Saturday, October 25, 2008

This made me say..."What??"

LOL Boardies...enjoy this quote from my Buddhism teacher...

"Reality is the non-discriminated ground of all possible discriminations."

It took a while but I finally got it. Care to attempt to define?

loving you a LOT


kaye said...

I won't even behind to hazard a guess! (LOL) However, since we're discussing reality, I'd like to share this quote from one of my favorite cable TV show:

"I reject your reality, and substitute my own."

Now, the person who made this statement didn't mean it in any kind of metaphysical sense -- but it speaks to me that way.

Just because someone/something says things have to be a certain way doesn't mean that I have to accept that limiting condition.

I am free to create my own reality, and that is what I choose to do.

(Hope this isn't TOO far off-topic ... ;))

P&L --


Kathi said...

thought of this one while falling asleep, hoping something would come to me as i awoke.

the only thing i can think of and this is only an attempt, because i kind of lose my way on the way *there*.

true reality, which is not life as we know it, is...

life is not itself is full of discrimination, i.e., differences, intolerence, seperation...

okay, now i'm lost again. i don't think i'm even close...hahaha!

will attempt later. looking forward to other replies.

btw-kaye, that's a great one! i want a bumper sticker with that quote.

kaye said...

>>i want a bumper sticker with that quote<<

Here ya go! (LOL)