Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Any significance to repeating numbers/number sequences?

Aloha, Rose~~~

Long time, no post .....

For the past few months, I've been seeing repeating numbers and number sequences -- often several times a day.

For example, one night I closed my book, turned off my bedside lamp and saw that the time on the alarm clock was 12:12. I woke up somewhat later (I don't sleep well these days), noting that the time was then 3:33.

An e-mail arrived in my inbox yesterday morning -- it was time-stamped as having been sent at 12:34.

This happens pretty much every day -- I'll look up and see that the clock reads 11:11 or 5:55 or 1:23 or 4:56. It's a frequent enough occurrence that when I woke up early this morning, I actually said "Ha -- beat ya!" because it was only 4:43. <*grin*>

A friend suggested it might be something like this: http://1111spiritguardians.com/whatis1111.htm. But, seriously, I have trouble believing that [if they actually exist] angels are trying to communicate with ME.

So, just wondering if you have any insights, comments, suggestions, etc. about what I'm experiencing ... ???

Peace & Love ~~~


1 comment:

Rose said...

Aloha Kaye

Great to hear from you again!

I checked out the link you posted and found it very interesting. Whether or not I believe it is another story. I know the "coincidence" of seeing repeated number sequences increases as we notice them. That may have something to do with subconscious intention.
I do believe that most all have intuitive abilites and that most of us have telepathic ability. I do believe that our deceased loved ones don't leave us and do contact us. Unfortunately we are asleep most of the time and are not conscious of these messages or contacts. I have no experieince with "midwayers", none of my teachers have taught about them, so I have no practical experience or knowledge of this.
It's amusing and cool that this is happening and I laughed when you beat the clock by a minute.

So good to hear from you, I've missed you.
Much aloha,