Monday, May 28, 2007

Great luck with film crew

Rose, i hope and pray the next 2 days go smoothly
i love you,T

Sunday, May 27, 2007

“The sacrifices and service given freely by so many individuals have made it possible to realize and appreciate the freedoms we enjoy today. What can we learn personally from this? That there are small efforts we can make each day to live, not from service to self, but to the grander Whole, the greater scheme of things. There, in loving assistance to others, we will find our soul satisfaction.”~Greg Barrette
Affirmation: I fine my purpose in God.
Dear God,
I surrender my personality wants and desires to You and merge and blend into the patterns of the greater whole, the needs of humanity. There, I find my true soul satisfaction, as I move into the allness of your purpose for me. Bless all those who have sacrificed their personal comforts for my sake—those who serve their sisters and brothers in whatever way this may express: military service, parenthood, teaching children, working for social justice, or just holding the high watch. Thank You God.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Dear God

Dear God,
I am not sure what to pray for today. Sometimes, I have thought that I knew what was best in a given situation; only to have what I prayed for turn out to be only a further complication. So in this moment, I pray for Your will for me and for our world. I do not know what the solutions are to my own challenges or the bigger issues we face as a nation and as a species on this planet. I seek an understanding of Your will and the faith to live it out. I pray for wisdom to notice where You are leading me. I ask for the courage to let go and immerse myself in You. As I release this prayer to the workings of Spirit, I am content to let it be.

Friday, May 25, 2007

In this moment

When you are on a journey, it is certainly helpful to know where you are going or at least the general direction in which you are moving, but don't forget: the only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that you are taking at this moment. That's all there ever is."~Eckhart Tolle

I am exactly where I need to be at this moment.

Dear God,
Help me to stay focused in this moment. Rather than endlessly reliving the past or worrying about the future, I choose to be fully awaken and aware now. As this day unfolds, may my mind and heart be aware of You active in each moment. May my awareness include the love that is available to me now. I give You my thanks and I let it be.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

God is the Source

"God in the midst of us is a great steady stream of renewing and cleansing and vitalizing life, and we can have the use of this life if we will open up the channels of its flowing and ourselves draw from this source."~Myrtle Fillmore
God is the source of my life.
Dear God,
I open my heart and mind to Your infinite presence.You are the author and source of all life, in You, I live and move.I feel the flow of this life-river in me now filling me with strength and love.From this place of awareness, I bless the world and all her people.I am a willing channel for You to use.May it be for me according to Your will.Thank You, God!

Abundance Affirmations and Television

Aloha Ladies

Of course! This is a very good idea, thank you for suggesting it. This coming Tuesday and Wednesday a film crew from Canda is coming to my place to film me for another tv show. I had no idea that one could be on national tv twice, be somewhat "famous" and not be rich. God has quite the sense of humor. Of course I feel that my apartment is not good enough but it will have to be what it is. At least it's clean.
So I am asking your indulgence. If we can start the affirmations next Thursday, after the excitment/filming wraps up, that way I will be sure not to miss a day.
In the meantime this is a perspective I experienced with my daughter's help. There is no such thing as scarcity. Every molecule and atom, of which we are made, is filled almost to bursting with unlimited potentiality. Everything we need we are composed of.
I love you. I won't forget to start Thursday but just in case will someone post on Wednesday to remind me? All posts come into my email box.
Kiss hug and wish me luck!
love Rose

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Abundance Affirmations?

Anyone else up for a new round of Abundance Affirmations?

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Hi Rose,
How are you?
last night,I had very interesting dreams The first dream, GF"(LT's sister") calls me and says"Girl, did not you wrote children's books." I said"yes how did you know?" she said'LT sent her the books,and the article that Oprah loved the books. She cried over the books one on hope and the other on love. I was shocked the next second,I was on her show.
I really write 2 children's books,I have not done illustration yet. One is about my father and the other was about my grandmother. on my birthday,at Haliewa,I saw illustrations of 2 new books,no storyline just pictures.
the next dream,GF was with LT in his apartment here,she called me saying they got in a arguement,if she could stay with me,she said lance will drive her to Makiki,i tell her I dont live in Makiki but Diamond head. She asked about my apartment ,I tell her it is a house air con one at that . so I drove(in the dream shocked about that) to his apartment,whenI get there LT's mom has her bag packed and wanted to come to,ance came out and asked me if my place had air con,I said yes he asked if his mom could stay with me,because his apartment was too hot. As they said bye LT neighbor runs out of her apartment and hits with hammer. LT grabs her I call the police,and get her arrest. When the police asked me why she did that Her boyfriend runs out of their apartment,says she is in love with LT,she thought I was taking them from him. We go to my house,one cabinet was full of tuna and corned beef.
The last dream,I had L"T cousin called me to say she is in Tripler,I go to see her. LT,his uncle are there,she asks me when will I talk to Lance again I say never That shocked me, I woke up
what do they mean?
love,TAW 5/17/67

