Thursday, April 28, 2011

Trust Your Self

As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.

— Goethe

I didn't know he wrote like this!

"Love all God's creation, both the whole and every grain of sand. Love
every leaf, every ray of light. Love the animals, love the plants, love
each separate thing. If you love each thing, you will perceive the
mystery of God in all; and when once you perceive this, you will from that
time on grow every day to a fuller understanding of it until you come at
last to love the whole world with a love that will then be all-embracing
and universal."

~Feodor Dostoevski


“Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.”

~Anne Sexton

Monday, April 25, 2011

"Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind"

We should always live in the dark empty sky. The sky is always the sky. Even though clouds and lightning come, the sky is not disturbed. Even if the flashing of enlightenment comes, our practice forgets all about it. Then it is ready for another enlightenment.

- Shunryu Suzuki, "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind"

A Wonderful Opportunity

“When was the last time you embraced a situation that you didn't like? Did you complain through the entire experience or did you run away from the situation altogether? If you did either, you missed a wonderful opportunity to be something that you've never been before. It just might have been that one thing that you had been wishing for.”

~Les Brown

I Accept

I know that to be fully present in any situation benefits my soul’s evolution and I accept.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

End of Semester

Aloha Boardies,

As I approach the last of this semester I am busy with final projects, papers and preparing for final exams. It is also my birthday month so I've been enjoying the gifts from my friends and clients, eating out, massage, party, pedicure...whew!Thank YOU!

So apologies for not posting more often to my blog and I really appreciate you for posting here... it is the fertilizer that keeps me coming back to sow and reap.

Much love

Spontaneous Acquiescence

The right attitude for studying the way is just complete spontaneous acquiescence. Who cares whether it takes twenty or thirty years; you'll be naturally at peace, without the slightest bit of doubt or confusion. How can there be any obstruction again after spontaneous acquiescence? How can anyone arrive by way of externals?

- Ming-pen


I think beyond what appears possible, and allow Divine Inspiration to guide my path.

author unknown

Brightly Shining Mind

The brightly shining mind is never absent but is colored by the thoughts and emotions that people put upon it. If you were to see the luminous freedom of this mind, you would cultivate it before any other, keeping it free from all attachments.

- Anguttara Nikaya

Friday, April 22, 2011


My sister NAW 3/23/72 is interestd in these guys . Do you see her marrying one of them?


Monday, April 18, 2011

Just Curious

Hi Rose, I often experience dejavu's - had one when I met my husband. It felt like I traveled through a tunnel of time but time stood still. It wasn't a feeling of attraction as much as a feeling that I knew him already - like he was a really good friend - but I had never met him before. I honestly didn't think we would end of together but here we are 30+ years later. ;+) I have these experiences every so often, but can't make them happen. They just pop up at unexpected times. It's hard to put into words and even harder for people to believe - me included! So I was wondering, what your psychic experiences are like? How would you best describe them? Can't wait to hear about yours. Still keeping you in my prayers!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I love this one...

From contact comes feeling. From feeling comes reaction. This is what keeps us in the cycle of birth and death. Our reactions to our feelings are our passport to rebirth.

- Ayya Khema, "Being Nobody, Going Nowhere"

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Research paper

Hello, Rose I am trying to write reserach paper, but I am not interested in the topic. I can not trust my supervisors. Do you think I can complete writing research paper and be sccessful in such a situation? Currently, I am doing Master's course, after that, should I do Ph.D? I am not young, so I am very feared for my future. At the moment, I am single and do not have any jobs. What is the best way for me? A.I 13November, 1971


hi Rose, Saturday morning at 2:30 am i smelt blueberries and cigarette smoke in my apaartment. My friend EMLY says that is my mom she does notwant me to get married this year but in 1212 she saysthis is tasa's year to nmarry TA W5/17/67 EMLY 6/30/56 NAW 3/32/72 who is blueberries ,cigarette whose year is it to marry love,T

Friday, April 08, 2011

Greater is the Power within me than the problem before me.

Buddhism - On Sorrow

In the gloom and darkness of the night, when there is a sudden flash of light, a person will recognize objects; in the same way, the one with a flash of insight sees according to reality--"This is how sorrow works; this is how it arises; this is how it can come to an end; this is the path leading to that end."

- Anguttara Nikaya

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

odd work stuff

hi Rose, today my cubicle smelt like blueberries. was someone there? no one ate or had blueberry lotion before i come to work, my co worker hear paper moving at my desk, Love,TAW 5/17/67

Monday, April 04, 2011

Just wondering

Hi Rose, I ask you about DES 11-13-64 and me SMB 8-12-64, you thought it was good energy...And i am to wait for him to come to me...Thats not a problem, but do you have any idea when this could be...? .Lol... I know he is worth the wait, just wondering how long he will take in making up his mind...Sandy

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Remember the clear light, the pure clear white light from which everything in the universe comes, to which everything in the universe returns; the original nature of your own mind. The natural state of the universe unmanifest. Let go into the clear light, trust it, merge with it. It is your own true nature, it is home.

- Tibetan Book of the Dead