Friday, November 30, 2007


Aloha Rose,

Wanted to know if you see a Christmas bonus coming my way from my job. dlc 4-22-66

Mahalo and God bless to you and yours,



Mother/Father/Everything God,

Enthusiasm flows effortlessly as I clearly and consistently live the Truthof my being:
I am Your child;
I am created in and after Your likeness;
You have shared everything with me;
Love is my lesson, my gift and my path;
Every element of my life is working together perfectly;
I am one with All that is;
Everyone is my sibling;
You love us all! I surrender my self to You.
Holy, holy, holy -- is all of Your creation.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Poster from a Shared Dreams website

Simple Things

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
~Leo Buscaglia

Affirmation: I am an open, willing instrument of Love.


Dear God,
Whisper to me of Your great love for all beings and help me spread that love everywhere on my journey. Remind me to reach out to everyone and draw in the lonely. May my life be more like a river and less like a reservoir. So it is. Amen

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

shared dreaming

hi Rose,
what is shared dreaming?
RS (9/1/64)and I had the same dream. we were sitting on a sofa watching 3 kids playing on the floor(1 girl and 2 boys ) one boy was playing with yellow truck,the other playing with small cars and the girl playing with barbie. I felt like was there. I felt the fabric of the sofa. he felt like he wasthere too
Love,TAW 5/17/67


"The breath of God is breathing me and resting in the breath of God, I know that all is well."
~Rickie Byars Beckwith

From the song, “The Breath of God,” on her CD, “In the Land of I Am.”

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Jimi Hendrix! 1942-1970


If we just worry about the big picture, we are powerless. So my secret is to start right away doing whatever little work I can do. I try to give joy to one person in the morning, and remove the suffering of one person in the afternoon…That is the secret. Start right now."

~Sister Chan Khong

Monday, November 26, 2007

All The Good I Can

Dear God,

Guide me to do all the good I can
By all means I can
In all ways I can
In all places I can
To all people I can
As long as I can.

Thank YOU!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

More Gratitude

Dear God,

Just for the privilege of experiencing Your Love, I am filled with gratitude.

To know that You are ever present within my mind and heart and being allows me to live abundantly, joyously, with an unquenchable spirit.

I pursue the never-ending path of spiritual evolvement,and revel in the adventure of the next opportunity that life presents,confident that You eternally hold me in Your Light.

Thank You, Living Loving Spirit.


Saturday, November 24, 2007

Awkward .....

Aloha, Rose ~~~

I get a fair amount of traffic to my website -- mostly from a couple of theatrical message boards that I frequent. I've now received messages from two different people, asking my opinion on what they should do to pursue a performing arts career.


I'm still pursuing the career myself, and certainly don't feel qualified to offer advice to anyone else! And that's basically what I tell them -- along with a "don't-give-up-you-can-do-it-if-you-try" comment.

But it's very awkward, you know?

Ah, well .....

Peace & Love ~~


Turning It Over

There comes a time in facing a challenge when we have done all that we can, and still the situation remains unresolved. This is the time to turn the problem over and release our cares into the hands of spirit. When we let the Universe take charge, anything becomes possible.
God can do for us what we could not do for ourselves.If you find that you have reached such an impasse, try the following; in your mind's eye place the problem upon an imaginary altar. Then say, "I turn this over to you, spirit. From now on, you are in charge." As you walk away from knowing that all is in Divine hands.Despairing of ever getting published, a young writer used this approach. He placed his manuscript on his inner alter and moved on to another project. Two weeks later, the book was accepted by a major publisher fro a substantial advance. Turning to his agent he said, "I want to thank whoever is responsible, because it certainly wasn't me." It is good to realize that we do not have to do everything alone. Help is available. Invisible hands come to support us at the right time.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing all safe and happy holiday

Happy Thanksgiving !

Wow! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving already! Where has this year gone?!

I love you all and am grateful for your participation on my blog.

Have a wonderful day of Gratitude Love, ~R

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Peaceful Pace

"Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you."
~John De Paola

Affirmation: My pace is peaceful and deliberate.

Meditation: I am a whole person, a child of the Divine. I care about the way I care for myself. Today, I relax and invite peace and quiet to minister to me. I am restful and calm. Between deep cleansing breaths, my body relaxes.I breathe in sweet silence and exhale stress and tension. I release everything that is not love. I call upon and cooperate with the pattern for health which is coded into every cell of my body. I live at the perfect pace and I am filled with peace.
So it is.

