Saturday, February 07, 2009

Aloha Rose,
I hope everyone is doing fine in blogland. Rose, I hope your semester is going well. I'm okay. Very contemplative about life right now. A little down, but know it's all part of the cycle and I will feel better soon.

I broke up with FLD and it was not as hard as I thought it would be. It's not him I miss. It's having someone around to talk to and love that I miss. But the way things were with him and his situation, I'd rather deal with the loneliness for now. Besides I'm too busy trying to decide whether I want to stick to women's studies/anthropology or delve into the art field. My heart says art. Maybe museum curator or something.

This year is starting to look worse than! My car broke down and I'm broke! Bills pile up and on and's never ending. But I just keep putting out one fire then moving onto the next. I hope it ends soon. I know much of it is my negligence. And it's keeping me from the real stuff I'm supposed to do in life. So yep, there are lessons there. I'm learning, Rose!

"Choose a positive thought. The conscious brain can only hold one thought at a time." -from a yoga poster

Love and light-
Kat(klp 4/8/62)


T said...

you hit upon a theme I seen since th start of this year. These negliented seem to come to a head. People at work at car s break down,a stroke(the guy never saw a doctor in years),my front tooth chipped unexpectedly.
You will find the right guy for you. Focus on you.

Rose said...

Aloha Kat,

You know that you must follow your heart. You do that and all success will come.
It sounds like you have good clarity regarding FLD. I recommend you take Soc 251, Marriage and Family. It's a great class, I wish I had taken it 30 years ago, it would have saved me a lot of trouble.
Mercury is in retrograde, lots of car trouble all around.
Choose positive thought.

Kathi said...

Thanks, T & Rose. Ha, that darn mercury in retrograde. I need to keep an eye on when that occurs.

Choosing positive thought!
