Sunday, October 19, 2008

Life, love, and the pursuit of Self...

Aloha Rose,
Wow, it has been an extremely interesting two months for me and I've felt like I've been away from here on a long journey. Finally ready to settle back into some of my own enjoyable and necessary pursuits.

School is ready and waiting for me. All I need to do is to take the placement tests and register. I'll be at LCC. I'm thinking for the first semester that I will retake the Women's Studies class to get myself back into the swing of things. I'm going to contact the professor to make sure that would be okay with her. I'm ready to study and work hard. Do you feel that I should continue with the Women's Studies and anthropology? I've also been thinking of Fine Arts.

And as I've already mentioned, I've met a man(FLD 10/21/68)! It's been six long years after the Pete thing and I never thought it would happen. But he is here and extremely open and kind and intelligent. We're both open to each other. The love is there along with the willingness to be kind to each other's insecurities. I feel as if I've met my cosmic twin!

Of course, we both realize that we are human with weaknesses and know that we never know what will happen in the future. But we are trying to stay in the moment when with each other and know that we both have scars and baggage that show every now and then. It's nice that we are able to communicate what we need to each other without fear. I'm amazed that a romantic relationship can be this way! :)

I hope you are doing well and survived mid-terms! And that you had a nice weekend away...

Much love and light-
Kat (4/8/62)


T said...

my BA is in Anthropology and minor is in Art. I was 9 credits short of minor in women's studies. yes I graduated with many credits over. I took as many classes as I enjoyed. If your heart is feeling fine arts go for it. I am so glad you going back to school. I am glad you in a relationship, you enjoy.

Kathi said...

Thank you, T! Your comments always lift me. You are a blessing to me. Love you lots~k

T said...

your welcome
you are sweet wonderful lady
you are blessing to me as well
love you too,T

Rose said...

Aloha Kat

I too am thinking of Woemn's tudies at LCC in the Spring, maybe we'll be in the same class. Yes, Women's Studies and Anthropology for you baby girl.
It's amazing that it's six years since Pete, wow, time sure is moving along. I am happy that you have a wonderful companion. Be in the present with each other, stay in the now, let it build.

Love and Light

Kathi said...

Thank you, Rose! It would totally rock if we were in the same women's studies class!