your perfection as we shine our unique light into the world.
Thank You, God for bringing into my consciousness the awareness of the part I play in Your Divine plan.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Aloha Nami

Arigato for the beautiful Japanese letters sets and beautiful things. I LOVE Japanese style things like that, even the teddy bear paper bag.

You are very kind to me, thank you for the respect. Here is a cloud angel for you.

I'm here when you need me.

love Rose

God's Will

When was the last time you embraced a situation that you didn't like? Did you complain through the entire experience or did you run away from the situation altogether? If you did either, you missed a wonderful opportunity to be something that you've never been before. It just might have been that one thing that you had been wishing for.”
~Les Brown

I accept God’s will for me.

Heavenly Spirit,I open my mind to see through the eyes of faith and not my human eyes. I affirm that all is meant for my good and I allow the lesson You have for me to be brought into my consciousness. I know that change is constant and through change I am challenged, prodded or forced to a higher expression of Your presence in me. I know that to be fully present in any situation benefits my soul’s evolution and I accept. Thank You God.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

prayer resquest

my mom (LRW 5/11/37)is in ICU
please pray for her
love t

Sunday, April 13, 2008

interesting events

Tasha has been hearing from our father again. He has reminding her about our mom's birthday which falls on mother's day. He said to get her something she wants. She has been wanting jewelry box not wooden one. Tasha got a birthday gift from Avon it was what my mom wanted. It came without tasha ordering it,knowing what it was. Did our father have a hand in sending it to her?
Last night, I had a dream in which RS's mom,cousin and our daughter spoke to me. After daughter spoke, i felt single drop of water,it rippled through my back. it felt odd
why did that happen?
mom LRW 5/11/37
dad DEW 5/7/37
sister 3/23/72
me TAW 5/17/67
RS 9/1/64
love ya,T

Saturday, April 12, 2008


A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is a mirror.”
~Ken Keyes Jr.

I smile at the world!

Sweet, Sweet Spirit,
As I turn within and connect with Your presence, I am reminded of the divine spark that resides in me, and my countenance radiates Your love. Every challenge and every success works on me to expand my capacity to love myself and others.
Thank You, God for pouring forth Your love in and through me, for You are the source of the love that I give.

Surrender to God

Mother, Father, God,

When the worries and cares of my human life weigh heavy on my mind, I relax into Your loving arms.
The warmth of Your love surrounds me and I am strengthened and renewed.
I open to Spirit’s guidance and to the message that You have for me.
Thank You for providing situations in my life that move me out of my comfort zone, for that is when I soar to new heights of achievement.

Thank You, God.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Please private email me.

love you,


"Looking upon the loss of anything as though it means the end of it, is the same as believing falling leaves mark the end of the trees."
~Guy Finley

All things are the Creation of the Creator; all things are energy and therefore cannot be destroyed – they only change forms.

Dear God,I am so grateful for the perfect order that blesses me and all things. I know God is working in me and in all things. I bless life and honor the vitality of divine life. I am alert and responsive to the order of change. Your Spirit lives in me and in all creation. Life is an ever-renewing source of energy that moves throughout the Universe.

Romance & Finance

Aloha Rose,

dlc 4-22-66, you previously stated that finances would be uncomfortable for me. For how long and what advice do you have for me? I'm trying to save to pay my vehicle off by the end of the summer, will that happen? I'm trying to come up with a plan to free up finances and expand savings. How soon do you see someone of interest coming my way? I have previously inquired about scw 11-22-67; however, that is not going well for me.

Be blessed!

Mahalo and Namaste,


Our Soul's Desires

It is the soul's duty to be loyal to its own desires.--Rebecca West

Our soul's pure desires, those that harm no one else, are really invitations from God for us to try new activities, to perhaps move along unfamiliar corridors, or tackle challenges that will carry us closer to our destiny. Fulfilling our desires can expand our knowledge of life, but even more, it can strengthen our trust in our Higher Power. Perhaps our primary goal is to trust more in our Higher Power's presence, loving guidance, and commitment to our growth. Our Higher Power is our most treasured friend and teacher, our most significant other. We'll never be led astray with the guidance offered us for fulfilling our purest desires.I will ask God for direction and attune myself to my innermost desires today.

Pray: God, please give me what YOU think I need.


Breathe Again

Aloha Rose,
I'm baaaack! Yeaaaah! I can breathe again now that I am able to talk to you.
my soon-to-be ex, lc 9-16-61 apparently is engaged. how did that happen so quickly? how does this effect my children with support financial and emotional? will our divorce (dlc 4-22-66) go smoothly or will i lose out big time to most or all entitlements? my requests, i don't believe, are unreasonable, your take?
Mahalo and Namaste,

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


“Let there be more joy and laughter in your living.”
~Eileen Caddy

I create my own source of joy.

Dear God,
Generating my own joy in a tough situation opens me up to divine ideas for moving through it more smoothly. Today I will remember to smile first when I run into a difficulty.I will keep myself in a positive, receptive state of mind.

Thank You, God, for inner joy.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Open Heart

“I sought to hear the voice of God and climbed the topmost steeple, But God declared: ‘Go down again – I dwell among the people.’”
~John Henry Newman

My heart is open to everyone I meet.

