Monday, December 15, 2008

Love Matter - reposting

as you asked me, Rose, I'll repost my question :)
I have a love matter because I have a boyfriend...but there's another man that I started to like...I really don't know what to do! who do you think is the most suitable for me? I don't even know if the other one would really like to stay witi me...such a problem!
our initials and dates are:
MM 06/11/1988 (that's me), AA 05/07/1971 (that's the boyfriend), LA 14/04/1977 (that's the other man...L is the initial of the name and A of the surname).

thankyou for your help Rose


Rose said...

Aloha Martina,
Perfectly done! Thank you. Now, let me see...

My dear you certainly have a problem here.Both good men and both very attracted to you.
I'm going with LA, it feels more enduring with more emotion and passion. You will need to stay on your toes with this one, meaning he needs a lot of attention.
Good luck with this! It would be lovely if you could have both :)

Keep me posted on outcomes. Love ~R

martinabubymonti said...

Thankyou Rose!! I'll surely let you know the outcomes!!!

ahahah you're right when you say ''it would be lovely if you could have both'' :):)


Rose said...

Hi Martina

Sometimes I think I would like three "husbands". One a great cook and decorator, One a type-A money making machine, and the Third an artist/poet/philosopher.
Three husbands at once...sigh..
I need to lie down.
