Sunday, February 28, 2010


Good Morning Boardies

"In meditation, don't expect anything. Just sit back and see what happens. Treat the whole thing as an experiment. Take an active interest in the test itself, but don't get distracted by your expectations about the results. For that matter, don't be anxious for any result whatsoever."

- Bhante Henepola Gunaratana, "Mindfulness in Plain English"

Saturday, February 27, 2010

odd day

hi Rose,
what an odd day it was...
The news kept focusing on the finger of coral that they could see has the water receded. I could not stop laughing. Mother Nature giving us the finger.
I had a bad day with machines today. My water filter did not work(need to change filter I just found out). My cell phone died. Tasha had a spare. My washing machine stopped working mid wash so I had take my wet clothes to laundromat close by. I had bought too much stuff at the store this morning, and carrying it home,even the workers at Times it not believe I could carry all that. I did yes I am stubborn taurus.
my older sister calls to say she is getting married,not how are we doing.
why all at once?


To all my Hawaii Boardies....

Today is NOT the day to go to the beach. Safeway Kapahulu and Foodland Market City are out of all essential supplies. Gas stations on Kapahulu have lines around the block. It took me over an hour to check out my essential grocery Cat Food!

Keep wacthing the news, this one is for real, due to hit Oahu 11:20 am HST (approx).

May God bless and protect the lives of the people in the State of Hawaii.

God is here so we're cool, and Longs has juice



My continued prayers are with the ppl of Haiti, Chile and protective prayers for Hawaii.

Friday, February 26, 2010


Hi Rose,

Hope all is well with you.

I was checking up on my son with you :-) ... Is he ok? Lil man's been a little clingy these days.


JBF - 08/18/03

Sunday, February 21, 2010


good morning, rose and fellow travelers!

i attended a meditation class yesterday. i was finding it next to impossible doing it alone. so decided to go to yoga hawaii in kaimuki to get some guided instructions.

omg. meditation is the bomb! i didn't even realize we had meditated for thirty minutes. it felt like five! and the peace i felt afterwards. i can't wait to meditate today. i'll let you know how it goes as the classes are only on saturdays. the daily stuff i'm on my own. but already i can see how this will completely change my life.

please try it, if you haven't. please try again, if you felt you couldn't. rose, thank you so much for bringing meditation to light here. it's an important part of the journey, indeed!

have a wonderful and blessed sunday-

klp 4/8/62

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Hi Rose,
Last week,we were told by union that the director and governor wants to reorganize my department by closing all the offices on maui,kauai,molokai,lanai and kona Hilo will have 1 office not the 4 that they have now and Honolulu will have 1 not 40 they have now. 125 workers will be kept 8 supervisors and 50 clerks. No secretaries. Morale is at an all time low. People are getting migraines.
I give this situation to God.
I know something better is out there for me.
i am ready for layoff. I feel for those who have given 20+ years to this department.
Our clients will suffer.
I am not sure why this is happening.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

(tentative) Moving & New Job.

Hi Rose,

Thanks again for getting back to me so quickly! I recently got an opportunity to move and work in California in the field I'm looking to research in when I go to graduate school. While things have been really informal, I've already expressed my interest and "accepted" and am now waiting to hear back. I was wondering if this move is the right choice or even in the right direction or if things will go through smoothly if it is and I do get the position. There's a lot I've been worrying about but I feel, in one way or another, it'll work itself out in the end.

I remember what you told me when we first met, and I do plan to start meditating in some way.

I hope all is well!
RPMB 9/27/1987

Monday, February 15, 2010

Did you email me?

There are three women who emailed me for a reading and I told you all I would get back to you this past week.

Well, my computer fried and died and I cannot retrieve your emails. I'm terribly sorry.

I hope you can find my blog(again) and read this note. Please get in touch with me again.

I have a new computer and look forward to heraing from you and being of service.

Much aloha,


Throat Chakra

Hiya Kathi

The best ways to clear a blocked throat chakra are to create, let OM vibrate in your throat, and speak truth.

I don't know who told you that, most likely it isn't really stuck, closed or disconnected in any way.

Don't worry about it, you're good.



aloha rose-
seems i have issues with my throat chakra. i knew this from some tests i took in the past. but in the past week i've had several people tell me that my energy was blocked there.

what can you tell me about my throat chakra? i'm going to look for books today.

hope all is well. i'm hangin' in there.

(04/08/62 klp)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Need a Reading?

Good morning Bloggies

I'll be at the Mililani Town Center today 10am-3pm, near Zippy's. "See" you there!



Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Valentine's Weekend



Sunday, February 07, 2010


hi Rose,
When my sister came to pick up to go shopping,I noticed she had a jar of origami cranes,I asked her when she got it she said her boss had it in his office was giving it away(they are moving offices)she first refused but then thought I may want it at my wedding. I never told her I jokingly told Rs he has to fold 1000 cranes,he refused.Then she looked at me and said 10/10/10 would be a great wedding date. I told her I already told RS that ,you predicted that date. She said my child would be born September or October,I told her RS wants September.
my sister also had a about my child she said he was a boy,she spoiled him and babysat him often. She saw RS and I having her SUV,she was driving a smaller car .
My sister and I went to Punahou Carnival,I found the most adorable African American angel figurine (a little girl with braids so cute.) It made me miss my daughter.

RS is thinking of flying over this week-end . Chinese New Year and Valentine's day

Saturday, February 06, 2010


Aloha Marge, Great to hear from you. I'm listed in Hawaii information! My phone number and address hasn't changed for 15 years my love. I will email you.


Hi Rose,
I've been trying to find you for ages.
I hope you're well. I've been worried something was wrong.
I'm Marge From Halifax Nova Scotia, we use to work together. I was wondering when I could have a reading.Could you please give me a time and date and your address to my personal email
I look forward to hearing from you, no question, you're the BEST!

Hi Bloggies

So, here I am. I am very happy that you've kept the Board warmed up in my lengthy absences, I want to thank you for that.

There are a select handful of you who support this blog, and I am very grateful to you for that as well. You know who you are...I love you.

I am studying for the first part of a two part history test on Monday and have about 30 pages of English Lit. to read; I'm not complaining (ok maybe a little) just letting you know what's up. Took a computer test Thursday when I wasn't feeling well...I got a C (BUMMER)...but it can only get better from there...I was sick darnit!

I look forward to reading your posts today again, I read them in my email as they come in.

Love you A LOT ...~R



Whats going on with my job? Something doesn't feel right.


Friday, February 05, 2010


Hi Rose,
my sister (NAW 3/23/72)bought townhouse in 2006, was laid off in 2007,got a boarder even with mom and I helping her ,she foreclosed on that place in 2008. Even though the property to this day is still in her name,2 years later. Right after mom died, through her attorney,a offer by the company that has her mortgage was made for her to re buy the place, the financing fell through. The house is still in her name., she got a call about leaking in the place. she and I want to know why she is still connected to this place. Most people after foreclosure,the house not in their name. I talked to mom tonight to get her to help Tasha.

We are curious as to why she is still connected to this house

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Hi Rose,

Not sure if this is Synchronicity , I find that if I think of a question,the answer comes from newspaper,email,tv show or conversation. Example,yesterday,I was thinking about how I would leave my job,I like the people I work with,so much needs to be done daily,by the 3:00 pm, a co worker gave me email that second round of lay offs coming.I was first upset,then I knew that was a way out.
As for smells,I think Kathy is lucky. I work in cubicles very close to others . It gets funky. At home, I find meditating,I smell sandalwood,roses,pua keni keni

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

one more thing...

my friend, jen, was over this evening as i was making some jewelry for her. and we started talking about empaths, psychics, etc. we had a nice visit.

she had brought me a brownie and in the bottom of the bag under the brownie, i found a guitar pick. the guitar pick was that of the man i'm dating. she had never seen the pick. it's his pick because it has his name on it with his website. that was so strange. my son said that he may have had some picks on his person and he works at the mall where she bought the brownie and it may have fallen out of his pick holder. but what are the chances of that exact pick finding its way back to me?!

and then when she was leaving, she asked to smell me. she said this morning she was at home and she smelled an unfamiliar odor. she checked all around her house...soaps, shampoos, outside, neighbors...she thought maybe was a spirit. well, tonight she asked to smell me and it was me she smelled! i told her i was thinking about her this morning. crazy, right?

anyway, just some odd but interesting things that have been, there is no spoon!

love to all-
(klp 4/8/62)

synchronicity and empaths and love...

oh, my!

my car radio dial is usually on HPR and today as I was driving home from work, I listened to this show called Tech Nation. Its focus is on technology, science, media and the internet. Today's topic was about empathy and how it will save the human race. Now if that isn't synchronicity, I don't know what is...

Here's a link about the book the show was focused on. I'm learning so much about empaths and how empaths function in this world.

This site is devoted to empaths and learning about how to handle being an empath, etc. Very interesting reading.


Love and stay warm got to mid-50's last night on Oahu!


Monday, February 01, 2010

Hi Boardies

Fabulous, interesting and informative posts Trevina and Kathi...thank you very much for all this terrific information..

As for your favorite psychic I am up to my wait...up to the top of my head, with volumes of homework, quizzes papers and tests.

I apologize if I have not been attentive to the Board...

Play amongst yourselves Keep up the great posts and Carry on Kids..

Love you a LOT