Monday, November 19, 2007


Aloha my dear

Making copies of the TV show DVD's is moving to the top of my list. As soon as they're done I'll let you know and you can private email me your snail mail address. Then youtube!

love you

Webcam readings

Hi Boardies

Several of you have inquired about the webcam readings. You will need to install a webcam to make this possible, as well as yahoo messanger.

Once you install your webcam private email me and we can set up a time for your reading.

love and hoping to cyber see you soon!



“How do you know which of your intentions is likely to be fulfilled? The answer lies in paying attention to the clues provided by the nonlocal mind. Notice the coincidences in your life. Coincidences are messages. They are clues from God or spirit or nonlocal reality, urging you to break out of your karmic conditioning, your familiar patterns of thinking. They are offering you an opportunity to enter a domain of awareness where you feel loved and cared for by the infinite intelligence that is your source. Spiritual traditions call this the state of grace."

~Deepak Chopra

Saturday, November 17, 2007


hi Rose,
I had a dream that i walked into metaphysical store ,a guy followed me around, his friend encouraged him to ask me out. i walk out of the store,and ran(the foot steps glowed as i ran). I went into another metaphysical store,a young male waswhining about not getting what he wanted i walk into back room which turns into a series of rooms and hallways. The first room had Buddhist feel to it,icense,prayer wheels,etc no one was in there, i walk into hallway in a corner a lady( not until I write I realize it is Debbie) is sitting there we talk.. I have no memory of what was said. Ivwent bak to the store to get another hole pierced in my ear. i woke up feeling love. Why can't i remeber what people tell mr in my dreams. what did Debbie say to me
Love,TAW 5/17/67

Friday, November 16, 2007

Webcam Readings

Aloha Boardies and the world

Anyone interested in a webcam reading?

Email me at

love and light,

Creation Continues

I have long known that something incredible is wanting to be born through me. I feel something kicking at the edges of my consciousness, searching for a way through my life. I have also long known that the only block to this birthing is me. I move beyond my fears and self-limiting beliefs. , I invite You to create through me now. I am not alone on this journey.Your Mind is at work through my mind. Your continuing process of creation is active in and as me. Now is the time and I am open.

Thank You, God.Amen

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Prayer Request

Please pray for the safe passage of the soul of Debbie Solomon. Thank you Debbie for all the help you've given the world.

Face to Face readings

Hi and aloha Boardies,

I have an idea and want to know if you are interested. My daughter gave me a webcam, with this we can see and hear each other. I am offering webcam readings to you.

If you are interested in a webcam reading email me at and we'll work out the details.

Here's looking at you kid


Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Day 7 of 9 day novena :-)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. -Thich Nhat Hanh

Hello Rose-
It's been tremendously busy and it's at these times when I realize how much my procrastination impacts my life. It's like trying to stop a heavy vehicle "Fred Flinstone" style! Almost impossible to do unless there is an excess of!

Just stopping in to say hello and hoping that you are doing fine and that your arm is healing well! And to say hey to everyone else and "hey there, T!".

Can you believe next week is Thanksgiving?


New Begginings

Sure you may use the phrase. I thought it was funny! I will work through this like I do everything else. I feel very deflated and depressed... and I am desperately trying to get out of it. Its hard though.

Have a good day.


Monday, November 12, 2007

Cloud Angel

Our Reactions

“The next time you find yourself stuck in a long line at an ATM machine, traffic jam, or supermarket checkout counter, resist your urge to react. Do not get frustrated. Do not become impatient. Do not get angry. The line is there to test you, and to give you an opportunity not to react. But if you do react, the situation controls you. The situation becomes the cause and you the effect.”

New adventures?

Rose, my beloved Mother passed very peacefully two weeks ago. My heart is at peace, too, although her loss is missed in everything I do. I still call out for her and would dearly love to hear from her.

Right now I am seeking employment and wonder whether I should stay put where I am (there are limited job opportunities here) or accept a job in another location where my son lives (2 hours away). I want to be around my son and yet my heart is tugging at me to stay in my ancestral home, I don't know if I have a choice since jobs are scare where I'm now located. Do you have any insight as to where I'll be employed in the next 2 months? Will it be where I'm at or will I move to another location near my son? Thanks Rose, lots of love sent your way. My DOB is 8/8/45.

