Friday, October 17, 2008

the Self

Aloha my Boardies ...

Some may say that Self is who they are, as in their name, their status and their life roles. Some identify Self as their body and their relationship to the world around them. I challenge these ideas as I challenge the concept that the world is solid. Quantum physicists have scientifically proven that materiality is energy and molecules moving at different speeds, co-created by our intention and mutual consent. I say, still your mind, vanquish your ego and then show me what you are calling your Self.

That which is untouched by ego and the senses is what I name Self. That part of my being, which is pure, flawless and beyond language, that I call Self.

My Self is not matter and has neither substance nor form, it is a state of beingness, constantly changing yet unmovable. Self is indescribable yet contains all description. It is That which is empty and contains everything.

Beyond senses, neither taking in nor giving out, is what is called the Self. Self is alone and in everything, is eternal but doesn’t exist. Invisible and non-worldly Self inhabits every illusion of the material world.

The Self has no beginning and no end; in complete silence it contains all sound. Self is motionless yet animates all that moves. Neither the movie nor the screen, Self is that which moves the images projected.

Self is a state of pure awareness, which is possibly wrapped in form, and then carried through lives from womb to tomb. The Self remains while forms discorporate, is non-material Reality and is identified as separate from the body.

Self is a quantum field with a name, a conglomerate of energy and light, which is endless, existing and ceasing to exist simultaneously. The Self cannot be compartmentalized; it is too great to fit into any descriptive box.

I’ve heard that seeing one’s Self, becoming Self-Realized, is so perfectly simple it’s beyond words. To know the illumined state of samadhi one must experience it; just internally turn around and look. I beg to recognize my Self while still embodied; now that would be a movie I’d see more than once.

Love, Rose


Kathi said...

Hi Rose,
I've been pondering this one since you posted. Still thinking about it!

So Self then is the state of Being and Not Being? The world is good at distracting us from our Self. I'm trying to picture it in my Self.

A simple process? Yet so extremely difficult to get there! :)

I've been enjoying these posts and will try my best to get a break for the meditation on the 1st.

Love you and the boardies-

Rose said...

How wonderful you are pondering these posts! Thank you for your enegetic contribution and participation lovey.
