Saturday, January 30, 2010


Synchronicity is a word coined by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung to describe the "temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events." Jung spoke of synchronicity as an "acausal connecting principle" (i.e. a pattern of connection that cannot be explained by direct causality). Plainly put, it is the experience of having two (or more) things happen coincidentally in a manner that is meaningful to the person or persons experiencing them, where that meaning suggests an underlying pattern. It differs from coincidence in that synchronicity implies not just a happenstance, but an underlying pattern or dynamic that is being expressed through meaningful relationships or events. It was a principle that Jung felt compassed his concepts of archetypes and the collective unconscious, in that it was descriptive of a governing dynamic that underlay the whole of human experience and history—social, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. Jung believed that many experiences perceived as coincidence were due not merely to chance, but instead, suggested the manifestation of parallel events or circumstances reflecting this governing dynamic1.

It does take reflecting. I slowly seeing how much of synchronicity in my life. I meet Rose I went shopping at Kahala Mall,she was doing readings,she has helped me and my family so much over the years. She changed my life. I found my current apartment while looking for a place for my sister,never thinking I would need a place,I missed this place twice trying to find it,lost the ad twice and lived here longer than she did,she now lives at a place with same building number as me,

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I'm not sure how being an empath happens. I think that it is someone with good intuitive abilities but also the ability to sense other beings or energy. That makes me think "psychic" or an intuitive. I know I don't have clairvoyance or any of those abilities, at least nothing that is amazing. I have pre-cognitive dreams.

Hmmmm. All I know is that when listening to someone speak, I can sense where they are coming from...or that they are lying(even if that person doesn't realize they are lying). It's like knowing what they are really feeling or trying to say. Haha...gets me in trouble sometimes when I call someone on it and they aren't ready to come to terms with what they are really feeling. I feel actual pain when I see someone in pain. If I'm in a crowded area like a food court, I feel like I'm being bombarded by the energy in the room. So much going on besides just eating! And I'm very sensitive to loud noises. The older I get and the more aware I become, even music gets to be too much.

There have been studies done that say that empathy has biological and spiritual aspects. I think it's something we all have...passed down from centuries. It's hard to function on facts alone. If anyone has seen Avatar, the Na'vi were empaths. I believe we are all connected and some of us are better at opening up the connections to all energy. If it's biological, what is it and where does it come from...the amygdala? Is it our cells connecting to everything?

I sometimes wonder if I had a sense of smell, whether I would be a better at this intuitive stuff. That's my next visit with you, Rose...find out why I can't smell! :) This is such a great topic! And T- I'm looking forward to hearing more about Synchronicity.

Love all-
(4/8/62 klp)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Your Intuition

Aloha Bloggies

Can you feel it? Can you feel your deceased loved ones? Hear their voices? Smell them?

Do you have vivid dreams? Do you know who's on the phone before you answer it? Or do you think of someone only to have them call you a moment later?

Then you have a great depth of intuition. If you have this gift congratulations! Follow your intuition always...

How can you improve your intuition? Simply by trusting it. Doubt and skepticism are the two greatest obstacles to receiving intuitive messages.

Prayer and meditation increase the space between the thoughts...your intuitive voice can be heard clearly in those silent spaces.

See you on the signal line...I love you



Aloha Mia

Please send me a private email, ask for my address.

Your soulmate is Japanese-American, living in America at this time.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Our Enemies

It is our enemies that can truly teach us the virtues of compassion and tolerance.

Pray for the people that trouble you every night for two weeks asking only for them to be as happy as you are.

Whatever negative energy they produce in you comes from inside of you. That is what you need to be looking at and working on.

Loving you,


Friday, January 22, 2010

Strange Dreams

OK...I realize I haven't been on in a while, however, this dream was really strange. I dreamt of octopuses. The strangest part was that these creatures were caught and bound at the legs....the person who caught them wanted to cut off their tentacles. They didn't talk, however, they could communicate and were lead to believe that no harm would come to them but then it did. What does this mean?

Monday, January 18, 2010

dreams of grandma

Hi Rose,
For the past 3 nights I have had dream of my grandmother. Her birthday is 1/14. It was great progression. The first night,she,mom,tasha and I were talking. the next night,she was showing me stuff,and last night I was in her apartment,she was not there as I was looked for stuff,they appear as if to tell me even she was not there she is still looking out for me.
Do you think my daughter will be grandmother or mother re incarnated?
Love ya,T

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Your Rights as a human being

"You are a human being. You have rights inherent in that reality. You have dignity and worth that exist prior to law."
~Lyn Beth Neylon

Friday, January 15, 2010

Lecia and Justin

Aloha Lecia and Justin -

Thank you Thank you for the huge beautiful gorgeous bouquet of flowers!

I deeply deeply appreciate your thoughtful and loving gesture... and your kindness.

I love you both.

Much aloha



Aloha Ruth

Please email me with the details of your problem. I will do my very best to help you.

I'm honored by your trust. Please write soon.



Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Prayers to all living in and the departed of Haiti.

