Saturday, May 26, 2007

Dear God

Dear God,
I am not sure what to pray for today. Sometimes, I have thought that I knew what was best in a given situation; only to have what I prayed for turn out to be only a further complication. So in this moment, I pray for Your will for me and for our world. I do not know what the solutions are to my own challenges or the bigger issues we face as a nation and as a species on this planet. I seek an understanding of Your will and the faith to live it out. I pray for wisdom to notice where You are leading me. I ask for the courage to let go and immerse myself in You. As I release this prayer to the workings of Spirit, I am content to let it be.

1 comment:

T said...

Ww Rse,
I went to cemetary to put flowers at my grandmother and great grandmother's graves,I was saying the same thing and crying to them. I got chicken skin when I read this.
I love you,T