Dear God,
There is only one way for me to live, and that is side-by-side and heart-to-heart with my fellow humanity. I choose to live a connected life, one lived in the light and love of our shared experience of God. We are all one, together.

Monday, April 07, 2008

The Prayer for Protection

The Light of God surrounds me.
The Love of God enfolds me.
The Power of God protects me.
The Presence of God watches over me.
The Mind of God guides me.
The Life of God flows through me.
The Laws of God direct me.
The Power of God abides within me.
The Joy of God uplifts me.
The Strength of God renews me.
The Beauty of God inspires me.
Wherever I am, God is!"

Good Morning Boardies

Aloha my Divine Goddesses, embodiments of Love and Light!

Wow! I bow before your Holiness!

Please forgive me for not responding to your questions and statements. I am busy preparing for a presentation on the Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy process which I need to do today!
I get to play group therapist!

I will get to all of you as soon as I can.

I worship and adore the Goddess within you!


Sunday, April 06, 2008

Ghost Dog

My beloved dog died last September. I still have her dog house in the yard and her dog bowl in the kitchen. It's weird but I could swear her spirit is still in my house. The other morning I felt a dog jump on the bed and bounce all around me. My husband said that he felt a touch on his hand as he slept, just like our dog used to do to get attention. And out of the corner of my eye, it seemed like I would see a little brown creature walk by. Do you think dogs hang out when they pass on? We were blessed to get her from the Humane Society and she lived nearly 19 years with us.

I miss that mutt!


Hi Rose,

is RS(9/1/64) the 30 year relationship you seen in my palm ?
I wonder because it seems that he and I have had difficult time getting together.
He planned trips to some here,then he had financial issues.
I planned trips then things happpened.
I got the call for interview in March we spent some time together. The day I left on 3/12 he went to work,his car broke down.
on the trip I took on 4/1/08,we did not see each other. He found out on 3/31/08,that he had to go to training in Kona. It was the last training this school year, he went. It was from 9am -5 pm,2 hour drive each way. I spent the day alone in hilo(I had great time),whenI was at the airport,he called and drove out to see he,and car accident blocked traffic,so he did not make it.
It seems so odd. why are did these events happen?
Love,TAW 5/17/67

Saturday, April 05, 2008


Aloha Precious,

Please private email me your email address and I will send you a new invitation to the board. Let's see if re-registering will help.


Something to Think About

Good Morning Boardies

As some of you know I am a college student (at MY age imagine that!). School's great and I recommend it to all of you.
Anyway, I am studying to get degrees in counseling and psychology. All the better to serve you with my dears :)

In my psych class this week I learned that self-esteem is determined by one's sense of belonging, not by what one achieves as I previously thought. Of course it is the opinion of the author of my textbook, confirmed by my teacher, based on current research. It does however, ring true for me. How about for you?

Understanding this has brought me wonderful new insight. Just thought you'd like to ponder this for yourselves. love, Rose

Friday, April 04, 2008

Ocean of Love

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~Buddha

I am immersed in the infinite ocean of God’s love.

Dear God,
Sometimes I can be too hard on myself for not doing things as well as I think I should.
I let go of this faulty measuring stick right now. I close my eyes and imagine every cell of my body filled with the light of Your infinite love.
Please make my mind still and silent.My heart is open to receiving Your love filling me with compassion and peace.
Thank You, God. Make my heart like Your heart.

Awareness, Acceptance, Actions

Dear God,

Slow me down when all I do is try to fix and control things and people.
Help me to first accept situations, as they are when I become aware of them.
Slow me down in your stillness.
Mark my awareness with unselfishness, my acceptance with humility, and my actions with usefulness to me and others.

I love You

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Spiritual Friendships

“Awakened souls strengthen and encourage each other by their friendships and interchange of thoughts and revealments. They create a network of light over the planet and spin threads of mutual upliftment and inspiration.”
~Vida Reed Stone

I attract spiritual friendships that support my soul.

Beloved, I am thankful for my spiritual sisters and brothers. Communing with like-minded souls strengthens me in living my life as a light on the planet. I treasure their friendship and receive the same dedication in return.Together we help each other and spread light and love over our planet.
Thank you Boardies for being exactly who you are! love, Rose

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


“Lord, give us the will and bent of the mind to rest not until we bring forth the kind of world-flower that You intended us to!”
~James Dillet Freeman

I am a force of good in the world!

Mother, Father God,

I unite in thought and spirit with all my brothers and sisters on planet Earth. I live in love, harmony, prosperity, abundance, freedom and peace. I am anchored by Your spirit that is ever directing me toward my goal in You, and nothing shall turn me away from that.Thank You God for the manifestation of “Heaven on Earth”.

someone new

Hi Rose,

:) Here I am again with a new but old question about work. I wanted to know what you think about this new girl who is starting with us tomorrow. IC (not sure about the last name) 2/12/77. She seems very perky, okay skills, and good attitude from what I see so far.

Thanks Rose :) I hope this one works out better for us. Tired of looking.

SW 6/19/63