Sunday, November 09, 2008

Group Meditation -November 16th

Good Morning my Loves

I got school work up to here! The next group meditation will be November 16th.

The time in Hawaii doesn't change so it will be 5pm Hawaii time, 7pm Pacific, and 10pm Eastern.

Is this okay with everyone? Let me know.

What shall our intention be this time?

I love you a LOT----Blessings all around us!



Irie Lady11 said...
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Irie Lady11 said...

Hello Rose.
I would like to ask for your e mail address.

Within the past 5 years I am becoming more and more "awakened".
Funny thing is so much of what I have learned was taught by me in Catholic school that it was "evil"
I have since learned that you cannot put Father God in a box!
The Holy Trinity is AMAZING and I have learned to accept the impossible in the name of Father.

I just caught a re run of the "River Rat" story last night and was compelled to look you up.
You are able to do what my Spiritual Adviser can do and step out and travel.
I continue to pray for remembrance every night so I can remember where I have traveled to and what I have done.
Of course my human mind puts it in things I can comprehend although I know I was doing something much more different.

I do have questions for you.
May I write you?
My e mail is

Thank you so very much.

Irie Lady11 said...

I noticed people are putting their DOB here.
Mine is CLP 04/23/1963.

Does that help you?

Rose said...

Aloha Cathy

I just sent you an email invitation to this blog. We have lots of Taurus ladies here :)No one finds this blog by mistake.

You can post your questions on the blog and I will answer them. Post your initials and date of birth with your questions. Sometimes it takes a couple of days, I have 2 jobs and am a college student.

God is awesome and totally loves us.


Irie Lady11 said...

Aloha Rose..
Thank you so much for the invitation to join your blog.
You are so right in the fact that it's not a mistake that I found you!

Can I ask you a question?
Have you heard of Draco?

Have a wonderful evening, my new friend!

ps. I'm in So Cali...Riverside Co.
CLP 04/23/63

T said...

Great Luck in school!
TEsts and writting papers are tough
you are stronger.
Take some time to relax and replenish your well
Take the time for yourself
Ilove you
Take care,T

bahamasgal said...

Time is good 4 me