New Begginings

I cannot appeal. I am out of money. I am done. I chalk it up to him snowing another person with lies. Sam could lie the white off rice if he needed.

Now I look like the idiot, and to be honest this set me back for a year questioning my self and my integrity.

Sam is not worth the battle.


Saturday, November 10, 2007

hi Rose,
my sister (NAW 3/23/72) is trying to re finance her townhouse. do yoi see her doing that or will she sell her townhouse?

A Smile for you


Aloha Rose,

Would you please clarify your message below? I'm not understanding exactly what the two caution flags are. I'm just reposting the message.

Love and blessings,

Hi Rose,Just want to know if SCW 11-22-67 is the one that I will be able to build a wonderful relationship with? Am I the only woman he's involved with at this time? I know he loves me and God know I love him always and forever but distance is a factor for us both along with time. I'm willing to work this out as hard and long as needed because I truly want us to work out. I wasn't expecting him to come back into my life but he has and the feelings are strong. He's going through alot but I'm doing my best to be there for him as best I can.Be blessed! Love you more!!!!Mobet (dlc 4-22-66)
Posted by mobet at 2:53 PM

Rose said...
hi mobet
this is a good match. however, i need to be honest and tell you i saw 2 caution flags.what is love? i define it as mutual nuturing and respect. love is a verb not an emotion.going the extra mile for the other. uncondtional love and support just for the love of doing it, no expectations if possible.lover
9:42 AM


My mother keeps dreaming that I am pregnant again and it is in December. My birthday is 5/4/84. Is there anything to this? I should know in a week but it is driving me insane. I do not want to be pregnant so I am hoping she is crazy. However, I did have a big oops.

Friday, November 09, 2007


"Faith is power. When we obsess about our problems and the things we lack, that is what will manifest in our reality. By imagining the possibilities-our positive intentions-clearly, then letting them go and having faith in the benevolence of the Universe, we remove the barriers of our limited thoughts and open the path for wonderful things to come our way."

~Kathy Cordova

quote is taken from: Let Go Let Miracles Happen: The Art of Spiritual Surrender

Thursday, November 08, 2007

New Begginings- I Lost

Hi Rose,

I lost. I lost everything the Judge said he believed non of my testimony and I have to pay for Sam's attoney fees.
I am in a state of shock.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Dear God,
I behold the evidence of Your handiwork all around me. All of my senses tingle and sizzle with life when I take the time to notice. Every day contains hundreds of incredible moments, and each one reveals the interrelatedness of life. The smell of fresh coffee, the smile of the clerk at the grocery store, the notes to my favorite song playing on the radio, the honking of Canada geese as they fly overhead, the warm embrace of an longtime friend, the way warm water in the shower flows down my back,the warm feeling of my bed at the end of a long day, the sight of my freeway exit after a long trip, my neighbor's new puppy, sleeping in for an extra half hour,
watching children jostle out of the school bus door, the crisp November air and the brilliant red leaves on a maple tree. Each element of life is connected in the most amazing ways. For all of these things, and the many others that surround me,I give You my thanks. May all the Earth celebrate the life we share.


I had a dream,my mom and I were outside,we saw 2 cars. I got in one in back seat,my mom went in driver's seat of the other,the cars started to move (on their own,even though mom is in the driver's seat)the car goes to my grandmother's former apartment, in the screen of the door my mother and i see 2 cousins and an aunt(all of whom,mom and I have not spoken to since grandma died in 1994). we decide we do not wnt to see them,we stay in the car,it drives on,I say let's go to the apartment,I said in kapahulu(former apartment) the car says you don't live there. the cars drive us to makiki(where we live) my sister was there,she said grandma just left,the car drove me to where my grandmother is,the phone rang, i woke up. I woke up,feeling sad,like i missed an opportunity to speak to her. can you tell me what she said to my sister? why couldn't i speak to her?
love,TAW 5/17/67

New Begginings

Aloha Rose,

I have successfully eaten all the Halloween candy my son didn't want! Tootsie Rolls are my favorite. Funny things is that I have lost some weight but my junk eating habits seem to be worse... just or the week. I will eat more properly today.

