Sunday, November 09, 2008

dream of cleansing

Hi Rose,
Last night, I dreamt I was cleansing a house: I saged it,put hawaiian salt in doorways,window toilets,sinks,tubs and showers,and I placed crystals in the yard and over the doorways I put amulet.
When I woke up I could not remember which crystals was placed in the yard or what the amulet looked like.
Can you please tell me which crystals protect against evil in house and what amulet looked like it?
Love,TAW 5/17/67


Rose said...

Hi Trevina

Nice to hear from you, as always. Great job cleansing the house, very thorough.
The crystals that are best for protecting a house are quartz and amethyst. Quartz protects from everything just about and amethyst protects against "evil".
I feel the amulet looks like a small pitcher.
You're welcome,
love ~R

gigigreene said...

do you remember what the house & Yard looked like & where it was/is?

T said...

Thank you,Rose
in the dream.I felt like i had to be through.
Yes,Gigi, I remember the house, I have had the same house dream for years. 2 story house with huge porch. Yard surrounds the housewith rose bushes along the walkway,fishponds . Gazebo in backyard. Where changes from Diamond head,Kaneohe to hilo.