Saturday, December 20, 2008


"The more faithfully you listen to the voice within you, the better you will hear what is sounding outside."
~Dag Hammarskj

Affirmation: I relax and listen to the Voice for God.

Dear God, There is much noise in life, many voices vie for my attention; My ego with its litany of problems and fears; self-proclaimed leaders who each have a plan; advertisers who claim that purchasing __ will bring happiness; advice from well-meaning friends and colleagues; advice that I freely dispense to others which only distracts me; the wind and snow which are now dancing outside my window. Sometimes I feel like I am straining to hear a baby during a rock concert. And then I am reminded to let go, relax and listen with my heart. Between thoughts and between heartbeats You are speaking softly. Help me to stay tuned on Your frequency today. Thank You God. Amen

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