Sunday, November 02, 2008

Group Meditation Results

Your Magnetic Power Within - “How do you magnetically draw your good to you? By opening yourself up to it and generating an energy that pulls it into expression. Focused prayer, especially in connection with others, can bring forth a power-for-good that moves mountains!” ~Greg Barrette

My Boardies

The feedback has been wonderful, everyone who participated had a really good experience.

God is blessing your right NOW! Let's do this again...just let me know when.



Kathi said...


I had to work and could not manage a break. I hope I'm able to join everyone next time.

love and light-k

T said...

sorry to hear that,Kathy.
Any time is fine with me it was great

NoDogBites said...

Oh no! I missed it! I hope to join in on the next one!


Mobet said...

My suggestion is that we do this monthly, for example the 3rd Saturday at 10pm... I just like the consistency of it and it's more memorable! Prayer does change things!

Just a suggestion.
