Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Group Meditation and Affirmation

Hiya Cutesies

The Group Meditation is being held on Saturday November 1st at 5PM Hawaii time. That makes it 8PM Pacific and 10PM Eastern.

This is a 10 minute meditation so if you have to work please take your break at that time. We can all afford to devote 10 minutes to lift each other up.

Now, let's come up with something to silently affirm. May I suggest thinking "I bless myself with loving kindness." Since we are all each other this blesses all of us.

Help me out here Goddesses. loving you a LOT, ~R


kaye said...

Count me in!!!

T said...

me tooooooooooo

bahamasgal said...


Rose said...

Great! Spread the word all are invited!


Kathi said...

working but will try to schedule my break at that time! :)

NoDogBites said...

I will try to make this!