Monday, November 03, 2008

Up and Down

Aloha Rose,

(dlc 4-22-66) I have really hit hard times financially. My ex, lc 9-16-61, is not paying support as ordered and due to that, I have been sgtruggling actually all year trying to play catch up. My attorney is withdrawing from my case due to lack of funds. What results await for me with my divorce and without representation? What's in store for my children and I? I just don't know what to do or where to go. Prayer changes things, I do know that.

Mahalo and Namaste,

1 comment:

Rose said...

My dearest D

Rent, electricity, food. These are primary.

car payment, cable bill secondary.

all other bills have to wait for the tide to come in...

Surrender your situation. God has always provided what I need, usually at the last minute, but it's always there.

Let God do the rest, get out of His way. When at the end of the road stop and look up. The Light you see is Hope. Never give up hope, surrender the fear/worry.

You and the children will be alright...hang tough and pray fervently. God's got it...just relax.

namsate and love