With God All Things Are Possible

“In this experience we call life, we are often confronted by the unexpected -- that which we wouldn’t choose for ourselves. During these times, it is helpful for us to be grounded in knowing that “with God all things are possible.” Holding to this Truth allows us not only to embrace hope, but to actually shift outcomes to that which is more favorable, more in alignment with our choices.
Life is always stacked in our favor. God would have only good for us. As we make an irrevocable decision to trust God, this will become our experience”~Ron Scott
Life cooperates with me as I cooperate with life.
Dear God,
As I quiet my thinking and calm my feelings, I know that I am now in alignment with the Divine plan as it is working out into my world. I feel Your radiant presence in my world, effecting change for the better, in every way. My life is guided by Your unseen hand and all is well. Thank you, God!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

what can you tell me?

HI Rose, I have come to the realization that i can't physically keep up with my yard work...I sound like i am elderly, but just my back is so damaged. What can you tell me, is there a man coming into my life that will help with this project with pride, or should i sell my house, (not something that i really want to do.) At the present time my father mows the grass (Which takes about 3 hours) and i feel really bad that he has to do this. But i dont think i could get back off the riding mower if i was on it. This whole problem seems small, but to me, its hugh. SMB 8-12-64....Oh by the way , Weight Watchers total weight loss is 15 lbs. in 7 or 8 weeks. I am very happy about that..!!! Just a step at a time....Sandy

Friday, May 18, 2007

Boardies - Your Qrestions

Aloha Kids

I'm away from home in a rather noisy enviornment at my daughter's house. I will get to your questions in a couple of days and I thank you for your patience.

love yas

Beyond Understanding

Beyond Understanding:
"Come, not to study the map of spiritual terrain, but to posses it for yourself; to walk about in it without fear of going astray. Why learn the theory of Divine Grace, and what it has been doing throughout history, when you can become the very instrument of its operation?" ~Jean Pierre de Caussade
I am walking with God.
Dear God,
How can I express gratitude for the relationship we have? There are no words that describe the joy of Your presence. Thank You for taking me beyond the theory of You, beyond intellectual gymnastics and abstract principles. When I was a child, I thought that You lived inside of churches. Now, I see that the church, the mystical gathering of Your people, lives inside You. I follow where You lead, holding Your hand. I belong to You and I am happy. Express Yourself through me as You will. Thank You!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


"God does not call the qualified, God qualifies the called."~Neale Donald Walsch

Quote is taken from: Tomorrow's God

I am qualified to do what is mine to do.

Loving God,
Some of us have been waiting until we have it together to really step out in Love. Help us know that the process of stepping out qualifies us. As we lean into life, we are lifted higher in consciousness than our past experiences. Your gifts and Your grace pour through us, into the world as we say Yes! We release our tendency to endlessly rearrange the past. With hopeful hearts and a sense of joy filled purpose, we do what we are called to do, now. So it is!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

40 and fabulous

I will be turning 40 soon.
this year started off rough
I feel more changes are coming
a new job,man.
I still dream of a wedding,children
I still do not see a date
Love,TAW 5/17/67

In this moment ...

In this moment, I surrender all that I am, to You. I seek knowledge of Your will for me, and the courage, faith and conviction to live as You direct. Establish Your heart of perfect wisdom in me. Paint a new picture in my mind, beyond my beliefs, fears, hopes and shortsighted perspective. Your way is sweet and satisfying. This is the moment that You have given me, with joy and hope, I place it in Your hands. May Your will be done, in and through me now. May my being, be a blessing. So it is.


Aloha Lecia

Got your email. Wow girl you are so psychic! My condolences to your family and prayers for as long as you need them. I am at a remote computer and having difficulty accessing my local email so I apologize that this response is not private.