Today is the DAY! I get the Judges ruling today. WOW. I was recollecting on my days with Sam. And I am sorry. I am sorry for all that's this has come down too. Its very very sad, because this was my marriage. I really wanted it to work. I loved him a lot. I think what is more sad, that I try to analyze him. Still. But as I am sitting here typing you this message I am crying, because today is the end of something that could have been great. However, its time to move on. I need stability and happiness and so do my children.

I believe watching this babysitter Sam brought up on the stand (in court) was so obvious. She was lying her butt off. I cannot believe all the things she said and not to mention all the things my husband said about me. I was a good wife and a great mother to his son.

Well, I will let you know what happens at Noon EST time!


Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Believe In Yourself

and follow your passion regardless of what others may think ~r

Monday, November 05, 2007

Exciting afternoon!

Aloha, Rose ~~~

I got a call over the weekend inviting me to audition for a TV show today. Unfortunately, I didn't get the part but -- hey -- a casting director thought enough of me to send me out. And that's cool.

Oh, and the audition? It was for a scene that would have been done with Alec Baldwin on NBC's "30 Rock." And that's WAY cool. <*grin*>

P&L --


is she right for him?

Aloha Rose! Hope you're arm is doing better and that the bones are knitting themselves back together stronger!

Can you tell me if my son's current girlfriend is going to last the next 6 months and is she a bad influence? I don't know her birthday, age, anything except her name begins with an 'S' and my son's birthday is 4/17/83, initialsSCLK. Will he do well in his current job as an apprentice plumber?

Much obliged to you and God Bless!

Feeling Better :-)

Aloha Rose :-)

Hope all is well with you and school.


:-) I edited this post cause I'm feeling better now.

Any good news on the romantic front for me soon? New guys ... something. Not focusing much on it these days, but you know it does cross my mind from time to time.. lol I know the universe has heard my prayers for financial cause things have been picking up a lil bit.

B-Day: Aug. 23 1977 (around 7:30pm or 8:00Pm lol see even got the time narrowed down lol)

PS. x2 lol in case you wanna see what kickin in the Bahamas news.

Sunday, November 04, 2007


"We each have the choice in any setting to step back and let go of the mind-set of scarcity. Once we let go of scarcity, we discover the surprising truth of sufficiency. By sufficiency, I don't mean a quantity of anything. Sufficiency isn't two steps up from poverty or one step short of abundance. It isn't a measure of barely enough or more than enough. Sufficiency isn't an amount at all. It is an experience, a context we generate, a declaration, a knowing that there is enough, and that we are enough." ~Lynne Twist

Affirmation: All of my needs are met.
Meditation: Dear Goddess,

Thank You for providing everything I need. Thank You for the order that is now evident and at work in my life. I am grateful for Your abundance which flows though me. As I give I receive, lavishly and with good measure. Thank You very much.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

One Family

"...the greatest suffering is being lonely, feeling unloved, having no one. I have come more and more to realize that it is being unwanted that is the worst disease that any human being can ever experience."~Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Affirmation: I freely share love with everyone.

Holy Spirit, I feel Your presence with and in me,and I know intellectually that You are in each person.Teach me how to feel Your presence with my heart. Open my heart and mind so that I connect at the level of Spirit with all people. Help me not turn away from the eyes of those who are lonely. Help me notice and respond to those who feel unloved. Help me live the Oneness I so easily proclaim through words.There are no throwaway people in Your kingdom: Princes and bums, doctors and homeless people, intellectuals and inmates, clergy and the elderly, every person of every type is equally Your child, we are one family, with one Creator. Each person on this planet is my sister or brother. Reveal Yourself to me in each face and heart. I intend to share Your unconditional love without judgment.Thank You!

Friday, November 02, 2007

i always said october great month for wedding 2010 wow! invite you will get
,will daughterarrive before wedding?
I know she is waiting still feel her tears
RS's cousin is chickasaw wise woman and she tells him that kids visit her often,and she says before he and i meet she has been watching me. Shs visited me for years.
I love you,T


“What we usually pray to God is not that His will be done, but that He approve ours.”
~Helga Bergold Gross

Affirmation: I am surrendered and still.


Dear God,We consciously place our lives, our families and our world in Your hands. We seek transformation by seeking Your will. We release our ready made ideas about what might be best for us. Establish our direction and set our priorities. May Your will be done, now and always. Thank You God.