Friday, December 12, 2008

Beautiful Essence

"There is a place in each of us that is so beautiful, angels smile in its presence. That presence is who you really are. When you can stand spiritually naked, look at yourself and like what you see, you have achieved a great feat."

~Ron Rathbun quote is taken from: The Way Is Within

Affirmation: I am spirit expressing itself.

God, I have always sensed that there was so much more to me than looks back from the mirror. Just under the surface something incredible is happening; I feel it. I have always felt it. Now, I dare to dream while fully awake. In this moment, I sense the wonder and embrace the mystery of me. Thank You God for the ongoing process of creation. Thank You for Your indwelling presence which is the very life of me. Amen


T said...

very cool

Rose said...

Hi T

I know! This was awesome. I typed up the quote which is now hanging by my mirror.


T said...

I thought about putting it at my office computer