Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Aloha Rose,

I pray that you had a wonderful and relaxing weekend. I just wanted to know if LY 8-24-66 is the one for me. My children absolutely adore him as do I but we've been friends for so long that I'm not certain how I feel on a relationship level. I know you said my future mate would take me by surprise. If not him, how soon do you see me meeting him.

Mobet (dlc 4-22-66)

1 comment:

Rose said...

Aloha Mobet darling,

There's nothing better than loving your friends. That loving is the relationship, there's nothing to re-create here, just be with it and let "God" do the rest.
Are you trying to reinvent the wheel or what lol?
Do what's right in front of you because really that's all there is.
When we wait and wait for the cake we may miss the jelly doughnuts.
