Monday, November 12, 2007

New adventures?

Rose, my beloved Mother passed very peacefully two weeks ago. My heart is at peace, too, although her loss is missed in everything I do. I still call out for her and would dearly love to hear from her.

Right now I am seeking employment and wonder whether I should stay put where I am (there are limited job opportunities here) or accept a job in another location where my son lives (2 hours away). I want to be around my son and yet my heart is tugging at me to stay in my ancestral home, I don't know if I have a choice since jobs are scare where I'm now located. Do you have any insight as to where I'll be employed in the next 2 months? Will it be where I'm at or will I move to another location near my son? Thanks Rose, lots of love sent your way. My DOB is 8/8/45.

1 comment:

Rose said...

Aloha RoseAnne

Grief is like the winter of the soul. Remember that spring will follow. A woman who lost not one but three children told me that in time she realized that her grief blocked her connection to them. You will hear from your mother again.
We always have choices. May I recommend that you stay put for a few months, until the worst of the storm passes, then consider your alternatives. You have time to change locations in 2 months.

love and heartfelt condolences,