Saturday, December 13, 2008

Group Meditation - December 14th

Aloha Boardies

Tomorrow, Sunday 12/14 is our group meditation Hawaii time 5pm.

I would like us to meditate on self-love and being loving.
We are a like a calm lake. The love is a pebble thrown into it.
The ripples are love touching others.

Please feel free to meditate on whatever it is you think you need. It is the energy of the group that will lift us individually and as a whole.

See you in that holy place. I love you.



Kathi said...

I will be working...again. But maybe I can do standing, retail-meditation. I will think of sending ripples of Love throughout the store. Maybe our energy will calm the shoppers. You will all be in my thoughts...5pm...

Rose said...

Hi Kathi

I'll "see" you in the store and be with you at 5pm.


T said...

the joy of retail.working on week-ends
do what you can
Rose see you in holy place
love you all, t