Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Only Asset

Aloha Ma-Rose,

I hope this post finds you and your family well.
My automobile was damaged in an accident while
it was parked. I took it for repairs and
the guilty party has refused to pay for the damage
caused. As a result, the automobile was held by the
mechanic for lack of payment. I was forced to take
the legal route however this has become so frustrating
because my lawyer has proved to be irresponsible and almost
downright incompetent. Since I don't have any income I find
myself. trapped. Please let me know if I'll ever get my
automobile back as taking public transport limits my movement.

LM 22/06/72

Monday, June 27, 2011


Good day, Ma-Rose
Trust all is well. Im SET and been referred to you by LM, my life is at stand still and I desperately need your help.
Tried emailing you twice in the past 2 - 3 weeks, requesting for an invite, there was no responce.
I would really appreciate if I could hear from you.
Thanking you in advance.

Aloha my dear...I did not receive any emails from you, I do not know what the problem is. Please rkopp001@hawaii.rr.com again so I can send you an invitation. To answer a question I will be needing your initials and date of birth. Peace, Rose
Hi Rose,

It's been a looong time. I've been working on living in the moment instead of looking to the future as much as I used to. Momentary glitch...;)

GMR May 13 1982- I love him, he loves me. We're best friends. We respect each other. It's all there, except for the fact that he's not sure who he is or what he wants- not just in a relationship, but work and life too (he's a very confused person right now). I know the saying 'when you love someone, you have to let him go...' That's what I'm doing. This is something he needs to do on his own. He's a good man and I feel that he'll figure it out and come back strong, confident and ready to move forward.

However, you're better at this than I am....what do you see happening? Is he the one for me? and I just need to believe, have faith and be patient? or am I being crazy?

Love Mel
MJS Dec 20 1982

Sunday, June 26, 2011

"The Door To Satisfaction"

Another shortcoming of desire is that it leads to so much that is undesirable.

- Lama Zopa Rinpoche, "The Door to Satisfaction"

Friday, June 24, 2011

My future

Alha, Rose
Thank you for replying my question whether I can marry or not.
I am not young and am afraid I do not have any jobs at the moment.
I devoted my time on just studying until now, however I feel I am taking wrong way.
I am now writing research paper, but I am douting my decision.
It is very difficult for me to get a job as I am not young anymore , then it is difficult for me to get marry. What life is waiting for me in the near future?
I am not intelliginet enough to get degree, no job, no money, no marriage, no children.
13th of November, 1971

The Force - The Energy

“For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is.
Life creates it, makes it grow.
Its energy surrounds us and binds us.
Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.
You must feel the Force around you: here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere...”

~ Master Yoda

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Can I marry and have children in the near future?

Aloha, Rose
Do you think I can marry and have children?
Well, I am not young any more, therefore I have to think about my future.
I am not intelligent, but I have devoted my time on just studying.
Recently, I feel storongly I have took the wrong way in my life.
13th of November, 1971

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Feeling Down

Aloha Ma-Rose,

I am feeling so depressed tonight and might
just be dragging myself into that deep whole
again, yet I'm very happy about our discussions.
What is wrong with me? I should be elated at the
upcoming prospects and I'm trying so hard to keep
my optimism. Please let me know what is wrong with me.

Love you stax!!!
LM: June 22, 1972

Monday, June 20, 2011


Hi Rose,
This morning,I woke up feeling sick(sore throat,congested)I called off work,went to bed,while there, i was thinking of something i saw on tv there a lady was addicted to approval and acceptance,it hit me so was I. I knew i had to accept and approve of myself. I mentally wrote letters to my parents,others who I dealt with in my life, after this my heart and throat charka opened up, both have been closed for awhile.
I woke up to the smell of blueberries, I have no idea who that is, while tasha was over yesterday, we kept smelling cigarettes,the perfume sunflowers and baby powder.
ove,TAW 5/17/67

Zen Wisdom

"My greatest happiness consists precisely in doing nothing whatever that is calculated to obtain happiness."
~Chuang Tzu

Buddhist Wisdom

According to Buddhist psychology, most of our troubles are due to our passionate desire for, attachment to things that we misapprehend as enduring entities. The pursuit of the objects of our desire and attachment involves the use of aggression and competitivenessThese mental processes easily translate into actions, breeding belligerence. Such processes have been going on in the human mind since time immemorial, but their execution has become more effective under modern conditions. What can we do to control and regulate these poisons—delusion, greed and aggression? For it is these poisons that are behind almost every trouble in the world.

- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Male and Female Within Us

Loving Spirit,

Remember that we all contain masculine and feminine energy and both flow from the One Source.
We are grateful for those who have lovingly demonstrated the divine masculine through their love, care, devotion and strength.
For many of us, Dad was the primary channel for this love and presence; But there are others as well: Uncles, Grandpas, Teachers, Pastors, Coaches and often Mothers who are open and available to help us learn and grow.
If the relationship we had with Dad was less than perfect, may this year present new opportunities for wholeness.
We know that You are the source of our strength and work through every available channel to make sure we receive all the love and lessons we require.
Pour Your wisdom and love out in all who are living in the role of father, so that each child might know Father’s love.
Thank You! - Author Unknown

Irish Proverb

"You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was."

