Sunday, January 11, 2009

Unity Reawakening: The Promise! - Abundance

Charles Fillmore says “Do not say that money is scarce; the very statement will scare money away from you. Note that the only difference between the words scare and scarce is the one letter, “c.” Do not say that times are hard with you. The very words themselves will tighten the purse strings until Omnipotence Itself cannot slip a dime into it. Do not allow one empty thought to exist in your mind but fill every nook and corner of it with the word “plenty, plenty, plenty.”
~Norman Vincent Peale

Affirmation: I am in the flow of God-life and I prosper with ease.

Higher Power,Your presence in me is an unlimited fountain of Divine energy, out from which streams all of the abundance, all of the rich goodness that I deserve as Your creation. I am at one with my infinite source. You are that infinite source. And I am plentifully blessed! Amen

1 comment:

T said...
