Saturday, January 17, 2009

Group Meditation Sunday!

Aloha my Wonder Women (and any Super Men out there in silence)

Please join me in our monthly meditation meeting tomorrow 1/18 at 5pm Hawaii Time.

The mutual intention the elevation of our consciousness for the benefit of the entire Universe.

See you on the signal line



Kathi said...

yay! it's the first day of my vacation. will be at revolution books for the superferry chronicles talk but i believe it is over by 5pm.

how will this work?

love and light,

Rose said...

Great Kat!

We meet in meditation. Each one of us sits in their own home or place and at 5pm we meditate for 10-20minutes.

We think the intented thought and the energy of the group makes our meditation sweeet!

love ~R

T said...

glad you can join us
It was great as usual

Jennifer said...

Thats 10pm where I am. I will try...I fall a sleep early sometimes.

Rose said...

Loved it and Love YOU

ooomm ~R

Mobet said...

Oh my, can't believe I missed it! I'm so disappointed; however, I will make it up tonight to catch up. I was so hurt today when I looked at my calendar and realized I missed it. I won't miss any more. I have it now programmed in my phone as a reminder.

Sorry boardies!
