Friday, January 30, 2009

Choose Love

"If we truly believed that love is eternal, we would heal our relationships rather than kill the perceived enemy. We would eliminate the desire to attack ourselves or anyone else when difficult issues surface. We would understand that unless we heal through love, the same problems will keep reemerging." ~Aeeshah Ababio-Clottey & Kokomon Clottey
I choose to live the path of love.
Dear God, I believe that love can right every wrong and transform every hurt. I believe that I am capable of loving everyone around me. I believe that we can have a real and lasting peace on this planet. I believe that I can express more of You than I have been. I believe that You are love, continuously seeking to express in our lives. I believe that it is possible for humanity to move beyond our fears. I believe that change starts with me. Help me live what I believe, today. And so it is. Amen

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