Thursday, January 08, 2009

Buddhist Wisdom

He who has nothing--in front, behind, in between--the one with nothing
who clings to no thing:

he's what I call a brahmin.

-Dhammapada 421-2, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu


Kathi said...

must keep this in thought. relationships are soooooo tough. but this will help. thank you, rose.

i hope you are well and getting a much needed rest.

love you-

Rose said...

Hi Kat
Yes, I am rested, it was a very hectic holiday season, more people needed help than I could have ever imagined. And then there was the storm (it rained into my apartment)and the blackout too!
School begins Monday, I'm really looking forward to it.
Yes, relationships appear difficult. It may have something to do with the relationship each individual has with themself and then brings to the table.
See you on Campus?