Friday, November 14, 2008

Hey Guess What?

I made Phi Theta Kappa!!!!! National Honors Society!!!

God I wish my parents had lived to see this.

I am so grateful to my Guru, to God, Great Spirits, the Goddesses and the Universe for giving me this gift.

It is a transforming accomplishment.

I'm honored by your love and trust Boardies. Thank you for helping my becoming.

Love, ~R


T said...

I am proud of you
You did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you,

bahamasgal said...

WHOO HOO! Congrats 2 u :-)

bahamasgal said...
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NoDogBites said...

Awesome!!! Congratulations on your hard work and achievement!

Wishing you many more!

Mobet said...

Awesome, God is good! I'm so proud of you! Thanks for sharing the wonderful news!

Go Rose, it's your birthday!!!! LMBO (laughing my butt off)