~Irish Proverb


Aloha and thanks for writing!Thanks for watching my show and enjoying it!

The technique I use is called Shamanic Journey. In my opinion and experience the most professional, experienced and genuine technique is taught through the auspices of the Foundation of Shamanic Studies, a Michael Harner school, in California. Here is the link: http://www.shamanism.org

There are certified Shamanic intructors all over the United States and the World.

Good luck, have fun and enjoy!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Eternally Grateful

Dear Ma-Rose,

I am eternally grateful and heavily indebted to you and your Guides
for taking me out of my deep black hole. How do I repay such pure kindness
and beautiful spirit of being? I am so in awe of your Gifts 'cause you do
have plenty and the fact that you are so willing to share these with the
poorest in spirit leaves me with no words. I shall never forget you and pray
that you never ever turn your gifts into business machine and by so
doing you SHALL be rewarded by those who have gained even more
than you could have put a price to it, I KNOW I SHALL DO SO as soon as I'm
able to do so.

I Love you Mum-Rose and your family and all of the poor in spirit to have
You and the world is all the better for your Guides' and your

Thank you ever so much from the bottom of my heart.

Eternally grateful,

Monday, June 13, 2011

Final, final question

Aloha Ma-Rose,
I hope the psychic fair went very well
at Mililani Town Centre. You must be mentally
tired as I've read that it's a huge event!!!!
Ma-rose please rest assured that I can never
be a politician and am aware that I'm too honest
as alluded to by you. I only worked in the environment
helping politicians deal with the media, writing press
releases, arranging interviews and answering journalists'
enquiries as a press officer. My intuition is twofold,
the position that you see me getting is in the South African
Parliament or the Pan African Parliament. Please let me know
which one of the two do you see me getting. I have also asked
my guides to show you everything.

My deepest gratitude,

Wednesday, June 08, 2011


Ms R

Congratulations on your graduation.

Love I still have and feel for the one man I love.

Faith is what Ihave after so much that goes on in life,

Will jml 09011952 return home this year to lel 02251955?
and/or do you think he is living a happy life where he is at?
what will become of my life?

thank you


Real love is not based on attachment, but on altruism. In this case, your compassion will remain as a humane response to suffering as long as beings continue to suffer.

- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Tuesday, June 07, 2011


Dear Higher Power,

Thank You for the experiences and people that wake me up.
Beyond the hyper-organized, categorized and colorized is a
new way of seeing and being.
I release any tendency to simply rearrange the same old facts
into a new pattern.
During meditation, new energy and new insight enters my world.
Thank You for the continuing process of creation

And so it is....

Lakota Wisdom

"If there is a shadow of a doubt someplace, that will cause a weakness." Image Blocked
--Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA
In the Spiritual World there is a spiritual Law. The Law says; like attracts like. This means whatever mental picture we hold inside our minds we will attract from the Universe. To make this Law work we must maintain a constant picture. If we picture or vision something, and along with this picture we have doubting thoughts, our vision will not happen and we will get EXACTLY what we picture or vision. The Law always works. A doubting vision will not materialize what we want. A vision without doubt will always happen. This is a spiritual Law.

To Open or Not to Open - Your Opinion is Welcome

Aloha Bloggies,

Since 1998 I have opened the Blog to posting by invitation only. Due to the situation that occured here this morning I am considering opening the blog so all who desire so can publish, instead of attaching their comments and questions as Comments to other people's posts.

I am meditating on this and welcome your feedback. Shall I open the Blog to everyone or keep it as invitation only?

Much love,

Judgement and Freedom

Aloha Bloggies,

One can be free of judgement, it is possible, it has happened for me. Judge not lest thou be judged...or...we always ending doing the very thing we have judged. I have experienced all of this.

Forgiveness springs from compassion. Compassion arises from feeling the pain in others.

Loving you ALL


Those who know me /follow my blog

I LOVE LOVE LOVE how the Universe works!

You have heard me say how many times that Truth has it's own integrity, it rises to the top like cream on milk. Sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly but Truth always reveals It's true natue.

Thank you LM for telling the truth and clearing my (LOL) good name!

Loving you all


Columbus Murder - How the post disappeared...

I am utterly disturbed by anonymous' comment especially since I am the one who deleted her comment from my blog. Please accept my apology Ma-Rose as I had no intention of causing conflict. Having said that you honestly and truly do not need to be conversing with people like anonymous.

Once again please do accept my apology and continue to help those who really do need your help without testing your gifts.