Love, Rose


God’s energy is in the minute details and the grand plans of my life.
I pray to know better than to waste time and energy worrying about my future when I can only truly live in the present. Because I have faith in God for both the present and the future, I am free to enjoy those now moments with loved ones and those alone moments in an awareness of God.
I pause and gently wave all worry thoughts away, replacing them with my faith in God that the answer to prayer is taking place. I know that no negative concern, large or small, can interfere with my peace of mind. I pray daily and often with an unwavering faith that all needs are being met.
Faith takes practice, so I am patient with myself. As I exercise my faith, it grows stronger. Knowing God’s spirit is moving through the minute details and the grand plans of my life, I am at peace.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Good news!

I did not get accepted into the RN program but they did call me and ask me if I wanted to accept an offer for the LPN program!! :)
LPN is better than nothing and I can always get my RNs later. Having an LPN certificate will make that even easier.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Mother's Day my Precious Wonderwomen!

Saturday Meditation

Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds, the harvest can be either flowers or weeds.~Author Unknown
I plant seeds of love and nourish them with laughter and joy.
Dear God,
Everything has a time and a purpose--all things come in their season. Teach us how to plant carefully and tend lovingly. Teach us to watch and wait with clarity of purpose. With patience and care, the seeds we sow will sprout and grow. Peace, love, joy, serenity and abundance are the crop we plant and the harvest we reap. So it is.


Happy mothers day to all! (in advance)
May ur day be filled with Peace and Tranquility lol
(hmm can that really happen?) lol

My 3 girls!

Hi Rose!
Isabella Madilyn finally arrived on May 7th. My water ended up breaking before my body was actually ready so they needed to induce me. However, I have say she was the easiest labor I had. The delivery was the hardest though. She was not as small as they estimated at the u/s. She was born weighing 6lbs 14oz. I was expecting her to only be between 6 and 6.5 lbs.
Even though I really wanted a boy and was a bit disappointed I couldn't be happier with all girls.
Me and Bobby are pretty sure she is the last too.
I got my score for the nursing exam and did well a 78.8 but with the limited seating for the program I doubt I got in. I will know probably by wednesday though since the letters are sent out today. If I did not get in I am just going to give it up, because I can not transfer my credits to another school.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Dear God

"Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content." ~Helen Keller

Peace and joy are everywhere I am.

Today's Meditation:
Dear God,
Thank You for the love of my friends; a life filled with wonder; the assignments You have given me; and the sense of peace and wonder that fills me. May all the Earth hear Your voice and feel Your love. I confidently let it be.

New Begginings

Good Morning Rose! Thanks for your great email. I think my son Matthew, will do well if he stay focused. You are right on that. That's has been my observations of him since he has been competing. My other son, Brandon... you are right... I was just told yesterday that the Daycare Director though he was very intelligent. I must work with that and make him the best he can be. I want so much for him, and I pray that he not turn out like his father. Please God. Children are so wonderful.

About surrendering. I have. That part, I have done, in a way. In the way of revenge, I have surrendered. But I must proceed with the divorce by pulling in everyone that I can to help me win this case. Funny, I spoke to an old co-worker of my ex's, she as well as everyone in the office where he worked, seem to think he fathered his assistants baby. She wouldn't tell me who the father was when I asked her. Nor did she tell anyone else. So its a mystery. Putting things together, I think he could be the father and that he had paid her off. What do you think? Talking to this person enlightened me but it also made me a bit hurt. This man professed his undying love for me and I believed it. I think he is ill and he needs professional help. I hope he gets it.

One more item, Sam isn't with his job any longer. I think he was fired because it came rather unexpected. He wont tell me he just said his email system was down and that I couldn't send him email. After three days I got suspicious. So I called. Did he get fired or did he quit? And do you see why he was fired... was it sexual harassment again?

I hope you have a wonderful day! I will try to as well.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007


"People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within."~Elizabeth Kübler-Ross
The light of God shines brightly through me.
Mother/Father God,
Thank You for the sunrise which graces the view from my window.There is an incredible rhythm expressing itself in me.Every day, I feel closer to You.Through great times and tough times, You are constant.Help me remain aware of the many things I have to be thankful for.No matter what the day might hold, I stand in the light of Your love which radiates through us all.Thank You.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

in the past two days,I had to fight the urge to leave my job. Although,i do not have a job waiting for me. Monday,my clients drove me crazy,Tuesday co worker pushed my buttons. will a new job come soon? as I walke home,I felt like I have done all I could do there.
Love,TAW 5/17/67


"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight."~Benjamin Franklin

My life and affairs are harmonious and peaceful.

Dear God,
There are many tasks and activities before me,I seek Your guidance and direction in setting priorities.Today, I will do everything I can do and leave the rest to You.Help me remain balanced, confident and poised.I am grateful that all things are working together for good in my life.
And so it is.

