Thursday, November 06, 2008

Group Meditation

Aloha my Cherished Boardies

Mobet has suggested that we meditate the 3rd Saturday of every month for consistency and so every just knows when it's going to occur.

I really like this idea, it has great potential.

What do you think my lovelies? feedback please...



T said...

sounds good to me

legal Empress said...

hello Rose, I am new to your site. I live in Mississippi and found what you did in the episode on the Bio Channel wonderful. I am trying to embark on my psychic side, however I am having problems with trying to meditate. I can't seem to quite my mind. Can you provide me any guidance? Do you see me achieving this?

Rose said...

Aloha legal Empress, welcome to my site. No one finds their way here by accident.

Thank you for watching and enjoying the show. Where do you live?

If you email me at: I will send you and invitation to join so you can post on your own. Then you can re-post this question under a new header.
For now, pray deeply. When you pray deeply your mind will be more still.


Rose said...


What shall our intention be?


T said...

Peace or since holidays coming up prosperity