Thursday, April 09, 2009

Long Time, No Hear

Aloha Rose (,

I know it's been quite some time since I have visited the board. I have been going through alot but mostly because during Lent, I fast and pray for 40 days and 40 nights every year since 2004. Wow, each year I have such enlightenment. My ex, lc 9-16-61, filed for custody of our sons but God ended that and had the case dismissed. Will he come at me again about this issue? Why is he and his fiancee, kan 9/25/65, so hell bent on TRYING to make me upset? To say that I am constantly being harassed is an understatement. Will they both let this go soon? Lastly, is he working?

I am blessed with wonderful children but I can tell they're so confused and torn. I explained to them that although their father is fighting for custody of just our sons, I would be fighting for all of them. I explained that we both love them no matter what!

Always the Loving Mom,
Mobet (dlh 4-22-66)

P.S. I'm glad to hear that you had a wonderful trip and vacation. It's wonderful to get away!


Mobet said...

Hi Birthday, Buddy!

I want you to know that, which I am sure you do, I AM TRULY A BLESSED WOMAN! Since my posting, God has dismissed yet another attempt by my ex to deceive the court yet again.

Please provide me with a response soon. Will LC 9-16-61 petition for custody of our children again and will he come back for child support modification again as well?

Thank you and be blessed!

Mahalo and Namaste,
dlc 4-22-66

Mobet said...

Aloha Rose, it's been a month and still no response to this one. Answer? Mobet