Monday, May 07, 2007


"Simplicity, clarity, singleness: these are the attributes that give our lives power and vividness and joy."~Richard Halloway

I am focused, fearless and free.

MeditationHoly One,
Beyond the complications we introduce into our lives,we know that giving and receiving love is the point of it all.May we now see clearly this simple truth:Love is what we are because Love is what You are.Teach us all how to rise above our illusions and our noise.Open our hearts to experience what is real.Thank You, God!

New Begginings

Hi Rose... Thanks for the good news. You are so funny. How are you feeling lately? I doint know what is medically wrong with you, but I do remember you metioning it in the past.

My mother is doing OK with her Chemo. Its hard on her. I feel badly for her because I cannot take her pain away. I am the sick one in the family! HA HA Health wise for me.... not so great. I have been experiencing some pain from the Crohns. I am on the Remicade infusions, but I really do not think it works anymore and I am wasting money.

My sons are wonderful! Beautiful human beings. My oldest boy is going to Tae Kwon DO National Championships in Florida in July. I am taking him along with my youngest. Should be a great time. I hope it proves to be a positive experience for my oldest. I don't care for Tae Kwon Do too much because I think its rather violent but my son enjoys it.

My youngest, who is three.... WOW... he is learning so much. I bought him a Lap Top toy by Vteck to learn letters and other things, and he just catches on so quick. I wish potty training would come as fast! Urrrggggg. What a mess.

My path to forgiveness is still going on. Hard though. Especially after this last go around with the false charges he filed. I could go after him with malicious charges and so on by whats it worth? Too much pain. I will just leave it alone.

As for my new car... Well I have a dream to own a silver Nissan 280Z a cute and fun little sports car.... not too practical though, but WOW is it nice!

Have a great day!


Sunday, May 06, 2007

Job interview

Hi Rose,
My lectures ended at the end of April and I've submitted all of my coursework. My thesis is due on the 18th and then I'm done! I'll have my masters degree :) I'm going to Prague on May 20-22 and Vienna June 1-3, then I'm heading home. I had planned a trip to New Zealand for July but I applied for job in Calgary (Canada) last week and I was asked to come in for an interview. I explained that I won't be back home til June and they are willing to do a phone interview. The interview is on May 16th. It's an intern position, for a masters level organizational psychologist (that's what I'll be in 12 days!). Do you think I'll get one of the positions? (There are two intern positions), or do you think I end up going to New Zealand in July/Aug?
Love Mel
MJS Dec 20/82

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Splendor Within

I release all that I think I am to discover what I AM.

Dear God,
Thank You for the many wonderful ways that You break through to me. Sometimes, what I think gets in the way of what is true. I come now to the Source of life to learn about life. I release my preconceptions and embrace the true splendor within. I release my own willfulness and accept Your will. Your truth is greater than my wildest dreams. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You! So it is.


Friday, May 04, 2007



Dear God,
I am still reaching into myself for the highest of which I am capable. The more I have experienced, the more I know that there is more to me. You are the essence and substance of which I am made. In this moment, I embrace a bigger vision of life. Thank You for challenging me to grow. As You will, so it is.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

New Begginings

Good Morning Rose! What a great day today is. I had one of my last two court battles yesterday and I was vindicated! Thank the Lord! He was watching over me. Sam, as you know, had charges of petty larceny filed against me and I was cleared as NOT GUILTY. Shewww. He was explaining his reasons why he did it and he basically said, " She wont work with me to settle this divorce so this is what I had to do to make her stop." The judge didn't like that too much. I hope he has peace in his heart for me one day.

Our next court date is June 18th. We have ordered copies of all his bank records and 401ks and such. He is hiding money, I know it..... but I need to prove it. With all I have gone through, I would hope I will receive some sort of monetary award. I need a new car, this one I think is on its last leg.

So what do you see for my next court date?


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Happy May Day - Lei Day!

"Everything is blooming most recklessly; if it were voices instead of colors, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night." ~Rainer Maria Rilke
AffirmationI am filled with the life of Springtime.
MeditationLoving God,
Today, we celebrate the passing of winter and the arrival of spring. All around us, trees and plants are bursting with life. The cold and gray of the past is truly past. May our lives, like the Earth, bloom with the fullness of Your love. Thank You for new life and the reminder that all things have their season. May the crops that we plant, both in the fields and in our hearts, grow strong and tall. Alleluia! So it is.