A tragedy, and a very sad event for the new year. :-(


hi rose,

at least i feel as i have been cursed! not sure if there's any meaning to these events but on friday my blood pressure shot up to 167/110 at one point. had nausea and vomiting. pressure didn't go back down so went to doctor visit on sunday. didn't have medical and had to pay for meds out of pocket. went to see physician again yesterday afternoon. said i was dehydrated and gave me an I.V. stayed home from work this morning. noticed my phone's service was disconnected(aaargh!). was going to leave to take care of that when i noticed i had a flat tire!

what is going on?! why is my higher power trying to get my attention? and why does it have to be through my wallet?! and health? ugh...

that said, i hope all is well with everyone! it was absolutely wonderful to see you this weekend. i'm looking toward paralegal. they do not offer medical coding at heald. though that did sound very interesting to me. :)

thank you, rose!

love, light, and some peace, please!!!

klp 4/8/62

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Some people may ask which religion is the best religion. No religion is the best, all they are is different. It would be like trying to figure out which culture is the best, there is no best ones only different ones.

much aloha

Hi Rose,
the past couple morning,I have been waking up and feeling as if I am not in my body. I guess I have been astral travelling but I do not remember anything.

Any help on remembering what I am doing or even how to astral travelling
Love ya,

Sunday, January 10, 2010


One Planet

Our Home

One Family

Human Family


Aloha Kathi

Thank you so much for coming to see me at the Psychic Fair yesterday. And thank you for the card and candy, it truly wasn't necessary and I truly appreciate it and thank you.

I woke up thinking about you...the advice I gave you yesterday is totally intuitively reinforced.

Much love to you...I pray you are awake today, even if it's just for a few moments.

Love and Light


not all who wander are lost...

aloha rose and fellow travelers,

i just received this interesting/insightful message from a friend on the west coast. he was generous enough to allow me to share it with you. i found it got me thinking...and also, that not all who "wonder" are lost either! :)

love and light-


So a few years back we get a new agent in our office and he turns out to be the Dalai Lama's nephew. He's teaching Buddhism at the local community college on the side and we get to be friends and start having some grasshopper to grasshopper deep philosophical discussions. I remember one night we are going back and forth and I'm telling him my reservations about the whole interpretation of "life is suffering" thing, and the rigid disciplines of Buddhism ... I tell him I think Buddhism is great and balance is important but life is about experiencing and suffering is just a part of it and I don't want to give that up ... I want to laugh all of my laughter and weep all of my tears.

Say Kat, have you ever read Conversations With God? It's main premise is that ... well that we are God experiencing God. There is a Salinger short story, the last story in “Nine Stories.” Teddy is an “enlightened” child prodigy of some notoriety on a cruise ship and a reporter on the boat recognizes him. He asks Teddy about his first mystical experience and Teddy says, “I was six when I saw that everything was God, and my hair stood up, and all that,” Teddy says, “It was on a Sunday, I remember. My sister was only a very tiny child then, and she was drinking her milk, and all of a sudden I saw that she was God and the milk was God. I mean, all she was doing was pouring God into God, if you know what I mean.”

(Color me crazy but I think I do know what Teddy meant)

Okay, I digress. Anyway, Tenzin (the Dalai Lama's nephew) says that without the rigid disciplines of Buddhism we are like a boat adrift on the sea--with no direction--not aimed at any port. Lost.

And I thought, that's me. But lost? Hmm, adrift maybe--lost no. I told him that you are only lost if you have a destination. Adrift and without a map or rudder is fine if you don't really have expectations or anywhere in particular to go. One shore holds as many experiences as the next ... a real Buddha knows that all roads lead to the same place. :)

I think it was then that I noticed his head was in his hands and shaking back and forth.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Psychic Fair This Weekend

Aloha Bloggies

Mililani Town Center - Near Zippys - 10am-3pm. I will be there both days.

Looking forward to being of service to you.

Much love,


Tuesday, January 05, 2010


Aloha my Precious Ones Worldwide..

Listen with your ears And with your heart. Listen to that voice of conscience and the voice of your intuition.




oh, rose! it was so wonderful to see you. and thank you so much for reading for us. we feel awful that we were not able to leave you with more(i forgot to remind him)...but i will be by this weekend to see you at the psychic fair.

your reading was incredible. jim is impressed with your skill. he is like, "how does she know?!" :)

your insight and advice has helped me tremendously to understand what is going on, what he is feeling, and where i need to improve! i can't tell you how much this last reading has changed things for me.

well, i will keep this short. i just wanted to let you know how grateful i am that you are you and that we have you in our lives!

i will see you saturday!

much love and light,


Saturday, January 02, 2010


Mia aloha,

Thank you for your kind words. Email your email address to and I will send you and invitation to my blog.

Once you join you can create your own posts.

Much aloha,

Bless Everyone

"To bless is not only the perogative of ministers, priests and rabbis; it's not the exclusive domain of holy people and saints. It's a natural human ability, anyone can do it.But first we must claim that ability."

David Spangler

Friday, January 01, 2010


Hi Kathi

I'm home. Please let me know when you folks are coming here, I know it's 10am...what day?

Please let me know asap?