Kindest regards,

Final Clarity

Aloha Ma-Rose,
Thanks a mil for all the enlightenment you've given me.
You are perfectly correct about my calling re: herbs
and candles and I am aware of it all. However, the
reason I asked if the position I'm getting is in
politics is because my work experience has been gained
from the parliament in communications as a press secretary.
If you can, I would please appreciate it if you could let
me know and also whether it is particularly in Parliament
or in government as I have applied for posts in both

Keep strong and assist us with your wonderful gift.

Kindest regards,

Mililani Town Center Psychic Fair

Aloha Hawaii Boardies!

Psychic fair this weekend at the Mililani Town center. Saturday and Sunday 10am-3pm. We are located between Zippy's and Loco Moco Drive-In.
There will be several readers there helping you with tarot, numerology etc., and I who read hands, photographs and objects.

I will be Saturday only. Look forward to be of service.

Peave and love,

Dear Anonymous - Murders Columbus, Ms

"Thanks for deleting my post about the murdered people in Columbus, MS. So much for professional intuitive. I'll be deleting the bookmark I had for your page as well. If you can't even answer a couple of questions regarding something you profess to know about, well then..... poof! Perhaps you are a fraud??? " - posted by YOU.

Thank you for this post. I did not delete your post and did howerver respond to it asking you to privately email me because of the nature of your question.
I would appeciate it if you did delete the bookmark. Your negative energy and insulting comments are definitely something I can live my life happily without. Delete away my dear! Thank you!

Peace and Love,

Monday, June 06, 2011

Great Quote

“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up somebody else.”

~Booker T. Washington

Sunday, June 05, 2011


Aloha Ma-Rose,

It would have been amazing to be your first SA citizen but
it's'not that important. With regards to the job helping people,
I am aware that I have a similar gift to yours but as a
traditional healer and I have already accepted it
ceremonially.Initiatio school refers to training with a practising
Traditional healera. DOB: June 22, 1972.
Could your response be related to my gift?
Is the job I'm getting related to politics? Is there
anything else over and above my questions that you
can see?



Aloha MMY

Please email me at rkopp001@hawaii.rr.com regarding your question.

Love and Light,


The Splendor Within

“…deep within each of us lie goodness unimagined, wisdom, music, talents of every variety, joy, peace, humility and love…a vast gold-mine.”

-Eric Butterworth

Saturday, June 04, 2011


The previous my comment was cut down in the last part.
13 of November, 1971

Can I complete to write a reseach paper in Japan?

Hi, Rose
Sorry to ask questions several times, but it is an imprtant decision for me.
I decided to go back to my country from Australia to Japan in the end of August.
I am still enrolling a student at University in Australia, but I will write my research paper in Japan as off-campus mode.
1)I am little bit worried this situation, can I complete my research paper in Japan such a situation?
2) Do I need to come back to Australia to complete my research paper?
3) Can I get a job in Japan?
4) Do you think I will do a Ph.D after finishing my master? If so, where will I do my Ph.D course?
13 of Novemeb

Friday, June 03, 2011


Aloha Ma-Rose,

Thank you so much for your prompt response and congrats
for the graduation. With regards to the job helping people,
I am aware that I have a similar gift to yours but as a
traditional healer and I have already accepted it
ceremonially. Could your response be related to my gift?
If yes, I am going to go to initiation school as soon as
I get a job because it requires a lot of money.
Is the job I'm getting related to politics? Is there
anything else over and above my questions that you
can see? Am I your first South African client?

You are indeed an absolute Angel.


Thursday, June 02, 2011

funny relatives

hi Rose,
I noticed that if I ask my mom and dad to help me answer a question or problem, they go to tasha in her dreams and give her the answer I want. If she asks them, they give it to me in my dreams.
One night I talked to daughter, she went to Russ's dreams.
why are they doing this?

Dalai Lama

Within the framework of the Buddhist Path, reflecting on suffering has tremendous importance because by realizing the nature of suffering, you will develop greater resolve to put an end to the causes of suffering and the unwholesome deeds which lead to suffering. And it will increase your enthusiasm for engaging in the wholesome actions and deeds which lead to happiness and joy.

- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Aloha Rose,

Thank you ever so much for afforfcingv me this opportunity. As previously mentioned to you
I am unemployed and am in desperate need of assistance. My date of birth is June 22 1972. Please find below the list of my
1. Is there any reason why I have been unable to get a job for the past three years?
2. Why is it that my friend who is a CEO and has the capacity to employ me hasnKt done so?
3. Why do people I call friends turn against me for no reason?
4. Do you see me getting a job in the nearest future, if yes, when?
5. Do you see me owning my own property?
6. Has my son disowned me because of my current circumstanced?
7. Am I going to meet someone who will love and respect me and when?


Buddha Said ...

Whatever is not yours, abandon it. When you have abandoned it, that will lead to your welfare and happinesss.

- Buddha, "Connected Discourses of the Buddha"