Saturday, October 24, 2009

furlough fridays

HI Rose,
This Friday was the first furlough Friday. The senate is calling for special session for the teachers. do you see them discussing HGEA contract( that is the union Tasha and I are members of) the union agreed to furlough days,not me.. Teh teacher's union also voted for furloughs. I am hoping and praying senate changes it.This weak-end so far has been informative. Friday, I could not find my newspaper I mediated and some one brought my paper and told me about the delivery person. I have been praying,and meditating about the contract even though the voting did not go the way I wanted. I am hoping for miracle. I had phone interview for p/t job on Friday.
Still waiting on word about Hilo


Rose said...

Hi Trevina,

God's Hand is in everything. In self-will there is struggle. In God's will there is no struggle, this goes for the apparently good and the apprently bad outcomes.
Furloughs are better than layoffs, be grateful that you have a job, and maybe even a 2nd!
The senate will discuss the contract.

Peace and Love,

T said...

1.100 people got lay off notices on November 20,will be their last day. The governor is threatening second round of layoffs,that may affect me. We did furloughs.
I pray daily for soltuion. If I get laid off, I know I will be okay. Even with the less,pay,I be ok. I just feel there is something not right . I have not been able to shake the feeling that there is some funny business going on.

Rose said...

Aloha Lecia,

If she would have just raised everybody's taxes that would have been fair.

Your intuition is correct.What kind of funny business do you sense?

Yes, you and Tasha will both be alright. Everything we need comes from God...not the world, but through the world.

T said...

I feel that the governor has using the money for things she was never supposed to have. She has not turned over the books to the arbitrators. Too many backdoor deals were done.