Saturday, January 30, 2010


Synchronicity is a word coined by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung to describe the "temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events." Jung spoke of synchronicity as an "acausal connecting principle" (i.e. a pattern of connection that cannot be explained by direct causality). Plainly put, it is the experience of having two (or more) things happen coincidentally in a manner that is meaningful to the person or persons experiencing them, where that meaning suggests an underlying pattern. It differs from coincidence in that synchronicity implies not just a happenstance, but an underlying pattern or dynamic that is being expressed through meaningful relationships or events. It was a principle that Jung felt compassed his concepts of archetypes and the collective unconscious, in that it was descriptive of a governing dynamic that underlay the whole of human experience and history—social, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. Jung believed that many experiences perceived as coincidence were due not merely to chance, but instead, suggested the manifestation of parallel events or circumstances reflecting this governing dynamic1.

It does take reflecting. I slowly seeing how much of synchronicity in my life. I meet Rose I went shopping at Kahala Mall,she was doing readings,she has helped me and my family so much over the years. She changed my life. I found my current apartment while looking for a place for my sister,never thinking I would need a place,I missed this place twice trying to find it,lost the ad twice and lived here longer than she did,she now lives at a place with same building number as me,


Kathi said...

interesting topic, t! i'm definitely rethinking some of the "coincidences" in my life now...

Kathi said...

i was reading some posts on my empath group and they spoke of synchronicity! :)

T said...

wow really Kathi very cool
what did they say?
I too rethinking coincidences.